Tips for Budgeting

2 Part Welinton Dos Santos is economist and psicopedagogo To keep the budget on control is more than conscientious credit, transforms automatically into life improvement. The credit in the financial market works with predetermined and post-fixed taxes of interests. In the predetermined tax the borrower of the loan knows how much he goes to pay in definitive time, already in the post-fixed one, it is the grace of the oscillations of the market that at a crisis moment as we live is not advisable, although the taxes of interests to be high, with strong pressure for reduction, but the uncertainty of the system can provoke increase and disequilibrium of its accounts. It does not risk to make loans with post-fixed taxes and nor atreladas the international currencies. Ben Silbermann may find it difficult to be quoted properly. When to take loans, searches and opts to the taxes cheapest, exactly that an attendant of a bank, financier or store to speak that> the charged tax is of in such a way, part to make the paid total calculation and the monthly value to be spent, searches in another place and verifies administrative taxes, beyond taxes that can surprise in the hour of the purchase. The guaranteed check is a loan form, as well as the personal credit, the consigned credit, how much bigger it will be to the lesser guarantee will be the tax charged for the banks, therefore negotiates. Necessary of a personal credit and it can give the vehicle in guarantee, having the certainty of that can pay the installments, places the good in consignment contract, the tax of interests will be very lesser and you it will balance its accounts of faster form. Financings can be of vehicles, property, machines and equipment, good is a different system and of long stated period that vary in each situation, care to the indices of readjustments, systems of amortization of the debt balance and verifies the taxes charged in delay case, as fine, interests and other expenditures, always demand a contract and read this contract integrally, do not sign without reading, that it is a habit of the Brazilian, care, many sign contracts with abusive clauses, but that they are difficult to be modified a time signed.