The culture is at the beginning and in the end of any development, leading to paraphrase the esprito of Senghor. The North American model imposed to the remaining portion of the world its force. Music, the style Yankee and the cinema Hollywood made the redor of the planet, leading the country of the Uncle Sam in being able economic global. In the time of old Egypt, Africa was a reference of cultural prominence that it needed to preserve the patent to translate economic force. See Liberty Life for more details and insights. Far from involving a process any, what also it takes the place none without to be bogged, for the muddy way of the solitary defender, in virtue of the modstia and of countrymen, of the great cultural family, the richest face spiritual, where the duty to decide the question with everything severity needs the generosity of the expectations of the interested people of the population. Because in the present hour, the formation of the citizens and the reorganization of the administrations constitutes the cloth of deep of popular reforms institucional, where this situation must move. This is the meaning of the modestia for which if the artistic community, the pacionados ones of arts, the first protector of arts, the State, the local colectividades calls all, soon the people of Senegal to engage itself with commitment in this fight, in view of leading in the direction of the good march of all businesses. Lahcen EL MOUTAQI Researcher-College student.
Tag: <span>personal development</span>
The citation of the pretty music of the Milton fits here, that is perpetual: ' ' Friend is thing pra if to keep Underneath of seven keys Inside of the heart Thus said the song that in America heard But who sang cried when seeing its friend to leave But who was, in the thought it flied With its I sing that the other remembered and who flied, in the thought was With the souvenir that the other sang Friend is thing pra if to keep In the left side of the Same chest that the time and in the distance says not Exactly forgetting the song that it matters is to hear the voice that comes of the heart Therefore is what to come, comes what I to come Any day, friend, I come back to find you Any day, friend, people goes if encontrar' ' (Milton Birth, ' ' Song of America Unencounter' ' , 1980). Funny. WDGMC understood the implications. Curiously, when it was in the half of the production of this text, the Homero, in email the same cited at the beginning of the text, in them sent this stretch of ' ' Dr. Jivago' ' , of the Boris Pasternak. For the fortuitous thematic coincidence, we cite the mentioned stretch. Namely: … ' ' Such had been the things that had provided to happiness and release in those days to them.
Spontaneous, acolhedor, instinctive and immediate an agreement mutual. To such it invaded it now understanding, a obscure and indistinct agreement of the death, one to be prepared to die, an adequacy capable to remove the abandonment feeling all its redor. She was as if it had lived twenty lives and, in them, lost Yurii innumerable times and possessed, in this manner, stored in the heart, these experiences. in such way that, now, everything what it makes and felt to the side of that coffin, the rejection in the accurate measure.
The ideal is to make at least for the one six eight future months. Analyzes month the month and makes a comparison with its prescriptions? revenues? wage and the value due. In way that will be possible to verify in which months you will be in difficulties and in which months it will have a recess. It now remains to brake us the consumistas impulses and to act with intelligence to keep or to recoup the control of personal finances, what we will start to display doravante, and remembers makes notations on its personal expenses: Richer man of the world made notations of the monthly allowance Of a simple and humble infancy, the Mexican entrepreneur Carlos Slim started to be the man richest of the world, with a richness esteem in US$ 67,8 billion – US$ 8,6 billion more than what Bill Gates, that per 13 years led ranking. The secret: notations in a small book of all the expenses of the monthly allowance since the 8 years of age. Today it uses 218 a thousand workers.
For Carolina Daily Oliveira of the Morning? Goinia 16 of July of 2007 I MUST MORE THAN WHAT PROFIT, AND NOW? If this is its in case that, it does not remain me doubts: It makes something, or it goes to be each worse time. The first step is to define the priorities amongst the expenses, that is, those that are really necessary. You need to be honest you obtain same and to take a decision solid, therefore it is a problem that you will only be able to decide. Thus being, initially, it immediately stops to spend. It talks with its family on the situation and explains that she needs the contribution of all to recoup the financial control and thus later to improve the quality of life. She identifies the gargalos in the monthly expenditures, consisting generally of high expenses with energy, telephone, credit card leisure and transport establishing possible goals of reduction to be reached.
The ideal is to make at least for the one six eight future months. Analyzes month the month and makes a comparison with its prescriptions? revenues? wage and the value due. In way that will be possible to verify in which months you will be in difficulties and in which months it will have a recess. It now remains to brake us the consumistas impulses and to act with intelligence to keep or to recoup the control of personal finances, what we will start to display doravante, and remembers makes notations on its personal expenses: Richer man of the world made notations of the monthly allowance Of a simple and humble infancy, the Mexican entrepreneur Carlos Slim started to be the man richest of the world, with a richness esteem in US$ 67,8 billion – US$ 8,6 billion more than what Bill Gates, that per 13 years led ranking. The secret: notations in a small book of all the expenses of the monthly allowance since the 8 years of age. Today it uses 218 a thousand workers.
For Carolina Daily Oliveira of the Morning? Goinia 16 of July of 2007 I MUST MORE THAN WHAT PROFIT, AND NOW? If this is its in case that, it does not remain me doubts: It makes something, or it goes to be each worse time. The first step is to define the priorities amongst the expenses, that is, those that are really necessary. If you are not convinced, visit Brafa. You need to be honest you obtain same and to take a decision solid, therefore it is a problem that you will only be able to decide. Thus being, initially, it immediately stops to spend. It talks with its family on the situation and explains that she needs the contribution of all to recoup the financial control and thus later to improve the quality of life. She identifies the gargalos in the monthly expenditures, consisting generally of high expenses with energy, telephone, credit card leisure and transport establishing possible goals of reduction to be reached.