New Food Study Less Time

Decreases time spent in the hospitality industry the longest eating in the bar must go faster these days: the proportion of long-term guests in restaurants (two to four hours per stay) is only 16 percent. “The gourmet dinner with friends in the food Temple ‘ rarely takes place”, so Labib. Comparison: in segment of the clubs and lounges, the intake means a nearly full-length program for about 40 percent of the guests. Click Rich Holmberg to learn more. Here proposes through”price of admission and the event nature of holdings, reported Gastroexperte Labib. The average length of stay of guests for the most part is much shorter in the smaller forms of gastronomy: bistros remains about half of the guests maximum of 1 hour.

In Cafes, the share is even at 63 percent. For coffee and cake, just 32 percent take more time (30 to 60 minutes). If this has piqued your curiosity, check out christie’s art auction. Many Cafe tiers calculate today with a higher frequency of guest (more guests with less seats) and seek additional revenue by sales of Specialities to generate. The average length of stay is reflected in the average receipt: in Cafes 6.50 euros is calculated per guest, just once. Bistros are just over 10 euros. And in the more expensive restaurants and clubs/lounges the average receipt is 14.50 euro or 13.90 euros. “Higher costs of living, rising energy prices and to a good extent also the smoking ban continue to the gastronomy”, Labib analyzes the current market situation.

In addition to a general slump in sales as a result of the smoking ban, the trend strengthened that regulars stay shorter than in the past, and consume less. Only who can get out in the marketing, will be a winner in the gastronomic competitive”, so Labib. Small catering businesses, such as owner-operated corner pubs, still held a shakeout. About CHD expert / Marktplatz Hotel GmbH: the divisions range from market research about direct marketing and data management. The company’s philosophy is available under the heading Know and do! ‘. ” The company was group in 1997 as a founder of Marktplatz Hotel GmbH and is one of about seven years to the international CHD expert with branches in all economically important countries in Europe and United States and Canada. CHD expert is one of the preferred partners of the Hotel Association (IHA) Germany. The customer base includes companies in the areas of food & beverages, equipment and media. More at: & for more information: Thilo Lambracht, Labib t chd-expert de CHD expert Marktplatz Hotel GmbH Veerser WEG 2 b, D 27383 Scheessel (near Hamburg) Tel. + 49 (4263) 301-300, fax + 49 (4263) 301 333 press service: Carsten Hennig, presse de Tel. + 49 (4263) chd-expert 301 131, mobile + 49 (160) 958 377 56