Abilities Skills

In this article, these abilities, skills and knowledge to help you earn more and faster. Namely: Bistro blind typing on the keyboard with ten fingers and its application to get started Web design, as learn to write good articles on various topics, communicate the rules of the forums, why speak a foreign language than your knowledge of any useful for site building. To begin with, I think it will be useful to learn to touch type quickly keyboarding in the blind. For what it's needed. First, it will save time when writing articles for the site or for sale, second, earning, you can not do without communication to the forums, where you can ask interesting Your questions or just chat on interesting topics. In addition, the network has a forum, which pay for the communication! Also, the ability to quickly gain help to maintain correspondence by email, ICQ, chat rooms, etc.

In addition, there are sponsors pay-per- OCR on the image (captcha)! It is also useful to start to learn Web design as well as earnings on the site – one of the most extended ones. To begin, of course, is a simple language HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) – language text hyperactive markup. HTML – the standard language for creating hypertext documents (web pages). His study is not only useful but also interesting. This is the first step for webmasters that allows you to create simple sites with a simple design. Having studied HTML, useful to learn CSS (cascading style sheets), which will facilitate the creation of the site, and help create a more bright and beautiful design for the site.