Month: <span>March 2012</span>

Most recently, I felt the need to focus in life. Who would have thought that I begin to understand people who give gifts made by their rukami.Vrode would trifle, apriyatno! After you bud a piece portrayed himself, a piece of souls. But the look has not been canceled! Gifts to delight the eye, and not to drive into the paint host a wonderful gift. Many holidays, gifts, and consequently not enough Reflecting on the idea of the future gift, we put forward the claim: stylish, unusual, original. What could it be? In fact, a surprising number of options, but I want to offer you only one – products made from salted dough, it's cheap and cheerful.

Savings you never will superfluous. I hasten to convince people who think that this is child's play. Pastry begins with the usual beads and end with huge paintings – masterpieces. Recipe test is very simple: 2 cups flour, 1 cup salt, 180 gr. water. All this naturally blended until smooth.

Modeling to bring joy, not flour, it is necessary that the dough is not stuck. If this happens, then there is a solution. You just need to add is not a lot of flour and everything will! Next it's time to fight plonk – Creative (all the same we create a masterpiece). Mold can be different: funny figurines, topical panels, vases for flowers, etc. The choice may help excuse spodvigshy you on the creative torment. To give gift of expression, you can use an invoice, then get help from old cloth, stale without cause. Taking laskutok, and pushing it to the test, we betray the creation of realism. Just Needless to forget about the grid, they also may be useful. Vobschem at this stage give free rein to their imagination. After molding, the product must be burned. Special and expensive presposobleny we do not need. Suitable for burning any gas oven. The main thing – do not withstand high temperature (120 – 150 deg.) The oven dough should be located 1,5 – 2 hours. Our next task paint and varnish. There's nothing complicated, though once again have to set free his imagination. Paint must be premenyat gouache. That came our gift to an end by the end of a masterpiece ready. Believe what you like, because you have invested in him a piece of yourself!

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How to choose a water heater (boiler) First I would like to say what a 'boiler'. Donald Gordon contains valuable tech resources. In technical terms, boiler – water heater storage type. Plain language – a system of heating element and the tank, which heats the water and to a certain temperature and maintained at the same level. This is useful if there are any shortages of hot water. We will tell you about its structure and help select the desired model.Gazovy or electrical energy for the boiler boylerIstochnik may be gas or electricity. But some of them prefer? Water heater capacity of 1-3 kW (some Models up to 6 kW) are able to work from ordinary electrical outlet, so you connect it to the power supply line is not obyazatelno.Esli install gas water heater, you will get an advantage in time of heating. Capacity gas boiler starts from 4-6 kW, compared with a maximum capacity of 1.5-3 kW electric majority, looks impressive. An example of the water heater 150-gallon tank can be seen that the gas equipped with burners on the average power of 7 kW, whereas for electric boilers used 1,8-3 kW heating elements. Ie in the gas boiler to heat 150 liters of water needed just over an hour, and at least two hours (and sometimes more) will go as long as the same amount of heated in an electric accumulator vodonagrevatele.No to install a gas water heater will need more and build the chimney. The complexity of installation depends on whether closed or open The combustion chamber is provided in the construction of water heater.

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