
Tom Peters, one of the intellectuals of management and most recognized worldwide business, and author of in search of excellence, regarded as one of the great books of managerial literature of all time, wrote: in the event you have fifteen years, stop mocking fools of its kind because one day they will have to work for them will arrive!. Practically all of the investigations of the past twenty years conclude that the excellent academic assessment of a person says absolutely nothing in the way in which that person will react to the difficulties in his life, proving that an excellent academic assessment, be has only can deduce to a person is excellent resolving academic assessment tests. And not only that, but that most people with a high IQ, end up working as subordinates of people worse equipped intellectually, since it is very low the percentage of success attributable to the intellectual quotient of the successful person, in any of the fields in which we contemplate it: working, couple, family etc. However, in the context in which they habitually interact and develop people, basically Exchange and participation, a series of emotional competencies, if they are significant and even determinant in the success and efficiency, since face situations, or placed before the environment with efficiency and achieve successful results, not dependent on the thorough analytical knowledge of the same, but the operational capacity of Act on the, and in this sense emotions if they play a conclusive role of success or failure. Since the mid-1980s, H. Gardner, develops the idea that man has not a single type of intelligence, and in this sense, much of the authors have been agreed to differentiate two types of emotional intelligence: the intrapersonal and the interpersonal. The Gardner itself, defines the intrapersonal intelligence as ‘the ability to establish contact with the own feelings, discern between them and take advantage of this knowledge to guide our conduct, and interpersonal intelligence as the ability to discern and respond appropriately to the States of moods, temperaments, motivations and desires of other people, something which does not seem easy to acquire only studying. .