March Identifies

Brainstorming is always good, now that kind of thinking might work is a good question. Aboutaam does not necessarily agree. The great news is know how to organize and analyze the ideas that may come to surface. Follows four basic steps to get to have a good business idea. 1. Identifies a Need 2. Check if you are already being met in March Identifies potential customers 4 Check if your idea is consistent with what is being sought Step 1 Identify a Need: The first step in the development of every great idea is to get to meet a need, so if ‘re looking for a business idea you must identify the needs that exist for consumers.

Search Basarte in the pyramid of Maslow’s needs to start with your observation, discusses the five basic needs from which they derive the rest: Physiological, Safety, Membership, Accreditation and Self-realization. Start by identifying the basic need of the base of the pyramid and look for other needs that could also be met. For example: The need for a home is one of the basic needs for a human being, but living in a Penthouse could also satisfy a need for self-realization. Step 2 Check it is already being met: Now you must determine whether the need is being satisfied, if you are new items you find in your offer that can be distinguished from existing products. One example is what happened with the iPod, for in some form exitiosa Cd players on that side it was satisfying this demand, but the design and technology of the iPod managed to turn it into a fashion accessory, which managed to meet a need status in many people.

Step 3 Identify potential customers: You have an innovative product, must now draw the profile of your ideal customer, imagine your lifestyle, your interests, tastes. Step 4 Check if your idea is consistent with what was intended: What remains to be done to validate your idea is to check that will be accepted, seeking people who fit the profile drawn above and submit your idea. No need to have the product, you can submit an idea into a focus test group and the acceptance that this would have. Verify that your ideas can become big business, and start now.