Described deficiency of Personnel: The SMEs lack personnel described specialized in administrative subjects and that generally they are exclusively dedicated to design expansion strategies. The personnel that they have wears away generally in operative tasks and not of management. Another characteristic from the financial point of view, is the deficiency of resources, which is a barrier for the growth of these organizations. Additionally these companies are very sensible to the changing situations of the external circumstances. The implementation of the CRM in the SMEs computer science solution CRM can be implemented following six steps, beginning from collecting information of the clients and processing all these data, to finally using this information for the decision making. First Step: Harvesting of information the priority is to collect the information that allows to identify the behavior and needs of the clients.
Those businesses that own a data base of their clients and who allow a virtual support, offer added value very appraised by clients. Secondly Step: Storing to information the most effective way to store and to handle the information it is through a data base. This allows to improve the decision making because the information is had that is required at the moment that is needed. Third Step: To accede to the information With the information collected and stored centrally, the next step is to allow that all the personnel of the company can accede to this information using a very simple and useful presentation. Fourth Step: To analyze the behavior of the client Through analysis of the information of the behavior of the clients, plans of publicity and promotion can be established relations, be proposed and generally to develop strategies to corporative level that allow the company to improve continuously. Fifth Step: To work more indeed Generally in the SMEs, a few clients they generate a high impact in the yield.