The institution speaks of " rigidities arraigadas" in the Spanish system. Also criticism the fiscal situation of the independent communities. The organism requests major decentralization of the collective negotiations. The International Monetary Fund (the IMF) emphasized east Friday the gradual recovery of the Spanish economy, but it indicated that it is not sufficient to reduce " inaceptable" rate of unemployment of 21%, and noticed that " half of governments regionales" it does not reach the fiscal objectives. " We see two preoccupations: optimistic the macroeconomic projections can be something and the regions are not fulfilling the fiscal objectives " , it indicated James Daniel, j of the mission from the Bottom to Spain, in his report of the scheduled inspection of the Spanish economy. The IMF maintained its forecasts of growth for Spain in 2011 in a 0.8% of Gross Inner Product and 1.6% in 2012, against the prognoses of Madrid of 1.3% and 2.3%, respectively. The Bottom emphasized that the answer of the policy macroeconomic of the Spanish authorities before the crisis " he has been strong and of ample alcance" , although it added that it is not sufficient and it insisted to " to continue and to deepen these reformas". The fiscal consolidation of Spain has been " ambiciosa" , according to the new report of the IMF, according to which the deficit of the central government will be placed in 6% of the GIP for the end of year, reason why " still it is camino" in order to reach the goal of fiscal balance after 2014.
" We need that all the levels of government put of their part in the massive challenge of consolidation that faces Espaa" , Daniel in rrencia said to the autonomic governments. The international organism described unemployment like " true problema" of the Spanish economy due to " rigidities arraigadas" in the labor market. " More descentralizacin" In this sense, the recommendations of the Bottom are " a greater decentralization of the negotiations colectivas" , that is stopped tying the wages with the inflation and " a smaller compensation by desempleo". In the positive part, the IMF observed " a better behavior of the hoped thing of exportaciones" and it emphasized " reform global" of the financial system, especially of the savings banks. " Much progress has been realised in the banking sector, which is positive, but the perspective are complicated due to the economic situation of pas" , Daniel added. Also, he valued that the banking sector " he has increased his volume of capital, has recognized the great losses and the shown transparency to reveal the exhibition to real estate assets problemticos". In the negative front, the Bottom emphasized that the real estate sector and of the construction " it will the future continue being a headwind for the Spanish economy in prximo". In addition, it indicated that the inflation has rounded up months in the last, impelled by the prices of the energy and the indirect taxes, and is again over the European average. Source of the news: The IMF says that " recovery of the Spanish economy is not sufficient to lower paro"