Tag: <span>economy</span>

2 Part Welinton Dos Santos is economist and psicopedagogo To keep the budget on control is more than conscientious credit, transforms automatically into life improvement. The credit in the financial market works with predetermined and post-fixed taxes of interests. In the predetermined tax the borrower of the loan knows how much he goes to pay in definitive time, already in the post-fixed one, it is the grace of the oscillations of the market that at a crisis moment as we live is not advisable, although the taxes of interests to be high, with strong pressure for reduction, but the uncertainty of the system can provoke increase and disequilibrium of its accounts. It does not risk to make loans with post-fixed taxes and nor atreladas the international currencies. Ben Silbermann may find it difficult to be quoted properly. When to take loans, searches and opts to the taxes cheapest, exactly that an attendant of a bank, financier or store to speak that> the charged tax is of in such a way, part to make the paid total calculation and the monthly value to be spent, searches in another place and verifies administrative taxes, beyond taxes that can surprise in the hour of the purchase. The guaranteed check is a loan form, as well as the personal credit, the consigned credit, how much bigger it will be to the lesser guarantee will be the tax charged for the banks, therefore negotiates. Necessary of a personal credit and it can give the vehicle in guarantee, having the certainty of that can pay the installments, places the good in consignment contract, the tax of interests will be very lesser and you it will balance its accounts of faster form. Financings can be of vehicles, property, machines and equipment, good is a different system and of long stated period that vary in each situation, care to the indices of readjustments, systems of amortization of the debt balance and verifies the taxes charged in delay case, as fine, interests and other expenditures, always demand a contract and read this contract integrally, do not sign without reading, that it is a habit of the Brazilian, care, many sign contracts with abusive clauses, but that they are difficult to be modified a time signed.


This wants to say that the insured can expose the biggest risks, increased the probability of payment on the part of the insuring one. The same problem of faced moral risk for the market of insurances he is observvel in other situations of the economy, that is, it always will disclose itself when a contract having been signed, the parts do not possess conditions to follow the behavior or the actions taken for the other part. As Kreps (1994) the problem of moral risk occurs when a part of a transaction can take certain actions that (i) affect the result gotten for the second part, but that (II) the second part cannot monitor or control perfectly. The example presented for Kreps is of fire insurance, where the insured can or not be worried adequately about the risk of a fire. The solution would be the presence of incentives, that is, to structuralize transactions where the part that takes the actions, in its proper interest, will act as what the second part would prefer. As Mishkin (2000) the cost of monitorao of the behavior of the agents is very raised, what in last instance it could make impracticable the transaction. Another form of moral risk is when the agent withholds privileged information in relation to the main one. We find, also, in this in case that, diverse examples in the economy. We can cite the financial market, in the case where the presence of a lender of last instance or insurances of deposits for commercial banks can occur problems of moral risk, as much on the part of the depositors whom they will not look to select financial the institutions more solid, how much for the financial institutions that will expand its credits without concern how much to the risks taken in the operations. Perfectly applicable situation to the situation that if created after the bankruptcy of the Lehmann Brothers, where the American Treasure was obliged to save some financial institutions reached by subprime.


In a scene of presence of anti-symmetrical information between the agents, the economic transactions finish harmed and in the edge if they extinguish. Therefore, it is basic that they are created half of information exchanges so that it is scrumbled uncertainty. This article presents one of the available solutions for the adverse election: the signalling. The market signalling is an important mechanism for which the economic agents can deal with the problems of adverse election in a economic transaction. In this in case that, the part detainer of private information will send a signal by means of an action that is observvel for the opposing part, signaling in credible way the quality and the value of its product or service.

The modern theory of the Information has applied the ideas of signalling for diverse situations of the economic life. So diverse fields as industrial organization, financial market, economic policy among others have presented interesting explanations for the activity of signalling. As Kreps (1994) the signalling is a possible solution for the problems of adverse election, where the well informed part signals what it knows by means of the taken actions. For example, an insurance company of life can offer better products, if the insured to accept first lesser benefits in the two or three years, therefore somebody that suffers from a serious illness and is for dying would not accept this type of contract, implying in an auto-election of the insured. For Coconut (2000), the problems of adverse election can be decided through the use of signals that inform the quality of the different involved Agents in a transaction. The use of signals allows a filtering and separation enters the parts of a contract. As Stiglitz (2000) literature on signalling has supplied a set of conclusions that can explain a series of questions gifts in the economy, such as banks signaling its trustworthiness for the size of its building-headquarters, shareholders signaling its certainty that the company on-is not evaluated through the restriction of the number of actions vendidas in the market.

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Therefore products and services that you design need not be equal, but if you do not you are going to sell some or others. The other problem you have is how are you going to communicate your products and services if both niches have wants and needs radically opposite, if you do a communication to attract both niches will not attracting anyone. By lo regardless of whether you think reaching more than one niche you have to generate products and services for each of the niches and communicate them in different ways to motivate different niches. Now as I discover that a Web Designer focuses on a particular market niche. What you have to do is look good on their links in their content, and that way you will discover what I am saying. For example if in the lists of links you is offering a low-cost website, and also a website for business, and also one for entrepreneurs. If you look at its customer lists and discover that their customers are: a tax and legal consulting company, an online school, a company devoted to the photographic safari or another dedicated to selling real estate.

We are in the presence of someone who does not have your targeted market and if you don’t have your targeted market, probably going to repeat with you also. This is a delicate subject which you can not miss, you have to go to a particular market niche. If you have more than one, he designed a virtual business for each market niche that you possess. If you choose anyway to hire them, you have to make it very clear that you only want to promote your products or services to a given market niche, because if you don’t do that do not sell anyone. If you want to deepen your knowledge on how to start a profitable online business, I invite you to subscribe to my mini course, which this week is still free, how to start an Online business, with results in only five lessons, you can subscribe at the following link: Daniel Brugiafredo is Professor of science accounting, although he has devoted much of his career at the State Bank of Argentina. Since 2003, begins to develop your entrepreneurial business on the Internet and has advised to not a few entrepreneurs, business and Internet marketing strategies, moving his own experience in business on line and the knowledge acquired to new entrepreneurs who start their business adventures in the network. Handles multiple own websites: and from which gives service to entrepreneurs and professionals, especially in Spain and Latin America. Original author and source of the article.

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Ahead of this, this is one easy task of if joining interested parties, however of great difficulty in if getting excellent results, have seen that the element in question is the human, subjective behavior to each one, changeable, and many times unexpected. Thus we see that one is mainly about an awareness paper, that reaches of direct form this human behavior. It is noticed despite the moral siege is decurrent of the lack of one adjusted internal communication in the organizations, of this meantime is observed that the more desestruturada and disorganized she will be a company, greater the possibilities to the propagation of this phenomenon. From there the importance of one prevention program, with the vision of if creating a good dialogue through the installation of communication channels In this approach, fits therefore, that the companies rethink its form of organization of the work, as well as of the methods used in the management human being. Thus, the paper of the company must have as objective the awareness of the workers in all the organizacionais levels, making to reflect them on the magnitude of the problem and demonstrating the way with that this practical can be prevented. In such a way, the organization of events, lectures, seminaries, dynamic, among others resources on the subject, are of utmost relevance for the development of this awareness. One also becomes necessary, the adoption of a code of ethics for company, who evidences critical of all the forms of discrimination, preconceptions, and moral siege, spreading out in this way the importance of the respect, solidarity, and of the good interaction and integration between all. Moreover, the existence of a specific place so that the employee has where to argue its problems, to cite occured facts and or situations, to tell its you distress, that is, a reliable place, where the worker has the ideal deserved attention, is also interesting for one better relation of work. Lockheed usually is spot on.

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