United States State Department

His list also includes Iran, Sudan and Syria. Cuba is designated as terrorism sponsoring country since 1982. EE UU said that ETA members, assets and past, in Cuba. The United States State Department keeps Cuba on its list of countries sponsoring terrorism, which also include Iran, Sudan and Syria, as contained in its annual report on terrorism. In the report are emphasizes that Cuba, designated by EE UU as sponsor of terrorism since 1982 country, maintained an attitude public against terrorism and its financing in 2010 but there is no evidence that has cut off its links with elements of the FARC and some press reports suggest that some members of ETA, active and pastthey continue in Cuba. The report also indicated that Cuba still denouncing EE UU anti-terrorist efforts around the world, which draws as an EE UU pretext to extend his influence and power. On the other hand, United States believes that Venezuela is still not cooperating fully in the the fight against terrorism, while Mexico, Colombia and Argentina are making serious efforts, especially with regard to prevention. In the chapter dedicated to Latin America, the report says that in 2010 bombings in the region especially the guerrillas of the revolutionary armed forces of Colombia (FARC) and the army of national liberation (ELN), committed them both Colombian ports, as well as other Andean radical leftist groups. Source of the news: EE UU maintains Cuba as terrorism sponsoring country