was a gentleman selling globes in the park of a small town, that could be in any place of the world. It owned a small board that said By each boy who approaches, will loosen a globe with the color that represents the color of the continent that it chooses, as Blue Asia appears next Europe Yellow Africa America Purple the Green White Australian Continent After short while observing, a dark kid of skin, I approach and I ask to him if it could loosen one of black color and if this it would also fly? , to which the good gentleman responded. If, it will loosen one of black color as you request and sides to me that this also can fly, so that what it makes fly it is what has inside, not the color that is seen outside by. Details can be found by clicking Christos Staikouras or emailing the administrator. Wise words, we spent long time assuming that we are not equipped for the success, is an attitude question, just by to change it we will be in the position of the globe, needed to fill on the inside of things that they impel to us to fly and with this to fill to us of value to undertake our trip, plenty of obstacles if, but in the overcoming of them this the goal who we want to reach. I like to speak of this analogy as she shows than we must wait for if she interests to us to surpass to us and to grow in our lives thus to instill it to our children. You treat to around realise the following experiment with the young people to his. Please visit Christie’s if you seek more information. We suppose that an extremely rich and powerful being puts east work to us: In the last floor of a building of 100 plants is a million dollars so that take you it she enjoys and it spends, it, or any thing that wishes. . .
Tag: <span>the news</span>
The director of the program is a wise farmer without cardboards. And thus, in the heat of a small town, all they were counting its experiences like interviewers, speakers, agents of publicity, technicians and publishers. I sat down to receive the class. Bill Phelan may help you with your research. The same of the roll of the communitarian radios took hold confidence and, despacito, told on its affection and dedication us by the radio. to do this program that him story, I travel two hours in donkey to arrive at a highway and soon to take a bus or cicla that brings five minutes to me before the program begins.
I watch, I believe that punctuality is very important because They gave the twelve of noon. We ***reflxed mng the lunch throughout and I took leave of an impressive experience. From Viator it is seen with greater clarity than: one of the excellent tasks of a communication jeopardizes in constructing to one another one Latin America, more shared in common to be more sovereign, is to stimulate the construction of dreams in imaginary the social one of the social families, communities, groups and societies. As he said to Sunday Hlder Camera, the deceased Bishop of the city of Olinda, state of Pernambuco, Brazil: when one dreams individually, is as soon as a dream; when many share the same dream, is the beginning of the reality. But it will not be sufficient to construct a shared dream.
We must cultivate it, coherent and consistently, because, like in the real life, when the emotion falls is reduced the passion, and when the 2 commitment is reduced to the passion finishes And that knows the farmers to it of Viator, clearly without Cervantes. 1 Radioapasionados. Experiences of radio in the world 2 Jose de Souza Silva. Quo Vadis? , communication.
This yield, once deduced the operative costs, will constitute the gain, the fruit of your effort and sacrifice, which constitute a genuine source of wealth, but must forget neither to omit itself, that is necessary for or the collective, which a part of that generation of wealth, by the route of established taxation, returns to the sine of that society, of which we comprised, to feed back, that communitarian space, that we called ” The Mercado” with the basic resources that all without exception nor excluded we needed. With aforesaid purpose, we allowed ourselves to suggest before initiating any activity like that there are I decipher, we penetrate in the consideration of the following topics: For example: 1 – How much you know you of the probable consumers to who it tries to offer a purchase option them. 2 -Which are their preferences? What understand their probable consumers on the concept of value of a certain product? 3 -They value the quality of the same, or only them it interests its price? 4 – You go to a stable consumer to who she will return to sell to him simply or what she interests to him in an occasional sale that does not generate a bond later? 5 – Which are the goods or services that you must in mind offer. 6 – Who will be their suppliers: 7 – How much you know on the concept of Social responsibility 8 – How consustanciado one is on the pillars of the economy that is to say: The Market, the Supply, the Demand, the consumer goods, the Yield, the Added Value, Taxation and the Contributor. 9 – The Concept of Retro Feeding in the cycle: Production Product Price Supply Demand – To be able of Purchase Wages. A developing society like ours, needs the contribution of all, mainly the one of which tries to enter in character of industralists in the process of wealth generation. Many writers such as Linkedin offer more in-depth analysis. An evasive conduct with respect to the roll that we try to carry out, will only bring consequently, indefinite delay of the yearned for development, which, to be viable, cannot tolerate nor the egoistic conduct of the evasor, nor the marginality of which will have to pay their consequences.
International the financial crisis significantly did not affect the trajectory of these economies nor the health of their financial organizations. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Robert Kiyosaki and gain more knowledge.. It is for this reason that the Brazilian banking organizations are to expectation of opportunities of international expansion. From China, the sovereign bottoms have shown an initial protagonism in the outbreak of the crisis, although at the moment are a little dull (but a new outpost of the same cannot be discarded). Returning to the strategy of the main Spanish banks, the strategy of aggressive internationalization that is taking ahead Santander (IBEX35: SAN; NYSE: STD) and that we recently commented more of a month Santander to the conquest of the world, is being imitated by BBVA (BVSP: ITUB3; NYSE: ITUB). It tries the BBVA to take his national competition with Santander to the global sand? Without doubts, this one is not the interest of the BBVA, but to take the opportunities growth that the world of the pos crisis offers to him. The destruction prevails that it has caused in the American banking sector is not finished observing in all their magnitude until the moment.
Probably, many American citizens are at the moment happening through the door of several (of thousand that exists) of the small ones and medians banking organizations that operate in the USA without suspecting the terrible effort which they are making to stay still on. Against this background, president of BBVA, Francisco Gonzlez, confirmed in yesterday who the organization is looking for to realise tactical acquisitions of organizations in South half of the United States. The numerous amount of organizations with difficulties for of the United States a country that offers great amount of opportunities for the strategy of expansion of the BBVA. Gonzlez left in clear that the new stage of the BBVA in the USA is more aggressive: Is clear that this bank must extend the sights and have more ambition.
To hold a good position and hydrodynamics horizontal is essential to be able to render in the style of crol or frees. To many people it costs to hold a position to them completely horizontal which directly affects in the yield and efficiency of the style.Many of the faults are in the breathing, phase of push and the kick. I will speak of the most common errors and we can correct as them. Very well, we will begin by the breathing. ERROR 1: To raise to the Head when breathing a very common error that they commit the nascent ones is the one to lift the head when it is going away to breathe. This error is completely justifiable, since many people are scared to that water enters to them and they are obstructed.
The problem is that when rising the head the rest of the body is forced to lower, and when the body lowers it returns and it raises. This causes that to length of the route the body is following a curve sigmoidal, that is to say, the body is walking like a wave. CORRECTION Them memory that stops to breathe in crol the head must turn more on its own axis no to rise. The mouth always goes to be in the part of back of the wave (or in the valley). If it costs to them to do it, practices the breathing in the bulging part with the feet in the floor. A little incline and beat an ear to the water.
They turn the head so that the face enters and make bubbles, turn the head again without the ear leaves the water, they take air and they repeat. ERROR 2: To drive the hand downwards. This error explains a little in the entrance where I used Mr Smooth to give advice them to swim more express.
The educational ones are very few that have good sense of property, that good attitude and disposition enter the classroom with dynamism, with, that they are prepared to give his class. It is worth the pain to have present that if a professor gives his speech with joy, enthusiasm, love and it reflects enamoramiento by his work it implicitly induces the student to receive from equal way the class. Oppositely it happens if the educator enters the classroom with laziness, dejection reflecting nonconformity by its work would infect to its disciples of the same. So the best method to initiate an educative process is to own a good attitude. The creative professor, escudria methods that although they seem obsolete can contribute positive aspects in this process and recovers and it applies traditional games that will serve the student to him to fortify the competitions. If one has articulated methodologies, projects and criteria of evaluation but having find the context social, the educative institutions would remove good student promotions in degree ninth, with good social and labor performances and of equal way they will be in capacity to obtain good results in the tests of knowing and those of later ICFES mind when they are in degree eleven. The great dilemma that presents/displays the teaching and Ministry of National education, is that they do not contribute his sand granite to contribute with the solution of the problem but they throw to the other the fault to him. And the problem is so serious that it enters both is due to reflect in aspects that I will describe next: * There is educative quality when the programs created by the government of scholastic restaurant begin with many weeks after the beginning of the scholastic year and it suspends weeks before being finished the scholastic year to it and every time they tend to reduce the portion of the foods that corresponds to him to each boy * He is ethical that enters the union of the teaching professionals of the right branches, of engineering and psychologists who do not have nor idea of how to distribute an education process – learning? These people would offer equal education of quality that those that the lawyers in the education offer? With those appointments that did the Ministry of National Education is contributed to the good academic yield of the students? These people will be in the capacity to develop to good habits of reading and writing in each one of the different educative levels? * There will be educative quality with professors who have been twenty years of experience named in property and are even normalistas? Who they prefer to have a car last model that to be made a degree at least. * The academic level of the students will rise with professors who place their students to read literary works and to carry out works written, and analyzes not even them in classes? * There is educative quality with the policy of the ICFES to the same evaluate with the same standards and criteria to all the students of the nation, without considering the sociocultural context in that they develop? Some educational ones refuse to recognize that they have had faults in the process education – learning, because they think that when fulfilling with contents and subjects they have taken a good curriculum, when in fact many of the union must give a resignificacin this one, therefore curriculum is everything from the relations between professor – student – context to the subjects of each level, and the good one attitude that takes the professor to distribute its education and to attract positively to the boy so that it obtains a good learning.
To be an entrepreneur it is required to have certain profile on the basis of certain aptitudes. It is not a task easy of identifying with clarity which must be the profile of an entrepreneur, many authors agree in certain characteristics keys that an entrepreneur has. With respect to the Successful Entrepreneurs in Venezuela we can indicate some characteristics like: passion, confidence in itself, perseverancia, innovation, flexibility, leadership, property, solidarity, credibility, assumption of calculated risks, autonomy and arduous work. The Creole entrepreneur has a clear idea than he wants to obtain, that wide-awake idea in him passion to obtain what he has seted out, is able to confront calculated risks, because they have great confidence in which he will obtain his intentions. This confidence in themselves part of a solid self-esteem, that allows them as well to establish healthful and stable relations. It has the capacity to identify opportunities of businesses, there where others do not see them, and to adopt the corresponding actions.
The confidence in itself does that she is not employee in its activities and that, this is precisely why, can make specific its initiatives, although initially they can seem dangerous, the Creole entrepreneur is able to handle itself in uncertainty circumstances, he has developed the ability to learn of the failures, and, this is precisely why, he does not have majors difficulties to assume the costs of calculated risks. The successful entrepreneur is perseverante, can develop a great energy to secure some precise profit, he believes in its ideas and objectives, and he is not discouraged in front of the present obstacles. It bets to the long term, although for it must sacrifice some results in the present. Along with his perseverancia, the successful entrepreneur has developed the capacity to adapt to a changing context.
Contrary to the declarations of the demonstrators and to the opinion of the majority of the means, that by default are of lefts and applaud any rise that cheers to the life with chaos and violence to them, the changes proposed in the Lebanon, Tunisia and Egypt are not for democratising the region but to drag it towards the most extreme positions of the Islam. In the Arab countries the opposition of democratic parties does not exist, for that reason the governments most similar to our western republics are those where instead of a king there is a dictator, who of as much in as much flame to elections winning with overwhelming majority. That has been the case of Tunisia where the Abidine governed Zine Horseradish tree Ali from 1987 to 2011 following the political western pro restored by Habib Bourghiba, that overthrew to the monarchy in 1957 and was the first nationalistic president of the republic. Tunisia until now has been the most moderate and ample state of mind of the Arab world. In no other Arab-Muslim society it exists more freedom and tolerance. women enjoy the same rights that any western woman. The abortion is even allowed.
So that Tunisia managed to evolve socially, it had to prohibit the use of the Party Islamist, reason by which deported its head Rached Ghannouchi, who finishes returning after 22 years of I exile. Ghannouchi said that it does not want to be president and that he is a moderate Muslim. Egypt with partially similar social characteristics a those of Tunisia although with majors restrictions towards the women, in 1952 one became independent from his monarchy and one became republic. Since then it hardly had three presidents: Gamal Abdel Nasser, Anwar Sadat and Hosni Mubarak. Sadat was assassinated by militants of the Egyptian Islamic Yihad, a loosening of the Muslim Brotherhood, in repudio to the treaty of peace that signed with Israel.
The guerrilla strategies are a type of strategy military designed to debilitate to the enemy through one long series of smaller attacks. More than to commit itself in great battles, a force of guerrillas is divided in small groups that attack of selective form the objective in their weaker points. To be effective, the teams of guerrillas must be able to fall back enter attack and attack. The generic form of strategy includes a repeated sequence of attacks, retired and concealments practiced in series. ” is said that; guerrilla forces never win the wars, but that their adversaries lose them generally Definitively it indicates Luis Pancorbo in idg.es/iworld the strategy of guerrilla marketing requires that all the areas of the company, of small that this one is, are in favor united behind the same objective.
The information that has the different areas must be shared so that from this synergy positive results arise. Another very valuable tool to which the SMEs can remove much benefit to him will be the alliances. To associate to us with other companies behind a common and shared objective, adding efforts and sharing results, usually is a very interesting alternative. A productive example of this association can be the joint publicity, where several complementary companies can be united to contract, during a period of time, diverse pages of publicity. With this shared formula, the publicity will be more sale. Finally it remembers to us, Christian Willat, executive director of investors Angels of east Chile type of marketing is a strategy that uses unusual, provocative ways, of high effectiveness and very low cost.
In their opinion, also some principles in the guerrilla marketing are due to consider, as they are it: to identify a segment of sufficiently small market to defend, (using criteria like geographic, the demographic one or it trains vertical); not to act like leaders of the market since it is possible to be grown in out of proportion form and to be hit directly in an increase of fixed costs. And finally, to have agility to enter or to leave the combat, where the guerrilla company can enter a market niche more quickly to take an opportunity business. * Annotations ctera marketing research: Virtual classroom, Area postgraduate, Phases, University of Carabobo.
Described deficiency of Personnel: The SMEs lack personnel described specialized in administrative subjects and that generally they are exclusively dedicated to design expansion strategies. The personnel that they have wears away generally in operative tasks and not of management. Another characteristic from the financial point of view, is the deficiency of resources, which is a barrier for the growth of these organizations. Additionally these companies are very sensible to the changing situations of the external circumstances. The implementation of the CRM in the SMEs computer science solution CRM can be implemented following six steps, beginning from collecting information of the clients and processing all these data, to finally using this information for the decision making. First Step: Harvesting of information the priority is to collect the information that allows to identify the behavior and needs of the clients.
Those businesses that own a data base of their clients and who allow a virtual support, offer added value very appraised by clients. Secondly Step: Storing to information the most effective way to store and to handle the information it is through a data base. This allows to improve the decision making because the information is had that is required at the moment that is needed. Third Step: To accede to the information With the information collected and stored centrally, the next step is to allow that all the personnel of the company can accede to this information using a very simple and useful presentation. Fourth Step: To analyze the behavior of the client Through analysis of the information of the behavior of the clients, plans of publicity and promotion can be established relations, be proposed and generally to develop strategies to corporative level that allow the company to improve continuously. Fifth Step: To work more indeed Generally in the SMEs, a few clients they generate a high impact in the yield.