North Americans United

It is at this moment that the performance of the Leagues Peasants in the fights in defense of the land, passed for a new phase, a time that, the organization politics of the campesinato at this moment, if found not politicized and more critical in relation to the state subjects. It is in this context that the fight peasant is still more strong, mainly on the subject of the reform agrarian. A point of huge magnitude for the theoretical enrichment of the present study consists of making an analysis on the date of dispossession of the Device of the Galilia and the proper episode of the Cuban Revolution, well, as we can enxergar, both the events politicians had happened exactly in the year of 1959 and in a direction? Field? Cidade.A expansion and the performance of the Leagues Peasants not only worried the great land proprietors of Brazil, but even though the United States. In sight of the Cuban Revolution, made in ' ' beards of the Uncle Sam' ' , and fearing its unfolding in other countries of Latin America, the government Kennedy started to prepare the bases for a counterrevolution, through the creation, in 1961 of the Alliance for the Progress and sending of disfarados American military in traders, religious, industrial etc., for the Northeast. In 1962 about 5 a thousand North Americans they had entered in Brazil. This cipher never had been so raised.

These military were, in the truth, ' ' berets verdes' ' (green berets), forces special of the trained United States to revert the situation in any country case this walked in direction to the socialism. Being infiltrated in the society, they would have greater easiness to get information and could give to sustentation the groups anti-you engage in guerilla warfare or of opponents of the reforms. (ADAS, Melhen. GEOGRAPHIC PANORAMA OF BRAZIL. 3 ed. .