
To hold a good position and hydrodynamics horizontal is essential to be able to render in the style of crol or frees. To many people it costs to hold a position to them completely horizontal which directly affects in the yield and efficiency of the style.Many of the faults are in the breathing, phase of push and the kick. I will speak of the most common errors and we can correct as them. Very well, we will begin by the breathing. ERROR 1: To raise to the Head when breathing a very common error that they commit the nascent ones is the one to lift the head when it is going away to breathe. This error is completely justifiable, since many people are scared to that water enters to them and they are obstructed.

The problem is that when rising the head the rest of the body is forced to lower, and when the body lowers it returns and it raises. This causes that to length of the route the body is following a curve sigmoidal, that is to say, the body is walking like a wave. CORRECTION Them memory that stops to breathe in crol the head must turn more on its own axis no to rise. The mouth always goes to be in the part of back of the wave (or in the valley). If it costs to them to do it, practices the breathing in the bulging part with the feet in the floor. A little incline and beat an ear to the water.

They turn the head so that the face enters and make bubbles, turn the head again without the ear leaves the water, they take air and they repeat. ERROR 2: To drive the hand downwards. This error explains a little in the entrance where I used Mr Smooth to give advice them to swim more express.