Old Floor

To make the reform of an old floor should know very well the steps which must be give and give priority to some regard tasks to others. All this will be key to reforms carried out smoothly and on schedule. Undertake the works and reforms of an old floor carries very well analyze his status, taking into account if the floor is humidity, cracks or any other important defects. The first thing is to be advised by a technician qualified in this field. Comprehensive reform of an old floor can take between two months and a half and three months of average, therefore the Organization of the different trades involved in reform is essential and it is advisable to contract with a company of reforms that will take care of everything. When we have ideas very clear of what we do on our floor, you have to ask as at least three budgets at different companies to compare.

Budgets always must be in writing and have defined all paragraphs as materials, grades, etc. Once we decide by a reform budget, we can negotiate with the Enterprise of reforms the inclusion of a penalty clause in case that reform is not delivered within the stipulated time limit. Reforms in an old floor are three well-defined phases: the first is the demolition, in which is included the demolition of all the constructive elements that won’t stay once renovated floor, taking into account its rear shovel. Secondly we have the installation which provides for new installations of heating, plumbing, electricity, etc. Also included here are welding or brazing as new partitions was, straightening of walls, etc. Finally, in third place is the finishing phase.

At this stage you look at carpentry, painting, etc. In an old floor, it is usually convenient to change all kinds of pipes and drainpipes because in addition to be made with materials that already are not currently employed in their manufacture, with the passage of time have suffered significant wear and may be a focus of post-reform faults. A period of good to begin the reforms in general tends to be spring or summer, since the temperature of these stations help the drying of the materials used in our reforms. If we choose the summer to carry out the reform should take into account that it is a holiday period in many companies and therefore the works we perform can be delayed.