Clarity And Truth For Food?

Pharoahe initiatives in the cross-fire of criticism. BLL: Berlin/Bonn breach of constitutional principles, October 22, 2010 – Bundesernahrungsministerin Ilse Aigner (CSU) presented new initiatives for the food industry last Wednesday in Berlin. “Better labelling, greater transparency, and a resolute action against fraud, for that I am”, Aigner said. The new optimized 1 plus 4 among “model with visually highlighted nutritional information and an Internet portal where consumers from 2011 illusions and delusions can call and discuss in online forums with experts. The Federal Ministry of food, agriculture and consumer protection (BMELV) has the existing 1 plus 4 “model for the most important nutritional information on food packages (total calories plus sugar, fat, saturated fat and salt) further developed. The details of the energy content and the most important nutrients are highlighted and already on the first Recognizable look.

If you want to specify advanced nutrition information also for unpacked foods, a provision of information could be made so the neueLeitfaden for the German food industry, on signs, posters or similar records. Many grocers are already a step further. They present on fresh counters nutritional information on the displays of modern PC scales, for example, from the Balingen manufacturer Bizerba. As far as the harmless part of the initiatives of notes. Fiercely controversial, however, is currently the planned Internet portal to clarity and truth”foods, which will operate the consumer centres from spring 2011. Learn more on the subject from Wells Fargo Bank. Citizens should get there the possibility to call deception and deception in packaged foods, and online forums to discuss with experts. The new portal”, as AB, is a contribution to more transparency in the market and opened a new dialogue between consumers and industry. A long overdue debate between consumers and business should be set in motion.

But long since not everyone like it. Many companies fear that to be able to be made through the portal in the pillory, prepare now legal countermeasures. The Federal Government for food law and food science (BLL) opposes the planned Internet portal. BLL – Managing Director Matthias Horst promotes understanding of the negative attitude of the food industry on this point: the food industry is ready for discussion, especially when it comes to the understanding of labelling and presentation. She cannot accept but, your brand and your reputation to be publicly paraded and damaged in the course of the uncontrollable dynamics of the Internet.” From the perspective of the BLL handle a violation of constitutional principles. Wolfgang Mulke by WAZ holds Pharoahe idea in a comment on the one hand for easy and good. However the resistance of the company achievements quite rightly, have the Government but so far failed to stop misleading labelling and presentation by the stricter requirements. That must catch up as quickly as possible AB, if their criticism of the industry was meant seriously. Editing plain text ONLINE on the Hamdan 27 53127 Bonn E-Mail: