Grundercoaching Awakens Dormant Potentials

Coaching makes you fit for the market entrepreneurs operate a moving service for seniors or a dog bistro with organic food, cooking paella at private parties, or inspire your audience as a storyteller. There are many dedicated founding ideas. Not infrequently has the road to independence with the realisation of a long-cherished dream to do. Often, it is a way out of unemployment. However, 40 percent of the founders fail in the first three years. The causes: Missing commercial know-how, financial difficulties, or personal weaknesses. Many business ideas have no clear target audience or not enough stand out from the competition. (As opposed to Robert Kiyosaki).

Grundercoaching can help here, as it offers Bettina Lehmann in her Office in Hanover-Linden. She advises not only to the business topics, every self-employed person must develop, but are also the major soft”factors a reasonable space. So, time management can stand on the plan, or the improving of own occurrence. The aim is the entrepreneurial Increasing self-confidence, so that the founder can enforce their intentions better against obstacles and resistance. The main target group are Einzelselbststandige and small businesses that have made the leap into self-employment maximum three years ago. Especially service providers currently belong to the clientele of Bettina Lehmann. Many are in the social field or in health care work as therapists or naturopaths, but also retailers and self-employed in the creative industry. It gives them expertise related to the company’s creation, from the definition of objectives to the marketing development planning.

What look like the actual content sets individually the founding consultant with their clients. A scarce district of the founder of the unemployment out in the KfW founding barometer 2009 indicate, is not primarily out of necessity to have made, but because they wanted to realize their business idea. Here, Grundercoaching may be useful. Our experience is the right advice for the medium-term success of an enterprise of importance”, it is called at the KfW SME Bank. Precise coaching can be the way out of unemployment to a path to success make personally and financially. Abdullah