Heat Meters Criteria

Accounting for heat. Practice shows that consumers consider the installation of heat metering means by which save energy, but this is incorrect. So what requires metering? When organizing for heat pursued a series of goals and solve some practical problems, the most important and obvious of which are 1: 1. ensuring accurate and fair order of settlements between the consumers of heat and electric power supply organization for by accurately measuring the heat consumption of real parameters (for the main consumers of energy stimulant implementation of accounting is just the item that allows financial transactions to supplier only really used the resources of their actual quality) 2. provision of the equipment of heating systems and heat consumption and early detection and removal of its troubleshooting by providing the consumer and the supplier of thermal energy operational and statistical information about modes of these systems, 3. stimulate the consumer and energy supplier for the energy conservation measures and introduction of technologies of energy saving. In other words we can say that the inclusion leads to proper operation of heating equipment and the use of heat and coolant, as the supplier and the consumer, encouraging as that and the other for the energy saving measures and the introduction of energy efficient equipment and technologies.

Heat-meters (the heat). The major heat energy metering devices are heat meters. Heat meter – a set of instruments that take into account the consumed thermal energy and heat transfer in systems of water and steam heating, as well as their parameters.