Consequentemente, beyond the tumbles in the soil, also trombava with chefs already irritated (chef s is always irritated and without time). Worse it happened when Migrantino entered in a species of against-hand, beating of front with headchef (the Obelix), that it came in contrary direction with a full hot water pan, thus causing a summary running over. Still in the soil, while he recovered, it can remember of what he felt when it are run over a certain time for a pickup.truck in one put into motion avenue in Rio De Janeiro. But with passing of the time he was learning that in the kitchen a rule existed to move itself. In first place, he explains chef. This thematic restaurant and, or either, all day serves typical plates of a different country, chosen weekly, thus changing respective chef s.
Therefore it was created basic norms of transit in this kitchen. Most important it is that an imaginary one in the center of it exists well rotatory. You have of if always moving in the clockwise one of the same one, saved in the day that chef s is English. Therefore he will have there to invert the hand, being started to transit in the counter-clockwise direction (the English always had of being different in everything). This rotatory one never can be crossed directly, continued chef. That is considered serious lack. It has to always skirt it, respecting its daily direction and to each time that to adentrar it, not to never forget themselves to cry out the word ' ' BEX' ' (in the truth, it would discover when it had time, that the certain expression would be: ' ' WATCH YOUR BACK' ' , that in Portuguese it meant: ' ' IT GIVES ATTENTION BEHIND VOC' ' , but that with the time they had simplified for ' ' BACK' '.