Accounting Services

Under current law, every business and individual entrepreneurs in Russia are obliged to carry cash payments on the sale of goods, works or services using a cash register equipment (CCP). Also, organizations and individual entrepreneurs can carry out cash payments, in accordance with procedures determined by the Government Russian Federation, without the use of CCPs in the case of provision of public services provided to issue their respective security forms. Organizations and individual entrepreneurs due to the specifics of its activities or characteristics of its location, can make cash payments without the use of CCPs in certain activities: – Sales of newspapers and magazines, as well as related products in newspaper and magazine stands, provided that the share of sales of newspapers and magazines in their trade is not less than 50 percent and an assortment of related products approved by the executive authorities of the Russian Federation. Accounting for sales revenue from the sale of newspapers and magazines and from the sale of related products being separated – the sale of securities – sales of lottery tickets – tickets sales and coupons for travel in the city public transport – to nutrition students and staff of secondary schools and equivalent educational institutions during the training sessions.

The markets, fairs, exhibition centers, as well as other areas designated for trading, except for those in these parts trade shops, pavilions, kiosks, tents, avtolavok, auto shops, vans, buildings and container-type other similarly equipped display and ensure safety of goods and trading places (premises and vehicles, including trailers and semitrailers), stands in the market within a closed space with Trade in Food Products – raznosnoy small retail trade of food and non-food items (except for technically complex goods and food products, requiring certain conditions of storage and sales) with hand carts, baskets, trays (including protected from rain cages covered with plastic sheeting, canvas, tarpaulin) – Sales of passenger cars trains of tea products in stock, approved by the federal executive authority in the field of railway transport – on sale in rural areas (with the exception of the district centers and towns type) of drugs in pharmacy locations in midwifery posts; – trade stands ice cream and soft drinks on tap – from tanks trade beer, kvas, milk, vegetable oil, live fish, kerosene, vrazval vegetables and melons – the reception from the people of glassware and salvage, except for scrap metal – the implementation of religious objects and religious literature, providing services for conducting religious rites and ceremonies of religious buildings and structures and their related areas in other places, provided by religious organizations for these purposes, institutions and enterprises religious organizations registered in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation – on sale at a nominal cost of government postage (stamps and other marks, applied to the pouch), confirming the payment of postal services.