A List Of Requirements To Become A Model/hostess

A list of simple recommendations comments for those who want to be a professional model and hostess: the right age, the necessary size, the right model hostess agencies. Have you never dreamed to become a model? Have you never thought how are? You never thought to have how to begin? So, if you are reading this article, you’ll likely find some answers. It depends of which simply to note the following recommendations. First, You must decide whether you want to be promotional model/hostess or fashion magazine model and fashion show model. Second, You should check your size: a catalog model may have the classic 90-60-90 as an example, but a fashion show model must have no more than 88 cm size. This has to do, the easiest costumes for models with a tacit call for the fashion designer and design hostesses with long limbs.

You know, anywhere in the world, that the size in this work is very important. Thirdly: the perfect Height of a hostess/model is between 175 and 180 cm. If you count with the general notion of beauty and the ability of the models, the best height between the 171 and 175 cm. is fact fourth: the average age of a professional hostess/model is around 20, 22 years. To achieve such a goal, you have to start with 14 years with the catalogs. A modeling career ended at 28-30 years. This is very important to remember, so that you never have the idea to be too young for such a serious career. Fifth, You should participate in the model casting and hostess casting to get responses from the initiates, and to make a first experience in the advertising and fashion world.

If you have such a possibility, take part in different casting in Europe, particularly in Italy and France. Sixthly: sit in conjunction with a with a long lasting hostess and model agency, substantial, and proven experience. Be careful if you decide to work with a young casting Agency and accept You not unusual models, as well as claims for Hostess benefits. Serious promotional agencies for professional promoter hostess. Seventh, do not surrender before the first obstacle. You need to remember that you must participate in some Hostessauswahle, before you can get self confidence and make her as much as possible. This applies all the more if you decide to participate in the select anywhere in Europe. Eighth: You must also ensure, that the hostess and model agencies the opportunity give you to make a professional book with glamorous and commercial images. The majority of agencies should offer such services at the flat-rate contribution, if not free. This also applies to the budding trade fair hostesses who are looking for a MesseJob.