AGAD Management

Referred to in accordance with the analysis and appreciation of Dr. Jose Ruiz Roa to the: examination of the administrative structure or its components, to evaluate the degree of efficiency and effectiveness with which planning, organization, direction, coordination, execution and Control of the goals set by the company, to correct deficiencies that might exist are being mettending to the continuous improvement of it, optimizing productivity to achieve total quality and its control, through the better utilization of available resources, in accordance with procedures framed within the true management policies and standards. (1) Moreover Franklin, indicates that: the administrative audit is the review total or partial analysis of an organization in order to clarify the level of performance and profiling opportunities for improvement to innovate value and achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. (2) It can be seen then as this is a topic with full force, the It must be the domain of the Manager today, in the sense of awareness as March the organization from a global point of view. Objective of the AGAD in a general sense, focuses on the correction of deficiencies in the corporate organisation and produce improvements in the administrative functioning, to optimize the time, costs and achieve the desired quality. Stages of the administrative audit or the AGAD AGAD presents an initial planning stage, in which takes place the respective meeting with senior management of the Organization object in the AGAD. Subsequently the preliminary examination that includes the tour of the facilities of the company, the implementation of the cueationarios and rigorous interviews. Also you should include in concerning the review of the internal control determining critical areas to proceed in this manner to carry out the examination in depth of areas which according to previous analysis present difficulty, regardless of the degree of difficulty that affects them.

Finally the conclusions are extracted and recommendations to be submitted with the final report. General programme to develop an AGAD 1.-Constitution of the company: verifies all the legal documentation of the company to remove the aspects of greatest importance. 2 Position the institution: that occupies in the national and international level. 3.-Organization: general structure of divisions and departments. 4 Goals, plans and policies: is determined that they are clearly defined and precise way.

5 Finance: verifies compliance with the planned schedule. 6.-Control: verifies the existence of controls and frequency of elaboration. 7. Human resources: check personnel policies and management of the same. 8. Physical media: determination of existing physical media and the reasonability of the investment made in this regard. Final report of the AGAD in principle this should present as fundamental characteristics: be timely, concise, simple and clear to understand, with the highest degree of accuracy, constructive, useful for decision of decisions, based on evidence and comprehensive in content. The general structure of the report should include: synthesis, objectives, technical elements considered, procedures, observations, proposals, cooperation of the staff of the company and annexes. ___Referencias: (1) Ruiz Roa, j. (2007). Fundamentals for the analysis of administrative management. Editorial PANAPO. Caracas Venezuela (2) Franklin, e. (2001). Administrative audit. Editorial McGraw-Hill.