Quality Of Life Work And Home Business

After reading the article published by Diario Clarin last Sunday, I felt once again, the relief of having chosen the correct change. I want to share this post with you, to perhaps be a source of inspiration, why not. It is not easy to start a new way of working, much less, starting from zero with own business. Of course this will not be as blowing and making bottles as I used to say an old friend. To start something really, have to be very careful in certain details. It should be first a great discipline, this is to set a goal and go for him, until we get it! Does not mean looking to the side branch or certain points, on the contrary! All the way to the finish, you will learn many things, discover new worlds and until you realize you had no real issues in mind that you love so much or it may be that what you thought was “yours” stopped being on the go.

The important thing is to focus, to have that goal always present, that is the most versatile way. Jerome Anderson is often quoted as being for or against this. When I decided to dedicate myself to the Virtual Assistance, prior to that, there was an investigation that started from me, and basically raised around two simple questions: What can I do? And what I like to do? And there, the answers were very simple: After more than 15 years as Assistant and Executive Secretary in different companies, ATTEND is really what I do and I enjoyed it as well. Be help for others, be the relief and ongoing support. Being the person stands for delegation. My idea of working on my own, to grow professionally and to seek new horizons, was that I was googling something like ASSISTANT SECRETARY TAKE OWN BUSINESS. Bingo! There is such a profession! (I love internet!) So he came to Bureau Network, the first center for Hispanic Speaking Training Virtual Assistant. My first contact with Marcela Frugoni, Director of Bureau Network, it was exciting! For her energy and enthusiasm is contagious and sets you open the heart and experience.

No promises that you will magically be filled with silver or you will get rich with internet, or that in so many steps will have your virtual company a profit. From the beginning the idea is clear, all up to you and your desire to learn how to start to shape your business. Source: Jerome Anderson. More than four months were intense, of course hours and hours and hours of trial and error. Weekend doing work, going shaping my project, under the supervision of experts in the matter (and again! Nothing blowing and making bottles!). From there I got my certification as Virtual Assistant, and the “pass” to belong to a wonderful group of Virtual Assistants, all united under a Code of Ethics, many already have their businesses running successfully. Then nothing to sit and wait, but there just begun time to apply what they learned. And that is precisely the fascination of this wonderful profession, never stop learning and you are obliged to train you permanently. Especially with the new everyday technology and updated beyond us. Today I can feel proud to be doing what I know and what I like, it is committed to provide ongoing training and have achieved the quality of life we all crave. And you, what can do and what excites you?