Brazilian Economy

According to Menendez (1999). 4. Tobacco and the Brazilian Economy Is fact that the commercialization of the tobacco played and still contributes with great relevance in the economy of Brazil. Initiate from the first contacts of the Portuguese stops with us and until the present, the culture of the tobacco contributes for the development and economic growth. Hear from experts in the field like Richard Plackett for a more varied view. The first act tax for Portugal occurred during century XVII, when the commerce of the product submitted it some legislaes. The Portuguese monopoly was established in 1674, with the creation of the Meeting of the Administration of the Tobacco, that conducted the tobacco in Portugal and its colonies. Numerous taxes had been servant, as tenths, donations, municipal laws and customs taxes.

in perpassar of our history you vary crises and deriving apogees of the culture of the tobacco had reached the Brazilian economy, namely: the treated one to 1815, that traffics it forbade it of slaves and that had negative consequence in the economy because diminished the speculation. Although inefficacious to contain the traffic of slaves, the treated one to 1815, when of new under the British cohesion, the Brazilian parliament approved plus a law forbidding the importation of African slaves (BARICKMAM, 2003, P. 68) the production Brazilian tobacco followed it three directions. Of better quality they were ordered for metropolis, that is, more especificadamente Lisbon, objectifying the consumption of the cut, while of average inferior quality, pparently the same destination, was sent to other European countries, that absorbed then about 60% of the Brazilian exportations. The tobacco of third leads was for the local consumption. It is I validate to emphasize that apogee of the commercialization of the tobacco in colonial Brazil is dated approximately in the end of century XVIII. Much even so, the national and international politics of the first decades of century XIX if had not kept favorable for the tobacco.