' ' The organizations come passing for deep and important transformations as answers the requirements derived from different phenomena as, scientific and technological development, changes economic politics and, among others ' ' (Clearly, 2009. P. 11). For Fischer (1992), the changes that come happening in the organizations are not of episdica nature, but they constitute continuous processes in the life of the companies. On the basis of these knowledge I want to display the situation of submitted Military Policemen to a variety of scales, where the worked scales of 24-hour turns in sectors prevail of Military Policia of Santa Catarina.
Military Policia of Santa Catarina is responsible for patrolling and guaranteeing the security of the catarinense society, beyond the tourists, visitors and workers whom if they use of the highways that cut the catarinense state. … the Military Policy (Wikipedia, 22/01/11) is present in all the catarinense territory, contributing, effectively, not only for the security, as for the preservation of the culture and the traditions of Santa Catarina. A corporation is considered model, being modernized in the actions of prevention, security and protection to the catarinense community. To carry through this Work Military Policia of Santa Catarina, counts approximately on a cash of of 10.000 policemen between men and women. The Military Policy, permanent agency, force auxiliary, reserve of the Army, organized on the basis of the hierarchy and disciplines, subordinate to the Governor of the State, fits, in the limits of its ability, beyond other attributions established in law: I? To exert the related Ostensive Policy with: – The preservation of the order and the public security; – The radio terrestrial, aerial, lacustrine and fluvial patrolling; – The road patrolling; – The guard and fiscalization of the urban transit; – The guard and fiscalization of the forests and sources; – The judiciary policy to militate; – The protection of the environment.