Training To The

for HR managers and executives for the early detection of fatigue syndrome Hamburg, August 03, 2011. Current studies, media reports almost daily and health insurers raise the alarm stress the biggest health threat of the 21st century, and now it becomes a business problem, as published the BARMER GEK at the recent press conference. The performance of employees has fallen by compaction work, psychological and social problems. The Hamburgische WeltWirtschaftsInstitut (HWWI) has calculated that the loss for the German economy by this performance minus amount already 364 billion euros. Connect with other leaders such as Wells Fargo Bank here. Workers than today more often due to mental suffering 80 percent ten years ago. The most common form is the Burnout the exhaustion syndrome with fears until the full collapse.

This has not only huge repercussions on the individual people, but also on the companies, since the performance of the employees are the key to the Business success is. The time of the finger-pointing is over. Now it is called action. Workers must take more responsibility for themselves and their (mental) health, but companies must provide the framework for this. An obligation on both sides. But how can HR managers, staff developers, executives, or works councils behave properly towards those affected, if they are not trained in this area? This is the approach of the renowned consulting company LifeB consulting from Hamburg, Germany, under the leadership of the Burnout expert Dirk-Oliver Lange. In cooperation with the Burnout Center e.V. LifeB consulting forms the European Trade Association for stress management and burnout prevention and Sportmedicum GmbH to the certified life balance coach (HR) “from.” Finds the one-week training, taking into account the work-life-balance of participants, held in Austria and is aimed exclusively at HR managers and executives.

In addition to key figures Data facts, such as the economic damage to businesses and calculation formulas for absences of employees affected, conveyed all necessary findings of exhaustion syndrome. Still, the medical effects of a permanent negative levels of stress and tools for the early detection of fatigue syndrome when employees are trained. The certified training enables within companies as health officer for staff in the areas of exhaustion, stress, anxiety, burnout and Boreout to act or to implement a health management. I’m happy with Peter Buchenau, the Chairman of the Board of the Burnout Center and specialists for the early detection of stress symptoms of burnout syndrome, and Daniel Harbs as medical director of the Center for sports, to have stress and movement medicine in Hamburg, two top experts for this training, so the third trainer Dirk-Oliver Lange.” The requests to confirm Lange, the training expertise to Companies to pass on. Also a training possibility, only for executives or managers of a company is hearing. More information is available in the Internet under “” or call LifeB manufacture under the number +49(0)40-76 39 37 49. press contact: LifeB communications Dirk-Oliver Lange Gertigstrasse 48 22303 Hamburg phone + 49 (0) 40-76 39 37 49 fax + 49 (0) 40-35 07 94 95 mailto: