
Many speakers, actors, singers, businessmen, students, consultants, sales, etc. I.e., all some time have suffered phobia to speak in public, i.e. that fear, aversion to present in front of an audience that will have the eyes and ears only US-centric. I think that all we have ever felt this, if it does not think that we are not normal people. And we all want to know how to speak in public. When getting to a place where we talk about anything or make any presentation, began to worry, feeling a great knot in the stomach, nervousness, began to sweat, to block us, to feel butterflies in the stomach and even up to nausea and feel sick. Sounds familiar? Is totally normal any of these symptoms. Everything you mentioned, just a mental obstacle. For this reason, cope and overcome the phobia of public speaking requires a mental preparation, i.e. put in the mood that will help us to overcome the obstacles and learn. Fortunately there are several measures that we can practice to keep the fear speaking in public under control and win the mental game with a winner attitude. 6 Techniques to overcome the phobia to speak in public try its presentation, knowledge of the subject and the repetition will provide security to be lodged with any public. Develop skills for preparing and polishing his presentation: as public speaking imagine danto a good presentation, repeating itself likewise that he feels calm and ready. Accept that being nervous is normal and natural, do not attempt to cancel it with medications, caffeine, alcohol or anything else that can be counterproductive. Use your breath, to relax and reduce tension. Remember triumphs that has managed, to feed your mind and body energy positive. Highlight the positive points of experience and focus on them, for example: I’m learning to enjoy risks, learn new things, practice will make me be better every day, yes do it once and for all, this will be solved. The aim of all these points is reprogram their fear and turn it into a source of excitement and positive energy to quit worrying about what they will think of you, to be spontaneous and being an entrepreneur. It is also important that you enjoy the moments and celebrate their actions: as his decision to speak in public, their emotions like nervousness, and their successes and mistakes. Original author and source of the article.