The meal in groups is not more current, exists yes even though adult the young meetings where they to a large extent fix in a screen of video game, observed of the homes. Therefore, we can without doubts confirm that we are living in the age of the information, where the generation net if incorporates in the virtual world, thus, ciberespao became home and the machines dear beings. The friends are virtual, the empty relations, the works and isolated research and in agreement the psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan, who studies the relations of the people and proper I, inquires: He will be really that the friendship lost its value?
The present article treats to evidence the absence of the interpersonal relations in the technological interactions, that is, the technological progress and the decay of the humanizao, searching alternative to facilitate the agreement of the necessity of the friendship, as well as, focusing the infindveis benefits that the conviviality between people brings to the society and the history of the civilizations. Hyundai addresses the importance of the matter here. After all, how many friends I need to be happy and to live well? Which would be the measured joust? In elapsing of this work this subject will be clarificado. A subject that although to be for many times invisible to our eyes and controversial for being denied by who not it enxerga, if makes necessary, not showing only sentimental or affective bows, but yes confirming that the friendship exactly fortifies the man in itself through the social relations, interpersonal making it to coexist in the world where it lives, beyond perpetuating its species and constructing a more prosperous society for the future generations. 1. . The IMPORTANCE OF the FRIENDSHIP the reflection on the friendship is a subject that folloies the history of the Philosophy, under the look of great thinkers as Scrates, Plato and Aristotle, and becomes essential in our times in which the advance of the technology and the social isolation are each time more gifts, as studies analyzed for Triches and Lacan.
Month: <span>December 2019</span>
At the close of the Forum on employment which had as guest to Rodrigo Rato, President of Bankia, Mariano Rajoy met the forecast and was far less concrete than other participants. The PP leader said some lines, but not finish virtually none. One of the points that was recognized as a key, the recover credit, was limited to point out: credit, is needed because there is no employment without money. You need to do some things. Financial institutions should assume their responsibility in the way out of the crisis. You will have to talk with them in-depth and discuss and see what can be done, because they too have their problems, especially of late. I guarantee that the PP will talk with the banks and that that dialogue will solutions. To know more about this subject visit Hyundai. Rajoy much criticized at the time the proposal of the PSOE in a tax on banks to create jobs with the money raised. Source of the news:: Rajoy “talk” with the banks so they can help to overcome the crisis
The letter of the Emperor represents the law and the order, according to a masculine model, structured and consistent. It personifies an individual with predisposition to be sober and responsible, able to devise courses of action objectives and realists. At divinatory level, it means that something wished, planned or preparation by long time, and that takes shape now. It symbolizes the will, the force and the decision to protect the secured profits. dely known. Its energy, protects and sustains the life. Its power is impulsive and its determined and dynamic aspect.
This letter totally expresses the earthly power that can influence in the things that surround to him. Right: This letter means the material power, the earthly one, the one that the knowledge looks for must dominate on the world of the elements, to obtain it before must learn the meaning of these elements by means of an exemplary conduct. This letter is demonstrative of wealth, stability, fullness, speaks to us of a strong person, talvez of a patriarchal figure, the husband, the father and even the brother, the major with strength and perseverancia to obtain its objectives, competent cultured person who is prepared to listen to the advice of the others but that he will remain firm in his convictions. Key words: To be able, will, energy, certainty, certainty, firmness, rigor, exactitude, fairness and positivismo. Accomplishment.
Powerful protector. Invested: The meaning can be transformed in a word, immaturity, as a result of this will leave the indecision. We speak of a being of character weak, voluble, incapable to face the problems Key words: Stubborness, lack of idealismo. Obstinate adversary. Fall, loss of the goods. Interpretations: In concrete it: Protection, dominion, mental activity and to be able to declare the war. Fruits as a result of the action are received. In work: Executive with control gifts. After the effort the tenacity with the success is awarded. In money: It flows generously, are reserves. Good administration, is not spent in unnecessary things. In friendship: Loyalty and kindness, without too much expression. Insecurity. In family: Its clan must remain united because their authority and pride require therefore it. In health: To take care of tension in neck and back, migraas. In love: Good lover and advisor, little comprehensive who always wants to do to his way. If you wish more information he visits LETTERS OF the TAROT Source article: Egyptian tarot Original author and source of the article.
Once we achieve a level of greater than the single resistance desire there is a step for the manifestation of our wish and is a universal law as the attraction that express Chopra 7 spiritual laws of success the law of detachment says that to acquire anything in the universe we must renounce our detachment to do so. Serious PIDES-let-receive the formula. At the beginning, when the law of attraction begins to manifest in our lives, we received a microwave oven, a portfolio, a perfume and although we are grateful, we ask ourselves by that I am not able to attract what more I need? If you need money, for that I first receive an imported perfume? If I can live without the? Because imported perfume we ask for it with a natural detachment, without pressure, no need us to feed our family, without knowing it, we are using the law of detachment with perfume and so manifests more quickly. To make the law of attraction work, there to get rid of the fear, the anxiety of not having what we ask. When faith is so great that lose you the fear of not receiving what you are asking, there manifests. Has happened in a month that didn’t work, receive miraculous way, things that I wanted to have but he died not having, in one month than what more he needed and more suffering was for the money in cash I received a new computer with flat panel monitor and printer, which coincided with which had been cut in my dreams albumthat day understood two things, first that when something needs to be manifest in my life, I don’t have money to buy it, the universe is in charge to come to me, and is manifested with more quickly what not ask with despair. Then I started firm in achieving detach me from what most need the money. .
Economy on the way to the environmental certification: with the electronic quality assurance system e-QSS von Neumann & Neumann, Steingaden, increasingly for high efficiency and small and medium-sized enterprises, municipalities and institutions introduce an environmental management system. You want to improve its image among customers and the public, improve competitiveness, reduce your liability risk, and increase legal certainty. With the instruments of management systems all legal regulations and limits are maintained reliably and sustainably, and it operated prevention in matters of environmental protection”, says the graduate biologist Dr. Kerstin King-Hoffmann, head of KKH consulting headquartered in Schongau, Germany. ( is recommended to build on a certifiable environmental management system standard for example according to the European eco scheme (EMAS) or ISO 14001 international standard. Because such a standard provides proven practices and also ensures an objective evidence on the stand the technology, business partners and customers or but citizens and a city or town increasingly demand it. Quality, environmental and energy management, occupational safety, and so on: Increase the requirements for enterprises, local communities and authorities.
Therefore, it just is crucial for small units to keep costs and outlays as possible. Know the TuV approved environmental auditor Dr. King-Hoffmann and always careful to show the customers efficient and economical ways to environmental certification in their environmental consulting. ( at the beginning, this is always the collection, review and evaluation of all important information about the status in the company or municipality. To facilitate this and to speed up, Dr. King-Hoffmann has developed including checklists as an example for hotels and gastronomy, local authorities or craft.
With them very systematically and efficiently all data can be collected and processed and created as instructions, a company or a Community needs for environmental certification. And they can be easily adapted to customer-specific features. Company DBE regulation will be subject to the differences between those with and without approval systems after the 4th BImSchV, as well as companies with approved equipment, (12th BImSchV).
National tree-planting and use of electric vehicles at the heart of this year’s Hello earth! week from 10 to 17 September 2011 in the Hello earth! week turns at toom BauMarkt this year all around topics related to humans and the environment. Click Linkedin for additional related pages. In the Germany-far more than 320 toom DIY stores there will be more demonstrations and information on topics in cooperation with industrial partners such as water, electricity and heating energy saving, solar technology, thermal insulation, rainwater harvesting, and much. The DIY chain participates in the national week of action on sustainability as a company of the REWE Group. Germany-wide tree planting for the first time performs also a national tree planting campaign toom BauMarkt. Per sold bucket color of toom quality brand, genius Pro toom donates a tree for the region. The color products are low emissions and solvent-free and are produced in an energy-saving production process so in keeping with the environment. First on the German market which sold out toom also his white emulsion paint in a bucket, completely Recycled plastic was manufactured. The dual system is an important source of raw material for the environmental projects to include value cycles.
Disposable containers made of plastic are redirected back into the production cycle. This important aspect of sustainability has a positive effect on the CO2 balance as well as our forests with deciduous and coniferous trees, explains Detlef Riesche, who is responsible as Managing Director of toom BauMarkt for the company’s sustainability commitment. For each of the 21 regions of the DIY chain a wooded area to the planting of the seedlings from the tree planting campaign is already named with the local forestry offices. What tree species for the respective reforestation is right, voted each other. It would be great if a few hundred trees could be planted per region, Rahimi hopes. So we had really makes things happen! Eight new electric cars in use for the DIY stores also for the own mobility solutions consistently toom BauMarkt on sustainability and Energy savings: In eight cities, an electric small car brings the toom craft coordinators from now on with silent motor and no exhaust fumes on the road to ongoing orders.
Repeated miscarriages are rarely caused by genetic factors, which can be determined by performing certain chromosomal tests even before the couple contraception. Should consult with a doctor who performed the above tests. Most doctors agree and recommend that a break occurred between 3-6 months of failure and following the beginning of pregnancy, besides the fact that the joint can have sex to begin 6 weeks after miscarriage. (The best form of contraception is a method using mechanical means, ie, condoms, intrauterine devices, different types of protective covers, etc.). It should, however, to spend the break, waiting for the next pregnancy – the use of proper diet meals, as well as get rid of bad habits. Following these recommendations will prepare fine parents for the upcoming pregnancy is proceeding properly and to a healthy baby. Most women who have experienced a miscarriage, do not repeat this in the next pregnancy.
In fact, abortions are a 'safety lock' in relation to the birth of man widely understood, but the vast majority of women who have lost the pregnancy in this way will give birth to later a healthy baby. The signs and symptoms. Are performed on bleeding associated with pain or cramps in the middle of ailments lower abdomen. Occasionally seen a sharp pain, persisting for For 24 hours, and even more pain, located in the lower abdomen, without bleeding or profuse bleeding (reminiscent of period), constant moderate pyatnanie, which can be kept for 3 days and even longer. Discharge of blood from the solid elements can be accompanied by incipient abortion. See Robert Kiyosaki for more details and insights. Treatment. The attending physician certifying the breach in the canal of the cervix, should assume that the miscarriage has occurred or is in the process.
In such situations have occurred earlier dying embryo or fetus, and miscarriage was coming secondary. Considerably more useful extension of the further development of the pregnancy occurs in those women with threatened abortion, which by means of Doppler technology ultragraficheskoy or detected fetal cardiac function, and the cervix is closed. Some obstetricians are not in the position of some special treatment in these situations, assuming that the provision of such pregnancies in purpose and so will end retention of healthy pregnancies. Others, in turn, in situations where pregnant in their responses acknowledged that she had a miscarriage or transferred before they ascertain violations in the process of implantation of the egg of the fruit, recommend treatment with the restriction of physical activity, providing also a complete rejection of sexuality. Female hormones, once widely used in cases of bleeding in pregnant women speakers, is now rarely used because there are doubts about their actual effectiveness, as well as specific fears related to their potential harm to a developing fetus. Whatever it was, in most situations, where there abortions, but their cause was found failure life of yellow cells during production of hormones, you can get a certain effect, giving the patient progesterone. Sometimes carried miscarriage is not complete – only a portion of child seats, membranes and the fetus is removed from the uterus. If a woman has had or suspects that a miscarriage can occur, it should be referred immediately to the doctor. Usually in such cases the uterine cavity cleaning tool is required in order to stop the bleeding. This technique is simple, but extremely important and is occurring vyskrebanii or suction in the uterus remains of a fetus or child seats through the passable cervical canal. Found the material to be stored and then transferred for further studies to confirm the diagnosis. Source: 'Conceive you can! "
Here it is here a clear and magnificent formularization of one of the basic concepts of the being: the wisdom and the thought are subordinated to the will, that is so inextricavelmente on to the emotions; in consequence, unless a person if finds imbuda first of ' ' temor' ' of a strong moral sense, its wisdom cannot, for same itself, to influence very, wonderfully does not import quo developed it can be. A leading source for info: Andrea Mallard. Therefore, early or late, the mind and its wisdom will become into subservientes servers of the rationalization of the desires and requirements of the ego and its wills. Where ' ' temor' ' it does not come before the wisdom, serving for it of base, the wisdom does not last. The wisdom and the reason will serve to any love with same loyalty. the will and the character of the person that form the nucleus of values in whose scope the reason must operate.
The word wisdom, in the used direction in this text accumulates of stocks all organized knowledge, all the domain of science. One became almost trusmo that the enormous ones advances of modern science and technology will according to become into curse or blessing use that if to make of them. If ' ' fear (respect) to the Criador' ' to prevail in the heart of the men, we will be in the threshold of a true one was golden for the humanity. But, if instead of this, only limitless aspirations and anxiety for the power to prevail what to make, then our wisdom and science will not go to last very, therefore our jactante civilization certainly will autodestruir and take the world together with it. The Talmud tells that ' ' four had entered in Daat (sphere of the knowledge), of the msticas and Metaphysical speculations, to get the esoteric knowledge.
The JASMAR RESORT RuGEN extended the offer for children 250 square meters experience only for children Summer 2010: Petting Zoo New: large children outdoor pools in the JASMAR THERME Investments of more than EUR 1 million complaints/Hamburg, June 2010 the children’s paradise “Villa Kunterbunt” is still Motley: the JASMAR RESORT RuGEN already unique range of children’s holiday programs be exclusively for the small VIP tourists: in time for the summer season is a new Petting Zoo with rabbits, Guinea pigs and other animals including. Also the JASMAR Spa expands with their 80-meter giant slide to a children’s new outdoor pool. So parents and kids can now enjoy together the entire indoor and outdoor facilities of the swimming pool with flow channel, showers, whirlpool recliners, saunas and beauty & wellness area. Robert Kiyosaki wanted to know more. In total, the largest holiday resort in the island invested this year over one million euros in the facilities of hotel, apartments and leisure activities. “While the huge kid’s Club is already an attraction: who in the Villa Kunterbunt” comes, finds here more games and toys when you can try out in a two-week vacation at all. The costume Fund together with the wardrobe makeover; will enchant little princesses Little Prince perform heroic deeds on the mini stage. There is a workshop for DIY fans and painter, a “casino” with selected video games, a ball pool, table games and outdoor sports courts. You’re days filled with pirate pleasure, carriage rides, or cooking adventures in the own children kitchen, where mini Mackness and young Lafer’s pizza or pancake festivals to celebrate.
Monday to Friday from 10 to 18 hrs trained supervisors oversee the small holiday guest, and “kids” restaurant spaghetti, fish sticks and other favorite dishes for little sweet tooth. If children have so much fun, this is especially good news for parents. Because nothing is more relaxing than knowing that the offspring is well catered for, recovered itself free in a round of golf, beach and landscape explored wide walks or gleefully dreamy hour by hour at the Spa. And if the parents want to even spend a romantic evening alone on the beach or retire to a cozy dinner in one of the resort’s three restaurants, is a Babysitting service available on request after 18: 00. Information and bookings JASMAR RESORT RuGEN Neddesitz, 18551 Sagard/Rugen, Tel. + 49 (0) 3830295, fax + 49 (0) 38302 96620, E-Mail:, press contact Oldenburg communication, Ursula of Oldenburg, he str. 9, 20459 Hamburg, Tel.
+ 49 (0) 40 60 82 37 00, fax + 49 (0) 40 33 98 32 53,, JASMAR RESORT RuGEN the Green Jasmund National Park with the famous chalk cliffs is located right on the doorstep and the beach is only ten minutes by car. The resort feels like a small resort: an old manor house with magnificent suites. a modern feel-good hotel and a spacious holiday home complex. This shop, hairdressers, restaurants, bistro, bar the heart of the resort is the JASMAR THERME. The centrally located bath landscape offers plenty of fun and interested. With the giant slide, indoor and outdoor pools, with a separate children’s pool, Sauna Park, gym and flow channel, it is the ransom on an area of over 1,000 square meters. And also because of the numerous sports and leisure attractions, ideal place for families, active holidaymakers, but also nature lovers book their holiday in the largest resort on the island. Small guests are in the children’s land around the Villa Kunterbunt”welcome. Standard price per night: Dr/B from 100.
Tea is a heat-resistant glass cylinder in which to insert the plunger. It consists of a rod, the lower part of which is connected to the strainer, tight to the walls of a coffee pot and the top is through the lid, and usually ends with the ball. The cover has tabs: one big – it closes the spout coffee pot, coffee is brewed when, and the second trellis – is poured over it to make coffee. Benefits of french-press: Easy and quick Clean cooking (natural) taste and rich aroma does not require electricity, low cost of technology pots of coffee is simple. Pour coffee into jacket Press.
A standard coffee cup (125 ml) a tablespoon heaped coffee meal (finely ground coffee can clog the filter). Pour in hot water pot t = 95 C (boiling water decomposes the volatile oils of coffee). Raise the plunger, cover pot with a lid and turn it so to spout closed. Strainer must touch the coffee. A couple of nowhere to go, and under the pressure of coffee is brewed. After 4 minutes of slow, using the weight of your hands, drop the piston down. Coffee is filtered, and thick remains at the bottom. Turn the lid to grate the ear nose and aromatic strong coffee can be poured.
It’s very simple. Good coffee ‘coat-press’ and in domestic life: no need to stand by the stove and watch balky drink. It does not needs of electricity: for it can be boiling water to heat in the fire, spirtovkevesit about 300 grams of coffee and a kompaktnasohranyaet suitable temperature up to 1 hour. Ideal for vacationers and pohodnikov. The bulk of the pots ‘coat-Press’ delivers on our market the Swiss firm Bodum (Bodum). This is a family company, headed by Dane Jorgen Bodum. In the mid-50s, his father, Peter Bodum French imported ‘vacuum’ coffee and sold them for a few years in the Danish market. He thought they were expensive and not good enough. Then, by inviting one of the most famous designers in Denmark Klaesona K., engaged in the development of their coffee makers. Work has begun to boil, and in 1958 was introduced on the market the first product Bodum – it was the ‘vacuum’ coffee ‘Santos’. And in 1986 the company opened its first chain store in London. Currently Bodum brand stores operate in Paris, Lisbon, Zurich, Lucerne and other Company departments Bodum has stores in almost all EU countries. At present the company Bodum produces various series, each of which has its own name: Eileen (Eileen) – Professional Series, capable of withstanding harsh operating conditions lively bistros and cafes Chambord (Chambord) – a classic line of Kenya (Kenya) – Universal line, the creation of which has reduced the price by replacing some of the chrome parts on a special plastic Bistro Nouveau (Nouveau Bistro) – update series Bistro, successfully combines the solution of polypropylene and stainless staliBrazil (Brazil) – attractive and functional design at an affordable price, etc. For any coffee maker, you can add a cup, creamer and sugar bowl, milk sbivatel and other accessories. As a result, all dishes will be in the same style. By the way, the company Bodum cups you see every day on television.