The Kantian

The Kantian ethics considers when having founded on having same, in the pure obligation; to have he is independent and independent of any good that could be the inspiring one of the regulating norm of the behavior. The codes of professional ethics either do not seem to have like foundation a philosophy with this one, that is transformed in the expression of Kant: ” it always acts in such a way that your action can be watched like Universal Law applicable to all the cases semejantes”. When investigating on the contents of the diverse codes of professional behavior, it is observed that of a more or less implicit way reference to some becomes ” valores” , in the philosophical sense of the term. Max Scheler has postulated everything axiolgico world (referring to the values) that prevails to the world of brings back to consciousness moral. The S-values pure qualities, that have own existence, and that are offered to the human being through their touching perception, of a hierarchized way. Scheler proposes the following hierarchial structuring: santo the spiritual the nobleman the pleasant thing The referring values to the development of the personality, the knowledge, the beauty, and the social values such as solidarity, the prosperity of the nation, the social cohesion, etc. would fall within the values of the nobleman, according to the terminology sheleriana.” The honesty, justice and the courtesy form a moral philosophy that, associated with the mutual interest between the men, it constitutes the foundation of the ethics.

The administrator must recognize this like norm, does not stop his passive observance, but like a set of dynamic principles that guide their conduct and its form of life (ethical and leadership). It is his obligation to practice his profession in agreement with these norms of tica”. Fundamental canons of the code of ethics for Administrators The administrator in the fulfillment of his professional duties will have: – To have like the most important security, the health, the prosperity of the nation, and the public well-being in the performance of its professional duties. – To only realise services in the areas of its competition. – To issue public declarations of objective and true way solely. – Professionally To act for each client or employee, being like its faithful agents or advisors. – To avoid the deceit in the processes of use request.