21 IT Compliance Manager qualify PCT GmbH and PRW Consulting GmbH the legal requirements for the use of information technology (IT) companies are extensive, increase permanently and most entrepreneurs are yet unknown. On invitation of the PCT GmbH, Warstein, the PRW Consulting GmbH, Munich has introduced a qualification program that teaches the basic knowledge of applicable safety and inspection requirements. This nation has unique training fills the vacuum of knowledge in companies. In five full-day events specialists of PRW Consulting GmbH convey the basic know-how for data protection, digital data management, IT risk management and security. Equipped with the most important tools of the compliance managers in the company occupies the function of a pilot: he identified the need for action, contends the measures of management and ensures that these are implemented promptly. Andreas Pohl, CEO of the organizing IT system House PCT from Warstein, speaks of a need for: Security policies flouted still in company, even though sensitive consequences threaten management or boards of Directors.” Intent, Pohl, says is the cause but in very few cases. The main reason for failures in the area of security is simply ignorance of the current legal situation. Lacking someone who maintains the overview in the company and ensuring that the relevant laws and policies are recognized and implemented, lawyer Wilfried Reiners of PRW says lawyers from Munich.” Because the commandments of the EU and the Federal Government are many and varied: they describe, for example, control – and Reportingauflagen, digital data management security policies that are checked by the tax office (GDPdU) and call for the introduction of the basic safety standards by BSI (Bundesamt fur Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik). More”, Andreas Pohl says companies need practical solutions, the requirements of technical, organizational and legal View cover and the responsible management protects from relevant Haftungsfallen.” The second course to the IT compliance manager takes place in March of this year, more will follow on a regular basis.