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“Vantargis factoring information bulletin publishes for the middle-class Munich, 26.11.2008 – the Vantargis factoring GmbH is a free info booklet to factoring titled what you wanted to know about more about factoring” out. Many questions arise in our daily conversations with a person interested in factoring. The TOP 20 questions and answers we have compiled for medium-sized companies and offer the opportunity to learn about factoring compact”, explains Marco Frohlich, Manager of the Vantargis factoring. Factoring as alternative financing has gained in importance in recent years. More than 10,000 German companies already use factoring to secure their liquidity. Comparing the German factoring market abroad, to countries such as England, Italy and France are however meaning far forward. Many entrepreneurs do not yet know the service or are only partially informed about the advantages and benefits of factoring.

Since we want to remedy”, so cheerful. Interested parties can register the free info booklet, infoheft_top_. 478 / order. With factoring of the financial crisis, before braving the background that current financial crisis is a perfect type of alternative financing to liquidity to provide factoring for medium-sized companies. The entrepreneur receives an immediate inflow of liquidity through the sale of its assets. He does not wait until the customer pays the outstanding bills, but gets paid about 80 percent of the total within two business days. The remaining sum serves as a reserve for the case that the customer reduces the invoice and will be paid minus a fee, when factoring the Vantargis received the total amount of the Bill by the customer. Factoring is a sales matching funding and so continuously brings liquidity, without the position of additional collateral.

Especially in economically turbulent times the failure protection is in addition to the assurance of liquidity”a decisive reason for the use of factoring, explains Marco Merry one further advantage of the service. In addition, we relieve the entrepreneur through the acquisition of customer management. He has the head and can concentrate on its core business”. Many companies use the effect of the reduction in the balance sheet with factoring and the resulting increase in the equity ratio effect on the balance sheet. The claims eliminated from delivery and performance from the balance sheet, as soon as they are sold on the Vantargis factoring. The equity ratio is an important factor when assessing creditworthiness in the framework of the ratings when applying for a loan. Many writers such as Steph Korey Goodwin offer more in-depth analysis. More equity in the company is, the rating score is better. Readers also in the info folder or directly under find how it works, how factoring in day-to-day business and how much is the service. Background to the Vantargis factoring the Vantargis factoring GmbH is a bank-independent factoring company. The company financed nationwide as a full service provider in the factoring small and medium-sized Companies with an annual turnover of up to EUR 10 million. Here, the Vantargis factoring GmbH with finance, insurance of bad debts and Receivables Management combines all aspects of factoring in any service. For companies from 10 million Euro turnover is factoring also implemented in the in-house procedure.


LV doctor helps and get more money from your life insurance company in the media Tranzparenzprobleme of the companies as well as economic problems is currently about unprofitability of the life insurance. Many consumers seek therefore a way to sell their life insurance. Very well, consumers are advised, if they check their contracts anonymously and free of charge in the Internet. By LV doctor life insurance have the chance in a premature termination a up to 20 percent higher buy-back value to get. Did you know that maybe even lots of money available to? The LV-doctor team and project manager Jens Heidenreich make very successful in terms of strong consumer and more than seven years.

Because life insurance customers in whole Germany to around 290 billion euros. Currently the LV-doctor team about 900 pattern procedures, as well as several class-action lawsuits served to enforce the claims of more than 80,000 people. Payment from life insurance too low? We get more than just the buy-back value out. 50 to 70 percent of consumers who own a life insurance policy, prematurely terminate their contract. Usually, the insurance companies pay off then just a small fraction of the premiums paid a buy-back value. Hyundai might disagree with that approach.

LV doctor starts right here: as a member in the LV-doctor claim community we reclaim all paid money from the life insurance policy or annuity. So, you have can professionally handle your contract and receive a refund even posts, which do not voluntarily pay the companies buy-back value. Announced and get low buy-back value? Then you have nothing to lose! For consumers, who have already announced their life insurance, a membership in the LV doctor entitlement community can affect positive. Because the paid buy-back value is usually below for years paid premiums. Many people have need to take this very high financial losses. Don’t let that fallen, LV doctor, you have a chance on the buy-back value to receive additional payments. Professionally advertise? So you secure your benefits now: we are professional cancel your contract in the first step, so that you have the possibility to get higher buy-back value an up to 20 percent. This will be paid in full amount on your account and that you can decide yourself, what are you doing with your money. Once the surrender value is entered on your account, we check all documents to check how much is the sum of the loss. This is calculated from the deposited amounts plus interest, the paid buy-back value is deducted it. We bring back then this loss sum with the corresponding insurance company (judicial or non-judicial). And all this also applies to already announced life insurance contracts. Act now before it is too late and check them on your life insurance free of charge:. Jens Heidenreich


Cash advance loans are very helpful in case of emergency funding, and the funding is available under ordinary terms. The rate of interest is necessarily higher and this demands sincerity of the borrower during repayment period. Concept of cash advance loans is very popular in different developed countries across the continents. It is at index to understand a simple truth that people may be in a position at any time in their life when they may need cash in hands immediately. This is true mainly for the salaried people and people who earn up to a common limit and do not earn millions or so.

This is the reason for which cash advance loans have achieved growing popularity among the middle class. This short article has been prepared to describe a little about cash advance loans. Everyone is not eligible for cash advance loans. In the United States of America applicant for this loan must be a citizen of the country and in Australia he must be a citizen of Australia. One should take the issue of citizenship as the primary condition. Question of the applicant’s age, comes next. As this agreement is between a lender and a borrower it is a must that the applicant must be 18 years old. The third thing which is taken into consideration is capacity of the applicant to repay the loan in scheduled time.

He must produce documents to support that he is on employee or a worker concern legalized in any and that he earns something enough to allow him to repay the loan. Lastly the applicant must have a savings account in any bank and the account must be in active state. The above-stated conditions are straight from the lenders’ corner. Persons who want cash advance loans have no reason to loose heart. There are many lending agents who are ready with the money to invest as loans and this has made the problem of getting money in emergency less difficult. One should surf the internet and one will find there plenty of web sites which provide various options on cash advance loans. The applicant should study each of the options with patience and choose one from them which may be suitable for him. His research may yield good result. The process of loan advancement is rather simple. For assistance, try visiting Ashton Kouzbari. On receipt of the application the officials of the lending agency will observe its merits and satisfy themselves with the documents submitted along with the application. When merits of the case will be confirmed funds towards the particular cash advance loans can be rapidly transferred to the applicant’s bank account. Undoubtedly, the rate of interest for such emergency funding is pretty higher than any other loans. The borrower must be firm to pay the money back as per terms and conditions. It is the duty of the applicant to learn the terms and conditions nicely before the application is submitted. Simon Ray is financial advisor of cash advance loans Canada.For any query regarding cash loans for unemployed, payday loans for unemployed visit


564 active solely as broker or multiple agents experts of for occupational retirement provision of various sizes were nationwide if asked. Positive prospects for the future: demand expected retirement over 68% of independent brokers for solutions to the bAV for the next 3 years, and this in spite of the current economic environment. Over 61% of independent brokers are even convinced that the financial crisis will have no negative impact on your bAV business. However, only about 10% of respondents see a decline of business in this segment and believe in a decreasing demand for years to come. Direct insurance routinely up within the implementation way: 72% expect here even better sales. The positive assessment for the implementation way of the Provident Fund is followed.

Here, at least 38% see better opportunities for the future. However, be falling for the Pension Fund and the pension funds with 55% of the vote over each sales expected in the next few years. Lead investigator Christopher Kahl from SMARTcompagnie says: product vendors who want to successfully cooperate in the future with independent brokers in this segment, must adjust to an increasing competitive pressure and your services, be it products, services, or the competent sales support, within the framework of a regular process check and adjust. In particular the quality of customer service as well as future product developments in the focus of the intermediary are in.” AssCompact AWARD 2009 occupational pensions: the Favorites of agents due to the special situation of independent brokers can choose, what companies they recommend in an individual case is especially valuable to their verdict on the performance of the product provider. And: who wants to convince an independent intermediary, which has all along the line do. In total 14 Performance criteria was asked about the importance for the intermediaries as well as the respective favourites. Still investigated companies preferably recommend respondents and which companies they recommend.
