The Knowledge

So it is that the educational quality of the current century, with its ideological mission, attempted to assume polysemic evaluation models, where three axes are considered fundamental: a. curriculum, which emphasizes form to compete; its purpose lies in that knowledge and experience contribute to personal success before that to the development of the community. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Hyundai. B. teaching, based on learning that rest on the skill of adapting to the technological changes of the production. In this scenario teaching cannot be engineered but only a work of workman of line that handles instructional packages. C.

the management are focused to good teaching and curricular processes compliance verification. The polysemic character of the pragmatist model of quality of education is not intended as a process for the equity and sustained, on the other hand the educational quality social development must be a resulting from the laws of supply and demand; to make man an entity capable of responding to the needs of the market and the cost-benefit, i.e.: of the social efficiency. A. the quality of education in the other globalized world in the current context of a world globalized characterized by social inequality and poverty assessment of the quality of the education process must be linked to the fact of creating and recreating the knowledge and experience of a curriculum oriented to freedom and to the sustained development of the human being; a teaching practice based on critique and -criticism; It uses the curricular content to promote the commitment to society, to build a free citizenship; able to break away from the shackles of dependency and social inequality. In this scenario (the other globalization), and from the point of view of humanism, no matter the quality but the quality of education. A quality that implies that it must be for all that you must train to steadily promote the improvement of the quality of life within the framework of freedom, this is what should be measured to know if education complies with the very essence of its mission: train free men for the achievement of better indicators of human development and sense of his own existence to be people. The educational quality of another globalization demands of a democratic educational practice, which supports the otherness and respects cultural diversity; a curriculum which proposes knowledge, skills and abilities to improve the world, of an administration occupied in supporting the essence of a libertarian, critico-cientifica, secular and inclusive education.

In this dimension (the other globalization) quality education not only takes another connotation, but another value of education which should mean from the holistic point of view. Where is the logic of the pedagogy above the economistic logic efficiency. Thus the quality of education assumes the old Latin qualitas role: quality and relevance; where is quality not an end in itself but a systematic process of evaluation to improve education. Done the quality of education lies in its value of use not in the Exchange or satisfaction to the customer; where the relevance does not mean market equilibrium or maximization of utilitarianism, but equal opportunities of access and social mobility.