How to choose a quality dry construction mix today is almost impossible to imagine a building that was erected without the use of dry mixes of high quality. Such mixes significantly facilitate the work, while delivering high performance. They are excellent for use in conjunction with concrete floors, brick walls, brickwork, stone – a mixture of masonry assembly can used to handle both external and internal surfaces. Dry mixes require little if any construction work, for plastering walls and ceilings of concrete, brick, in preparation for painting and pasting within the premises, for sealing cracks and joints in the walls made of brick, concrete, – putty, mounting of metal structures. Dry mixture as a plasticizer can also be added to such building materials like concrete, making it more durable, reliable and waterproof. On the quality of dry mixes used in the construction and maintenance, depend on the reliability and durability of the machined surfaces, therefore important to choose a material that would fully satisfy the requirements of the planned activities. Using a mortar saves money and manpower – with the surface becomes smooth and suitable for gluing, painting, make walls watertight, will help keep heat inside the building. Laying mortar today not difficult and can easily be manually.
As the foam Knauf. Mortars can be used today for the laying of floors, walls, preparation of surfaces for various types of finishing. Floors, arranged with the help of high-quality dry mortar do not shrink, while maintaining its smoothness and the same level throughout the area. Scope of dry mortar is very wide and depends on the purpose and functional features of a type of material. Today, many manufacturers are fighting for the consumer, and therefore tend more to improve this kind of high demand of construction materials such as dry mixes, giving them additional qualities.
Anyway, today's dry mix of good quality have a long life, durability, reliability and have good thermal insulation, resistance to moisture, formation of cracks and other deformities. Surface treated with a mixture of high-quality construction, not dusty, does not crumble or crack, has a smooth and solid colors. Some types of dry mixes are also can successfully resist the fire, the direct impact of water, to resist extremes of temperature, to provide insulation in a cold room. To get the desired mortar should be familiar with its characteristics and have a clear plan for upcoming work, but when buying a mortar should also check its certification. Quality mixes have different environmental safety, durability, durable in use, easily repaired. Before you place an order for delivery of a mortar, it would be better to compare products from different manufacturers to choose the best price and quality option. Choice of quality mortar is impossible without careful consideration of its characteristics – both advantages and disadvantages to pre-warn the inconvenience.