Advertising Marketing Communications

Effectiveness of advertising communications should be assessed in two ways: in terms of goods and in terms of the buyer. When creating advertising communication uchityvatsya two main reservoir of information: about the consumer (Socio-demographic characteristics, motivation, attitude to the product and the propensity to innovate), product (product uniqueness or positioning, the situation of consumption emotions or feelings in consumption). Consider stages of working with information about the consumer. To create a promotional communication, first you must clearly identify the target audience, which is addressed to future communication. Methods of determining the target audience can be expert (expert advice of the market) and experimental (market research of consumers). The first step in this process – identification of socio-demographic characteristics.

Necessary analysis of active consumers of your product. At what age these people, male or female? High income they have or low? The next step – to understand the motivations of this target group. Motive – is that cause or another person's actions. It is located 'inside' the individual has a 'personal' nature, depends on many external and internal to the individual factors, as well as other actions arising parallel with the motives. Motive not only induces a person to action, but also determines what to do and how this action will be implemented. To identify the target audience can be motivated to use the most well-known and widespread classification, which is a hierarchy of needs Maslow. His concept of human needs Maslow proposed in 1950, It includes the following main ideas and assumptions: People always feel some kind of needs, people have a set of expressed needs, which can be combined into separate groups, the group needs are hierarchical arrangement in relation to each Friend, unmet needs prompt people to action, satisfied – not motivate people, and if a need is satisfied, then in its place comes another, the person usually feels several different needs, needs that are closer to the bottom 'pyramids' primary demand satisfaction, demand a higher level are beginning to act on the person, after the general meet the needs of lower-level, higher level needs can be satisfied in more ways than lower-level needs.