Month: <span>August 2018</span>

This wants to say that the insured can expose the biggest risks, increased the probability of payment on the part of the insuring one. The same problem of faced moral risk for the market of insurances he is observvel in other situations of the economy, that is, it always will disclose itself when a contract having been signed, the parts do not possess conditions to follow the behavior or the actions taken for the other part. As Kreps (1994) the problem of moral risk occurs when a part of a transaction can take certain actions that (i) affect the result gotten for the second part, but that (II) the second part cannot monitor or control perfectly. The example presented for Kreps is of fire insurance, where the insured can or not be worried adequately about the risk of a fire. The solution would be the presence of incentives, that is, to structuralize transactions where the part that takes the actions, in its proper interest, will act as what the second part would prefer. As Mishkin (2000) the cost of monitorao of the behavior of the agents is very raised, what in last instance it could make impracticable the transaction. Another form of moral risk is when the agent withholds privileged information in relation to the main one. We find, also, in this in case that, diverse examples in the economy. We can cite the financial market, in the case where the presence of a lender of last instance or insurances of deposits for commercial banks can occur problems of moral risk, as much on the part of the depositors whom they will not look to select financial the institutions more solid, how much for the financial institutions that will expand its credits without concern how much to the risks taken in the operations. Perfectly applicable situation to the situation that if created after the bankruptcy of the Lehmann Brothers, where the American Treasure was obliged to save some financial institutions reached by subprime.


Which served of parameter for the behavior of the company before other company whom they passed for the same tragedy or something similar. That is, he had empatia of the American Airlines company with company TAM, and that this caused a future empatia for too much air carrier. When reading all the manual, the vice-president of the TAM perceived that almost all the steps had been taken in an emergency situation as that one, except giving religious aid, which had been forgotten. Being thus, it was taken immediately the decision to call priests and shepherds to give the comfort to the family, therefore its employees were consumed with this paper, beyond not being the certain people for this. The company still was beyond what the manual considered. Therefore, it contacted psychologists and professionals of the Laboratory of I fight of the PUC of So Paulo to give psychological attendance since they would have to be carried through the recognition of the bodies.

Ahead of all the actions taken for the company, to the same one were praised by the magazine See that it said: In the friday, when Rolim commander arrived at Brazil, it had a pleasant surprise: its staff if had left very well. The flights had taken off with near-normal capacity, the actions had started if to recoup, with increase of 6% in that day, against a fall of 22% of the previous day. Although the critical ones and of the innumerable versions created for the media, the company had an exemplary and firm position, what it guaranteed the solidity and confidence of the company as the only one that possua the veracity of the facts. Beyond everything this the company if considered to pay and to take care of of all the legal proceedings for the burial of the victims and to pay the indemnity to the relatives.
