Month: <span>July 2017</span>

564 active solely as broker or multiple agents experts of for occupational retirement provision of various sizes were nationwide if asked. Positive prospects for the future: demand expected retirement over 68% of independent brokers for solutions to the bAV for the next 3 years, and this in spite of the current economic environment. Over 61% of independent brokers are even convinced that the financial crisis will have no negative impact on your bAV business. However, only about 10% of respondents see a decline of business in this segment and believe in a decreasing demand for years to come. Direct insurance routinely up within the implementation way: 72% expect here even better sales. The positive assessment for the implementation way of the Provident Fund is followed.

Here, at least 38% see better opportunities for the future. However, be falling for the Pension Fund and the pension funds with 55% of the vote over each sales expected in the next few years. Lead investigator Christopher Kahl from SMARTcompagnie says: product vendors who want to successfully cooperate in the future with independent brokers in this segment, must adjust to an increasing competitive pressure and your services, be it products, services, or the competent sales support, within the framework of a regular process check and adjust. In particular the quality of customer service as well as future product developments in the focus of the intermediary are in.” AssCompact AWARD 2009 occupational pensions: the Favorites of agents due to the special situation of independent brokers can choose, what companies they recommend in an individual case is especially valuable to their verdict on the performance of the product provider. And: who wants to convince an independent intermediary, which has all along the line do. In total 14 Performance criteria was asked about the importance for the intermediaries as well as the respective favourites. Still investigated companies preferably recommend respondents and which companies they recommend.


STYLIGHT is an official partner of, the exclusive shopping portal by CondeNet. combine their skills from two strong partners: on the new Web page, CondeNet bundles all the title of and,, shopping activities. The editorial article by by STYLIGHT AdStyles “intelligent STYLIGHT shopping solution link. The trends described and products can be found directly and bought by STYLIGHT. “Editorial shopping: E-Commerce meets inspiration editorial shopping” is the intelligent combination between inspiration and shopping: thematically appropriate fashion items are shown automatically to the editorial articles the reader.

The user, for example by or, to inform about the latest shopping trends and get the opportunity to compare and buy directly. Thanks to STYLIGHT, the tedious research in countless online shops is taken off the customers. The Visual similarity search by STYLIGHT In addition allows the customer to get more products, matching in colour and shape next to the selected objects. These can appear also in alternative price categories. Benjamin Gunther, Managing Director and co-founder of STYLIGHT: We believe in the great potential of the editorial shopping in the fashion sector.

With the STYLIGHT AdStyles, we now offer a solution that can be deployed quickly and easily. We are happy to have found a prestigious partner, who not only shares this assessment, but also actively promotes the development of us with CondeNet.” STYLIGHT AdStyles with the STYLIGHT AdStyles”brings the young company now an interface developed specifically for cooperation on the market. With an own API and widgets, STYLIGHT editorial topics, assign the appropriate search results for STYLIGHT reduces the overhead for the online editors to a minimum. It bypasses the availability problems so far partly STYLIGHT individual articles with the Visual similarity search. If a product is sold out, articles with similar color and cut are shown to the customer. About STYLIGHT STYLIGHT, the shopping platform for fashion on the Internet, makes it possible to search simultaneously for fashion items of different brands in many online stores. Due to latest algorithms of image recognition the STYLIGHT users can find starting similar products from a product that match in style and color. Also, STYLIGHT offers the possibility to browse all available on the Web special offers on one side only. STYLIGHT will expand the platform and provide additional features, allowing even more search results in the near future. STYLIGHT GmbH was founded in November 2008 by Anselm Bauer, Benjamin Gunther, Max-Josef Meier and Sebastian Schuon and counts as well as Holtzbrinck Ventures of more renowned business angels to their investors. STYLIGHT aims to increase online and offline collaborations in the future. The specially developed interface STYLIGHT AdStyles”allows maximum flexibility in the implementation. Contact: Benjamin Gunther CEO Stylight GmbH Tel.: (+ 49) 151 241 363 99? E-Mail: press Conde Nast Verlag GmbH Ines Thomas Public Relations Tel.: 089 / 38104-413 E-Mail:


Consider this scenario. A colleague suggests you get a business coach. Through the Internet, find someone close. The woman says she’d love to help. She charges $ 300 a month for two 30-minute calls.

Sounds like a good business, so we eagerly sign on the dotted line. Then sent to a website for Enneagram type. This personality questionnaire does not seem to connect with the marketing of your business. You call the coach. She says the rank of a “two” and you’re trying to please everybody. She says you should take better care of himself.

She says you need to take nature walks, yoga classes and long bubble baths. He has been coaching some real business. Unfortunately, this scenario happens often, usually as a result of a lack of understanding about how to choose the best coach for your business. In recent years, coaching has become one of the most effective ways to cultivate professional and personal games teams and individuals. Coaching has proven results. Reports of Fast Company magazine as much as 40% of Fortune 500 companies hire coaches to improve their businesses. There are a result, a significant return on investment. A 2001 study by the Journal of Manchester, said the departure of the executives who participate in training programs averaged almost 5.7 times the initial investment. But you should do your homework before choosing a coach. For coaching to work, it is vital to have a basic knowledge of a coaching relationship. What is coaching? Coaching is a conversation, a dialogue between a coach and coachee.


Fish fish incorporates Omega 3 and lean proteins. If you don’t want to include in their fish diet, you can replace it with beans or beans dry. Dry beans also provide a large number of proteins that are essential for the body. If the body does not get enough proteins you will not be able to burn fat abdomen and body properly. Carrot carotene is a substance present in carrots that the body converts into vitamin A by helping to increase the rate of metabolism and therefore when major is the rate of metabolism, faster are removed the body fat. A simple way of reducing abdominal fat, start the day with carbohydrates, such as milk is skimmed with cereals or similar, always low in fat and all-day similar foods that burn fat. In this way you will improve metabolism, reduce insulin levels and may burn body and abdominal fat. So previously raised councils are effective, may also need to change their eating habits.

Eat 5 times a day the abdomen does not have to be empty for too many hours. Skipping meals causes more hunger, which translates into higher consumption of food. You don’t need to eat large amounts of food, even a piece of toast or some fruit between meals can be enough to satiate hunger. Chew food slowly and effectively. Do not swallow without chewing food, as result can end up producing gases and bloating of stomach. Drink hot in case of lifting with the bloated stomach and wants to do away with that feeling, a hot drink can help, especially Aloe Vera is ideally suited for this situation.

On the other hand refraining from carbohydrates can help soothe the digestive system. Reduce salt an excessive intake of salt (because of the sodium that incorporates) causes fluid retention and swelling, especially in the stomach and legs. Accordingly, reduce the salt in the kitchen and its replacement by the lemon oregano and other spices can help burn body and abdominal fat. Try to not eat foods rich in sodium, comparable to ham, old cheese, salted fish, smoked fish, sausages etc. Especially women who suffer from premenstrual syndrome must eradicate salt from their feeding regimen, at least a week before menstruation. Here are some tips that can help you not only burn fat body, and abdominal also carry one life more healthy, remember that the functioning of his body is his own thing.


Marriage contract: from theory to practice. Today's couples are increasingly faced with a dilemma: To enter into a marriage contract or not? 30 years ago you would look like on neondertaltsa tell you aloud this phrase such an institution in the Russian law did not exist, it is gradually taking shape as a result of a fully complete the reception of Western culture. Developments such regulated marriage could not but affect and Russia. If you have previously entered into a marriage contract only stars and the phenomenon it was rather isolated, it is now in the West it is quite normal practice for the simple average couple, the more there with the help notarized paper can regulate all aspects of their lives, as property, as well as non-, that is practical for the conservative Europeans. In Russia of the marriage contract in every way repudiate, but did so common citizens, but the wealthy businessmen took the paper quite cordial and quick to protect their money from their wives and brides. But today, fortunately conservatism is replaced by a calculation of healthy and all dogmas – did give way to new parameters of modern life. Today, fewer number of pairs considered a prerequisite for marriage contract marriage according to calculation, but it does not mean that the practice is widespread.

What is the true reason for the neglect. The thing is in the legal relationships which are governed by this document. In Russia, concluding such an act of good will you be able to solely to protect themselves from the material point of view, as the marriage contract is governed exclusively by the property relations of spouses, the scope of non-property interests of Russian law currently leaves to your own self-regulation.


In accordance with the authors, in the Europe, the aristocratic families kept its wealth and the control of its lands, favored for the crown. The relations between its components were based on the hierarchy and the tradition, where the men lived for the actions directed toward the war and, the women to the social life in the castles where he inhabited, being that the children were created and educated for the employees of the house. The family peasant, in turn, was comumente structuralized of form to organize itself well with the great existing natality in its seio. They lived, in its majority, with other families, in vilarejos or villages, joined that them in the communitarian dependence, the customs and also for the tradition. The men withheld mantenedor work e, the women created the children (children or not) in communitarian regimen, where these, since early, depended on all the community and, not only of the parents. .


The secret is in a correct evaluation of the current reality and the external environment. After that, they must be verified as these information direct the entrepreneur for a focus and as this if it connects with the mission and the vision of futuro' '. It continues, ' ' made this, the necessary planning to changed itself into practical actions. I would say that, thus acting, the credibility conquered in the past lines up, with the reality of the moment and the dreams of amanh' '. Part from there, the information efficiency that uses research, to measure the satisfaction of the customer and the quality of the given service.

As Souza (P. 01, 2010), ' ' for the retention of the customers and the conquest of the same ones, the procedures below correspond to these perspectivas' ': 1) Takes care of the customers as it would like that it was taken care of. 2) the secret of the success of a mark is the satisfaction of the customer. 3) the secret of the good attendance is to work with heart, to know the product and to enumerate its differentials. It adds, ' ' the customers alone go to acquire some product or service, if the price will be compatible with the benefits receber' '.

Soon, the more the collaborator to know the product, better will leave itself in the argument with the customer, also remembering that it is essential to know the necessities of the market well. 7 JUSTIFICATION In the current scene, mainly in developing countries as Brazil, Small the Average Companies play a role of prominence in the economy. The PMEs in many situations of uncertainties and refluxo of the economy propitiate a economic stability, becoming minimum its negative effect on the great companies. The PMEs acts in activities with low intensity of capital and high intensity of man power.
