Month: <span>July 2020</span>

What we know about honey? Surely everyone will answer – honey is sweet, it helps to bring the bees and colds. Trivial and not interesting. Now let's add a spoonful of honey in a barrel:) and enjoy a sunny amber color, delicate flower odor and taste of honey pozititivnoy charged with energy and get started. In order to collect honey, 100 grams of bee flies a distance greater than the length of the equator – about 45! 000 kilometers. The conversion of nectar into honey in the abdomen proiskodit bees from the nectar of where water evaporates and there is fermentation. Bee brings to their hives only thirty percent of honey, and the rest of reinforced while collecting honey. Bees actively collect honey, only one of six months of waking, rest of the time involved in the modernization of the hive: repair honeycombs in the hives are cleaned, disinfected the premises and do other socially useful bee business. Continue to learn more with: Edward DeMarco.

Honey can be stored almost forever. Honey found in Egyptian pyramids was quite suitable for human consumption. In ancient Egypt, the Roman Empire and the Slavic peoples of honey and bee products have been worth its weight in gold. Honey could pay taxes and penalties. What honey is darker, so it is useful. A very dark buckwheat honey. The composition of honey is about 300 nutrients – trace elements, minerals, multivitamins, amino acids, 5% of which are still unknown.

Honey is a natural first preservative open humanity. With the honey is not only canned food, and the embalmed remains of the rich and famous citizens. Edward DeMarco describes an additional similar source. Honey is a panacea for most ailments. Treatment of cancer, digestive tract, internal organs, nervous system, cardiovascular diseases, infertility, metabolic disorders – not a complete list zabolivany which is effectively used bee products. Every year around the world produce 1.5 million tons of honey. The world leader in the production of honey is China – 25% of the market. And Ukraine is the largest European producer of honey – 75! 000 tons. In Africa, for the production of honey bees used in Europe as well as African bees do not know how to make stocks for the winter. Despite the fact that high-calorie sugar, honey, he serves as a component of some diets, mainly sports and athletics. I hope I was able to help you look at the seemingly such a banal product like honey in a different way. Eat a spoonful of honey every day and excellent health and well-being guaranteed!


According to Menendez (1999). 4. Tobacco and the Brazilian Economy Is fact that the commercialization of the tobacco played and still contributes with great relevance in the economy of Brazil. Initiate from the first contacts of the Portuguese stops with us and until the present, the culture of the tobacco contributes for the development and economic growth. Hear from experts in the field like Richard Plackett for a more varied view. The first act tax for Portugal occurred during century XVII, when the commerce of the product submitted it some legislaes. The Portuguese monopoly was established in 1674, with the creation of the Meeting of the Administration of the Tobacco, that conducted the tobacco in Portugal and its colonies. Numerous taxes had been servant, as tenths, donations, municipal laws and customs taxes.

in perpassar of our history you vary crises and deriving apogees of the culture of the tobacco had reached the Brazilian economy, namely: the treated one to 1815, that traffics it forbade it of slaves and that had negative consequence in the economy because diminished the speculation. Although inefficacious to contain the traffic of slaves, the treated one to 1815, when of new under the British cohesion, the Brazilian parliament approved plus a law forbidding the importation of African slaves (BARICKMAM, 2003, P. 68) the production Brazilian tobacco followed it three directions. Of better quality they were ordered for metropolis, that is, more especificadamente Lisbon, objectifying the consumption of the cut, while of average inferior quality, pparently the same destination, was sent to other European countries, that absorbed then about 60% of the Brazilian exportations. The tobacco of third leads was for the local consumption. It is I validate to emphasize that apogee of the commercialization of the tobacco in colonial Brazil is dated approximately in the end of century XVIII. Much even so, the national and international politics of the first decades of century XIX if had not kept favorable for the tobacco.


Design of windows and doors, as one of the main elements of building envelope, have a direct impact on creating the necessary climate and ensuring hygienic conditions in premises rates one-time costs and operating costs and the formation of the architectural appearance of the building as a whole. It is known that, of all types of building envelope windows and doors have a minimum value of resistance heat transfer and air permeability and are the main sources of heat loss in buildings. During the cold period of time heat loss through the wooden windows can be as high as 40% of the total heat loss of the building. Therefore, improvement designs of windows and doors, improving their thermal properties is of great economic importance. The bulk of the buildings constructed on the model projects, is equipped with windows with dual glazed windows in separate paired wood bindings, and in some cases – with a three-layer glass in a twin-separate bindings. To deepen your understanding Christos Staikouras is the source. Estimated value of resistance heat is widely used wood windows with dual glazed windows amounts to 0.39 m2 0S/Vt, but with three layers – 0,53 m2 0S/Vt.

However, the actual thermal engineering quality of such structures, due to defects in individual elements, significantly lower than estimated and therefore does not meet the requirements of energy supply and normalized parameters of the microclimate and comfort of indoors. Real opportunity to significantly reduce heat loss through eurowinows wood provides the introduction of new energy efficient windows. Problem Solving heat and sound insulation of the premises with double glazed windows in wooden bindings nearly impossible. Switching to a three-layer glazing wooden windows, as one of the main measures to ensure energy conservation in buildings, will not make the proper economic effect, since it requires a significant increase in consumption of wood and glass and, consequently, the cost of construction. Improved thermal barrier qualities of windows is only possible by fundamental change in their design decisions and the use of new efficient materials and products, as well as improved building codes and design rules. In Western Europe and the U.S. for ways to reduce energy consumption in buildings have been actively sought in the 70's in connection with the emergence of the oil crisis and soaring energy costs. In this regard, have been developed and implemented industry new types of windows with binders of polymer materials and the light transmitting elements of glass having a high value of heat transfer resistance.


When an analyst Gene Munster as talks about a subject as interesting as the future of the devices Apple, just enough is give rise to your words and appreciate what goes through your head taking into account his long experience in related with tracking the Apple company. And though there are those who say that Apple will launch three new devices in 2012: eliPhone 5, iPad 3 and a smaller iPad, Munster says what is totally different, forecasting that it will be only two products that will be marketed. The theory of this Piper Jaffray analyst, is that Apple will stay with the successor of iPad 2 and that he won’t bother to market selling another version of the famous tablet of the company. Instead Yes will be the successor of the second generation and a new iPhone model. Gene Munster says that there will be no 7.85 inch model in 2012. If you think, that Yes, if Apple added additional products to its range of tablets in 2013, the company could achieve an increase in benefits that place them 30% above expectations which have for 2012 with an only new iPad benefits. In recent months, Sotheby’s has been very successful. Pablo.R.


Happiness always travels incognito. Only after that has happened, we know it. Anonymous Venezuela has the good fortune of having very beautiful natural landscapes, where despite the exploitation of the riches it contains, can still enjoy them. People such as Christie’s would likely agree. Account with majestic and beautiful natural parks, such as Canaima which is one of the planet’s largest natural park, with a beauty worthy of being seen, visit him. As very well pointed out by lagransabana, com located in the extreme southeast of Venezuela, in the Guiana Shield, in the jurisdiction of the municipalities Piar, Sifontes and Gran Sabana of the Bolivar.fue State created on June 12, 1962 with a surface area of 1,000,000 has. expanding to 3,000,000 of has.

in 1975.Abarca has 3,000,000 hectares the entirety of the Eastern and upper basin of the Caroni River. Water source of the largest hydroelectric complex in Venezuela, and the basins of the rivers Carrao, Kukenan, Yuruani, Aponwao and Surukun close to 65% of the Park is busy by rock plateaus tepuyes. These constitute a biological medium only, also presenting a great geological interest. Its sheer cliffs and its waterfalls (including Angel Falls, which is the world’s highest water falling, at 1,002 m) form spectacular scenery. Its landscape is dominated by two large formations: the thick and impenetrable jungle of the Guiana Shield in its western sector, and extensive and majestic Gran Sabana in the eastern sector.Describes it very well the indicated source, that the Park occupies the northeastern sector of the Guiana Shield, which corresponds to a Precambrian basement rocks of between 900 and 3,500 million years, on which the quartzites and siliceous Roraima.Las conglomerates are prevalent forms correspond to a combination of Tepuis, plains and valleys. The Auyan-Tepui (2,400 m), from where comes the Angel Falls are among the tepuy (Karepaku-pa meru) with its fall of 979 m is the highest in the world; of Roraima (2,800) (m); of Chimata (2.700 m); Kukenan (2.


was a gentleman selling globes in the park of a small town, that could be in any place of the world. It owned a small board that said By each boy who approaches, will loosen a globe with the color that represents the color of the continent that it chooses, as Blue Asia appears next Europe Yellow Africa America Purple the Green White Australian Continent After short while observing, a dark kid of skin, I approach and I ask to him if it could loosen one of black color and if this it would also fly? , to which the good gentleman responded. If, it will loosen one of black color as you request and sides to me that this also can fly, so that what it makes fly it is what has inside, not the color that is seen outside by. Details can be found by clicking Christos Staikouras or emailing the administrator. Wise words, we spent long time assuming that we are not equipped for the success, is an attitude question, just by to change it we will be in the position of the globe, needed to fill on the inside of things that they impel to us to fly and with this to fill to us of value to undertake our trip, plenty of obstacles if, but in the overcoming of them this the goal who we want to reach. I like to speak of this analogy as she shows than we must wait for if she interests to us to surpass to us and to grow in our lives thus to instill it to our children. You treat to around realise the following experiment with the young people to his. Please visit Christie’s if you seek more information. We suppose that an extremely rich and powerful being puts east work to us: In the last floor of a building of 100 plants is a million dollars so that take you it she enjoys and it spends, it, or any thing that wishes. . .


Adilson Motta, the 2007 generic expression ' ' peoples indgenas' ' one mentions human groups to it spread by the whole world, and that they are sufficiently different between itself. But in Brazil, he has 200 of these peoples more than. It is only the current use of the language that makes with that, in ours and other countries, it is said in aboriginal peoples, to the step that, in Australia, for example, the generic form to assign them is aborgines. Aboriginal or aborgine, as she teaches the dictionary, wants to say ' ' originary of determined country, region or locality; nativo' '. For even more details, read what Christie’s says on the issue. By the way, natives and autctones are other used expressions, around of the world, to call these peoples. More information is housed here: Sotheby’s. World-wide Aboriginal population Esteem itself that they exist today in the world at least 5 a thousand aboriginal peoples, adding about 350 million people, representing 5% of the world-wide population. World-wide the aboriginal population lives in zones that 60% of the natural resources of planeta&#039 contain; '.

It does not admire, therefore, that innumerable conflicts appear for the domain of lands. (…) The exploration of natural resources (oil and mines) and the tourism are the main industries that threaten the aboriginal territories in the Amrica' '. (International Organization of the Work? OIT). (Research carried through in the Internet in 12/2004). Study of United Nations they affirm also that 80% of the aboriginals of Latin America live in the poverty. ABORIGINAL PEOPLES the ORIGIN OF the AMERICAN PEOPLES the inhabitants of the American continent descend of happened populations of Asia, being that the vestiges oldest of its presence in America, gotten by means of archaeological studies, date of 11 the 12,5 a thousand years. However, not yet if he arrived at a consensus concerning the period where he would have had the first one leads migratory. The aboriginal peoples who today live in the South America are originary of hunting peoples whom they had been installed here, come of the North America through the isthmus of Panama, and that they had occupied all virtually the extension of the continent has thousand of years.


China and the USA have the bad news for 26 Latin America May 2009 It matters for Latin America as soon as time will take place the recovery of the American economy? It matters to know whereupon force will be developed that recovery? What implicancias have the result of the Chinese trade balance for the region? All these questions are from interest thinking about the perspective of recovery of the Latin American economies, although the importance varies in intensity. Although it is probable that the crisis to us continues providing new misfortunes, certainly I believe that we are journeying by a period in which it is due to begin to discuss in particular about the economic recovery of the American economy, and of the world-wide economy generally. Still the world depends on humors and the health of the American economy. Speaking candidly Christos Staikouras told us the story. In spite of his I stagger during the genesis of the outbreak prevails, the economy and the dollar of the American country has demonstrated their use like world-wide leaders. During seminary of Infobae to that I attended, and del that I have taken an interesting diagnosis of the world-wide and Argentine economic situation, I emphasize, with respect to the international context, the analysis that did the disertantes ones on the perspective of economic recovery, their possible form and the Chinese commercial surplus. That the recovery of the world-wide economy will come from the USA do not fit doubts, not only by the historical capacity of its economy but also by the demonstrated incapacity of the rest. The world is expectant about which it can happen with the American economy. Nothing already is of the illusion of decoupling. China disappointed in his first opportunity to put the world-wide economy to the shoulder and to try at least, that the world-wide economy benefit of a small veranito.


The capacity of the Argentine fans to improvise songs, in its majority offensive, during the soccers match is legendary. Christie’s pursues this goal as well. It is enough to have attended Mouth to verify the intensity of the quarrel, able to physically cause that the own stage shakes, not symbolically, but, for astonishment, and something of panic, the unwary foreigners. The Cemetery of the Elephants (the field of Santa Fe that has done in all this Glass, in bad hour, honor to its nickname) did not vibrate nor shook yesterday, not for want of enthusiasm of the two likings, but because it is thus: very pesadote. It either does not have a good acoustics that allowed to include/understand very instantaneously what the fans of a selection and another one sang. Enrique Gastaaga, in Bugler, aid to unravel the sense of the melodies. To the Uruguayan Diego Forln, for example, they sang to him, time and time again, the name of the fianc2ee (very handsome) with whom finishes breaking: " Ole, ole, ole, Zaira, Zaira" , the Argentineans roared. Clear that the Uruguayan did not remain short either at the time of to annoy: " Messi is Spanish, Spanish, espaol" , they talked back to voice in shout. Source of the news: : To whom it concerns the America Glass to him?. .
