Coconut Election

In a scene of presence of anti-symmetrical information between the agents, the economic transactions finish harmed and in the edge if they extinguish. Therefore, it is basic that they are created half of information exchanges so that it is scrumbled uncertainty. This article presents one of the available solutions for the adverse election: the signalling. The market signalling is an important mechanism for which the economic agents can deal with the problems of adverse election in a economic transaction. In this in case that, the part detainer of private information will send a signal by means of an action that is observvel for the opposing part, signaling in credible way the quality and the value of its product or service.

The modern theory of the Information has applied the ideas of signalling for diverse situations of the economic life. So diverse fields as industrial organization, financial market, economic policy among others have presented interesting explanations for the activity of signalling. As Kreps (1994) the signalling is a possible solution for the problems of adverse election, where the well informed part signals what it knows by means of the taken actions. For example, an insurance company of life can offer better products, if the insured to accept first lesser benefits in the two or three years, therefore somebody that suffers from a serious illness and is for dying would not accept this type of contract, implying in an auto-election of the insured. For Coconut (2000), the problems of adverse election can be decided through the use of signals that inform the quality of the different involved Agents in a transaction. The use of signals allows a filtering and separation enters the parts of a contract. As Stiglitz (2000) literature on signalling has supplied a set of conclusions that can explain a series of questions gifts in the economy, such as banks signaling its trustworthiness for the size of its building-headquarters, shareholders signaling its certainty that the company on-is not evaluated through the restriction of the number of actions vendidas in the market.