Chief Executive

In his book the secret of the power of goals, Andrew Corentt, writes that a person is what is said if it continuously. This monologue inner, continuous saying Corentt, is what determines that a person is rich and happy or otherwise. All people know that if someone is said to if same, that you can do something, then you can do it. Henry Ford said, so if you think you can, as if you think you can’t, you’re right. This monologue inside is the tool that the subconscious mind uses to create our reality.

Two people in a same room are different things. Two people in a company are the same situation very differently. I remember something that once I read or hear, somewhere. A company sent two executives to an area of a country where there were many people. When the Chief Executive returned, with his face full of disappointment, said: I regret to say that the trip was a failure, this nation is so little civilized all walk barefoot. Nobody uses shoes. The only thing that is seen by all sides is poop sheep.

There is no chance of doing business. When the second executive arrived, full of emotion, he said, this country is a gold mine, there are incredible opportunities. The premises have a lot of sheep and we can sell wool and other derivatives. It is best that we can exchange their wool by our shoes, because all walk barefoot and our products are perfect for them. That opportunity we have here! The same situation was seen and interpreted according to the monologue inside these people. The monologue inside a person said: everything is full of obstacles. The monologue inside the other person said: the world is full of opportunities. Now, in his book, the secret of the power of goals, Corentt explains, that the inner monologo not only determines our optimism or pessimism.