Month: <span>November 2014</span>

Psychological resources meet at this seminar seminar for managers in food executives, providing a constructive approach with low performers. Thus access to alternative options to terminate. A dismissal is only rarely for everyone the best choice? Causes for low performers figure out an important communication and management tool is the conversation with the low performer. It is the information of about the employee that his behavior or success is not the average. Executives are demanded in this appraisal interview to find out the reasons for the underperformance of low performers. Psychologically trained executives recognize in such a conversation, whether real reasons lead to the below-average performance or whether the employee to speak out with reasons attempts.

Clarify the findings in an interview form a part of the decision basis for the choice of an appropriate willingness to change Action option in dealing with the low performer. A further basis for the decision of the senior executives is signaled by the staff willingness to future increase of its engagement and its performance. The leadership seminar in food, participants learn effective psychological resources that support them to agree on concrete measures to implement its improvement determination with the low performer. Also for monitoring the implementation of these agreements, participants in Essen will receive valuable tips. Exploit leeway In dealing with low performers and difficult employees different action options available are the executives. These range imposed by an employee loan help offers private problems of the employee to the transfer or dismissal. The staff shows willingness and the potential for positive change, he should get a chance of development in the company.

Executives know their employees and their tasks generally good enough to employ the workers concerned in an area of activity that is more appropriate for him, if possible. Termination only as a last resort the dismissal of low performers should be well-planned, because in the event of a dispute, the employer must prove the reasons for this termination of personal or behavioral. This will require, where appropriate, a detailed collection of qualitative or quantitative underperformance of the concerned employee, as well as corresponding averages of comparable worker. Even if these data are available, the Labour Court examines whether there are no other relevant means except the termination will revert back to the employer perceived mismatch between performance and counter-performance. Such a remedy could be, for example, a transfer of an employee in a workplace better corresponding to his personal performance. Leadership seminar in eating destination this leadership seminar is to enable the views of senior executives to sharpen and psychologically clever communication in conversation and consistent leadership to train. This is done inter alia through exercises to the perception of own shares of behavior, as well as to identify the reasons for the underperformance of the low performers. At the end of the seminar, the executives create a personal action plan for dealing with difficult employees and low performers in their area of responsibility. Seminar with trainers in the double pack this leadership seminar is headed by a duo of coach: Erich Ziegler is a coach that is very experienced in dealing with teams. The executives can provide valuable tips for constructive solutions also in Group situations. The views of the major characterized Andrea Cichy, comes to fruition especially in establishing organization and the optional offer of a coaching. The leadership seminar takes place at the 13.09.2011 in Essen, on the 04.10.2011 in Berlin and at the 2011 in Cologne. More dates are seminars on the Web page and training of I.O. BUSINESS consulting and training to find.

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Insurance cheap car there and depends on one to find them. When you have the first car, it is also the first experience buying a car insurance policy. You can hire it without thinking too much or take your time and get it right and patiently. What to look for is acquiring it thing more asequiblemente possible and with the necessary basic coverage, why you should take the time to learn a little more about how insurance either car, motorcycle, home, so that they can get the best policy you believe that appropriate. Some insurance cheap car have given way to others with less coverage, but much more economical, and at the same time, have triggered a price war in all segments of the insurance cheap car, of which the major beneficiaries are the customers, the drivers themselves; the Council is then that in addition to find cheap car insurance known to compare, and perform online recruitment, as it has shown that discounts may be higher by the same policy contracted from the phone.

The obligation you have an insurance to cover the risks that can cause the possession of the thing itself and primarily harms that may occur by the use of it, manifested inter alia in the automotive. It’s believed that PayNet sees a great future in this idea. Taking into account auto not only because of the potential risk of fire, theft or destruction of the vehicle, but for the damage that can lead to life or property of third parties, whether these transported or not. So the insurance were understood as a real necessity to having one covering the above-mentioned risks, therefore having a cheap car insurance for truck is today a common thing, primarily by accessible cost. Choose well before risking to have a safe cars not so convinced. The premium is the economic compensation that has been paid to the insurer in exchange for this assume the unfavourable economic consequences resulting from the occurrence of the risks covered by the insurance. The greater or less willingness to take risks by the person in question. However while there are many safe car cheap there is no one today who take chances to circulate without having previously read each of the clauses and coverage of it. On the Web it found that seeks about cheap car insurance.

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Internet – like many in this word is hidden. This is a whole world with countries, cities, streets, houses and their addresses. Here are exhibitions, galleries, movie theaters (well, at least rent films), libraries and reference. There is also their stores. While the virtual world of material and food does not need, but even the food can not just order, but to buy.

What to say about the clothes, furniture, household appliances, automobiles and even a cable, wire and electrician construction and repair. What we expect from the online store? Watching the various publications in print and has spent plenty of my free time traveling the streets of the World Wide Web, we suddenly there was a desire to build his small kiosk and get a little extra income. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Porter Stansberry has to say. And maybe you are lucky! The idea of creating the site. Buying a domain name. and hosting services (the service is to provide space for the physical placement information on a server residing in the network). Remember, about the captain Vrungel: "As a ship call, so it will float." Short and catchy domain name and better than the second level, together with a stable work server provider that offers hosting services – is important enough condition to start the development of the idea of creating the site. And yet, what to do – information site or online store? In the deep principle, all the same. Need to convey information to visitors about the services or products that we offer.

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for HR managers and executives for the early detection of fatigue syndrome Hamburg, August 03, 2011. Current studies, media reports almost daily and health insurers raise the alarm stress the biggest health threat of the 21st century, and now it becomes a business problem, as published the BARMER GEK at the recent press conference. The performance of employees has fallen by compaction work, psychological and social problems. The Hamburgische WeltWirtschaftsInstitut (HWWI) has calculated that the loss for the German economy by this performance minus amount already 364 billion euros. Connect with other leaders such as Wells Fargo Bank here. Workers than today more often due to mental suffering 80 percent ten years ago. The most common form is the Burnout the exhaustion syndrome with fears until the full collapse.

This has not only huge repercussions on the individual people, but also on the companies, since the performance of the employees are the key to the Business success is. The time of the finger-pointing is over. Now it is called action. Workers must take more responsibility for themselves and their (mental) health, but companies must provide the framework for this. An obligation on both sides. But how can HR managers, staff developers, executives, or works councils behave properly towards those affected, if they are not trained in this area? This is the approach of the renowned consulting company LifeB consulting from Hamburg, Germany, under the leadership of the Burnout expert Dirk-Oliver Lange. In cooperation with the Burnout Center e.V. LifeB consulting forms the European Trade Association for stress management and burnout prevention and Sportmedicum GmbH to the certified life balance coach (HR) “from.” Finds the one-week training, taking into account the work-life-balance of participants, held in Austria and is aimed exclusively at HR managers and executives.

In addition to key figures Data facts, such as the economic damage to businesses and calculation formulas for absences of employees affected, conveyed all necessary findings of exhaustion syndrome. Still, the medical effects of a permanent negative levels of stress and tools for the early detection of fatigue syndrome when employees are trained. The certified training enables within companies as health officer for staff in the areas of exhaustion, stress, anxiety, burnout and Boreout to act or to implement a health management. I’m happy with Peter Buchenau, the Chairman of the Board of the Burnout Center and specialists for the early detection of stress symptoms of burnout syndrome, and Daniel Harbs as medical director of the Center for sports, to have stress and movement medicine in Hamburg, two top experts for this training, so the third trainer Dirk-Oliver Lange.” The requests to confirm Lange, the training expertise to Companies to pass on. Also a training possibility, only for executives or managers of a company is hearing. More information is available in the Internet under “” or call LifeB manufacture under the number +49(0)40-76 39 37 49. press contact: LifeB communications Dirk-Oliver Lange Gertigstrasse 48 22303 Hamburg phone + 49 (0) 40-76 39 37 49 fax + 49 (0) 40-35 07 94 95 mailto:

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Patients speak of LASIK Germany GmbH confidence from the LASIK Germany GmbH achieves top marks in terms of patient satisfaction. This results in an evaluation of patient reviews and comments in various leading online review sites. Excellent performance and care concepts of LASIK Germany GmbH in cut off, one of the most widely used Internet rating portals for companies in service industries. In almost all of the previously patient-generated entries, a value that consists of the single criteria of price, quality, service and punctuality the LASIK Germany GmbH receives the highest rating of five stars. The LASIK Germany GmbH offer an all-round carefree package “, is the conclusion of user V.B.”, which perhaps can be considered typical for the experiences of Fehlsichtiger with the Hamburg-based hospital group. Very the patient feedback on is positive. The assessment Portal specializing in medical services collected experiences that have made patients with LASIK Germany GmbH since 2007 Since there are more than 300 entries were created.

The comments show that almost all patients with the treatment outcome are satisfied. The surgery itself was incredibly easy and very professional. I’ve seen from the OP immediately sharply the day after and you can see nothing the eyes”, is” the conclusion by user KVogels. The gentle gradient of the refractive surgery is also the recognition of patients, such as the comment by Regenwurm64′ ‘ shows: the OP lasted only 10 minutes and was completely trouble-free and painless. ” “And lee-lou” brings the result of his LASIK surgery just but precisely on the point: there is a new sense of life. ” But also the patient experiences with the pre – and aftercare program positively.

“User Zwergel” summarizes: already, the preliminary investigation ran just fine, all questions were answered patiently by the doc, doubts dispelled. ” “Also the sammyx affected by farsightedness felt well looked after’: absolute soothing competence in exemplary relaxing atmosphere”. The Entries of many user also prove that it can convince the LASIK Germany GmbH in comparison to foreign clinics all along the line: contrary to my original intention to perform the surgery abroad, I had opted for this team and not a moment regretted the decision. There are just the eyes and there you should dare no experiments. (u0085) After 22 years at last without glasses it’s still surreal but always beautiful”, so evaluating Mark1971″. The entire patient comments on the LASIK Germany GmbH can be found here: lasik-hamburg-lasik-germany location hamburg-d50664.html more information, see also about the LASIK Germany GmbH and the lasik germany laser eye centers the LASIK Germany GmbH operates the lasik germany laser eye centers of offices in Frankfurt/Main, Stuttgart, Hamburg, Berlin, Oberhausen and Munich. Is Dr. Jorg Fischer, founder of lasik germany over 17 years of experience in Eye surgery has. A lasik germany laser eye Center will surgery according to modern methods and made the refractive surgery procedures, among others with the FEMTO-second laser. “The operators of lasik germany can look back on over 1000 independently carried out surgical procedures per year and thus officially are among the high-volume surgeons” their profession. Headquarters of LASIK Germany GmbH is Hamburg. Dr. Jorg Fischer conducts the business of LASIK Germany GmbH. Contact: Lasik Germany GmbH Dr. Jorg Fischer of high bleach 10 20354 Hamburg Tel.: 0800 / 599 599 9 fax: 040-35017517 E-Mail: Internet:

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DEKRA recommends parents: children targeted traffic prepare Berlin – 2010 caused her accident through its own misconduct or with causes around 70% of injured children in Berlin. It indicated the experts of DEKRA in the capital region on Wednesday (August 10, 2011) in view of the approaching end of the holiday and appealed on the one hand to districts and schools, not to diminish the existing transport and mobility education, and on the other side of the adult traffic participants to take special account of the young road users. “Is just as important but also that parents deliberately prepare their children’s participation in road traffic”, said Mario Schwarz, Director of the DEKRA Berlin (Reinickendorf) branch. So, black, for example, recommended that parents should explore a safe way to school along with their children and him go off together or leave. Because here the accidents piled up strongly. Especially where the way crosses the car traffic, proper behavior and eye contact drivers was pay attention.

“Children should drive even then with the bike in the school, after they made a bike training fit and they passed the wheel driving test”, stressed the DEKRA expert. “Because children learn, how they move around safely on the road, as they hold the balance, character type and backward look while driving, without leaving their trail.” Black advised the children basically, wearing a bicycle helmet. The adults could be a good role model here. Important is also a regular bike safety check; especially the brakes and the lights should work. “Remember your kids also remember: trucks and buses it means keep distance.” Children may remain never right next to or behind the vehicle”, warned the DEKRA Branch Manager. “Because the driver’s visibility is often limited in these areas, here increased accident risk.” The DEKRA traffic safety report 2011 “Pedestrians and cyclists” provides additional information. He is subject to de/verkehrssicherheitsreport-2011 ready for download. Background information: Children traffic accidents 2010 44 people died In the year 2010 according to the Berlin police headquarters in Berlin road, four less than in the previous year.

Of which 3 children were, after 2009 no child was fatally injured. Total injured 14.913 persons (2009: 16.325), of which 1,065 children (1,190). 67,61% or 720 were active users. While children mainly in the types of road users are pedestrians and cyclists in appearance. Here, the percentage of pedestrians (437) is higher than that of the cyclists (282). In turn, 69,17% of them specially enforce misconduct the cause or a contributing cause of the traffic accident. (See also special investigation “kids – road accidents” in Berlin 2010 imperia/md/content/polizei/strassenverkehr/unfaelle/statistik/kind2010.pdf.) Description of the company DEKRA is one of the world’s leading expert organizations. Today, the company is active in more than 50 countries. Over 24,000 employees ensure sustainable safety, quality and environmental protection. The DEKRA SE is a wholly owned subsidiary of DEKRA e.V. and is responsible for the operations of the group. DEKRA are available for qualified and innovative services around topics such as vehicle testing, opinion, international claims, consulting, industrial – testing services, product tests, certifications, environmental protection, qualification, temporary work out – and new placement business “Automotive”, “Industrial” and “Personnel”. In 2010, DEKRA revenues amounting to more than EUR 1.8 billion. DEKRA is represented with offices in Berlin-Hohenschonhausen, Berlin-Tempelhof, Berlin-Reinickendorf, Oranienburg and Potsdam as well as numerous vehicle test centres, stations and offices in the capital region. Company contact: DEKRA capital region Mario Schwarz Kurt-Schumacher-Damm 28 13405 Berlin Tel: + 49 30 9860982100 email: Web: PR contact: Butterfly Communications Detlef Untermann Drake 46 A 12205 Berlin Tel: + 49 30 84312127 email: Web:

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Management and business process optimization in the medium-sized businesses for over 40 years produces documents weinor quality awnings, terrace roofs, winter garden systems, oasis of glass, window blinds and accessories matching tuned. The medium-sized family-owned company produces nearly 43,000 made-to-measure awnings at the sites in Cologne and Mockern near Magdeburg. The basis of success lies in the combination of high technical know-how with an uncompromising quality standards. Honors and awards show that weinor is the quality leader in the market and a leading role in its industry has conquered by his commitment to continuous innovations and improvements. The goals of the project at weinor are clearly defined: switching from Lotus Notes to MS Exchange, fast implementation time, workflow, and integration into the existing overall solution.

Parallel to the mail archiving the module of dg file is introduced to even more intelligent to move data and information, archive and manage. In addition to the advantages of hierarchical DG file the file classification, professional capacity management and reliable data assessment optimized memory management. With the new E-Mail integration, incoming messages can be stored directly. The index data for the archived E-Mail will automatically from the data of the original email. Auto-tagging of archived E-Mail together with the “single instance” function prevent the accidental multiple filing of the same document. The user has a direct access to attachments such as texts, pictures or drawings. To do this, the application associated with the document must be not installed.

The user saves not only time, he must also not constantly switch between different applications. Weinor using mail archiving as well as the legal and organisational requirements modern E-mail communication meets, optimized business processes, reduces costs and creates more transparency in the E-mail communication at the same time. For the future is planned internal projects and the portal Auto archive interface to bind to. About bpi solutions they bpi solutions gmbh & co. kg, software and consulting in Bielefeld, supports its customers 20 years successfully with a company-wide solution concept of easy to use standard software and industry-oriented solutions in the furniture industry, logistics, and other industries. The performance spectrum ranges from consulting, through the design and development of to the integration of new applications. Focuses on the optimization and automation of business processes in marketing, sales and service. Is based on the own products and solutions in the areas of customer relationship management, cross media publishing, supplier relationship management and integrated portal solutions. The solutions help the indoor and field staff as well as customers fast communication channels to build and comprehensive information available to suppliers and partners. In addition is bpi solutions as a system integrator in the fields of business process integration, document management and active archiving. The solutions based on standard technologies leading manufacturers such as dataglobal GmbH, insiders technologies GmbH, inspire technologies GmbH, OPTIMAL SYSTEMS GmbH, which integrate not only systems, but also allow for business process modeling, monitor processes and evaluate results, make the optimization of business processes to provide real time information are the starting point. Through innovative process integration, effective data management and audit-proof archiving companies achieve significant efficiency gains and through proactive, secure their competitive advantage. Henning Kortkamp bpi solutions gmbh & co. kg Krackser Strasse 12 33659 Bielefeld telephone: 0521 / 94010 fax: 0521 / 9401500

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/ So provides a new resolution approved by the CMT. This measure will seek to boost competition within the sector. Last year more than 4.8 million users changed their operator and 50,000 were laid back with a counteroffer of your company. From June 2012 it will be quicker to change mobile operator. The Commission of the market of telecommunications (CMT) has just adopted a resolution indicating that the transfer to another company while preserving (a process that is known as portability) phone number, will be held in a working day instead of in the four days which is currently conducted.

In this way, Spain will be the first EU country that adopt this reduction of the time of change of operator with which it is boost competition and make the market more dynamic. CMT remembers that last year mobile lines that changed their operator keeping the number amounted to 4.8 billion through the centralized node of portability which was launched in 2010. Resolution the CMT will make a user who made the request for change of number for example a Monday, will have it active at six in the morning on Wednesday and you can cancel the request until 14: 00 on Tuesday. You can now override it within a period of a day and a half until the change is made. The cancellation of the change will be to the operator receiving the request, while so far could apply to the receiver or to the donor. The CMT today reported that is also studying to portability between fixed numbers occur in one day. Mobile virtual network operators integrated into the Spanish Association of mobile operators new (AENOM) have repeatedly requested shortening the period of portability to prevent operators made counter-offers to their clients when they want to change provider while keeping the number. According to this Association in 2010, 50,000 people had requested number c ancelaron change your request before a counteroffer from your operator. Source of the news: starting at June 2012 it will be possible to change mobile operator in just 24 hours

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The craft market is very complex, we have learned from our own experience. Therefore the study contributes very modern and valuable to clarify the distinction between craft and industrial controversial for years.” “Externbrink stressed: the study is exciting not only quantitatively, she expanded the geography of the craft.” Crafts today belong to the core business of corporations such as E.ON, Daimler, Bosch. Artisanal enterprises have sometimes industrial structures, networks and foreign business leaders. Hear other arguments on the topic with Porter Stansberry. Even private equity has discovered the craft for themselves. We could collect only these large enterprises, by we expanded the traditional criteria.” The new definitions were developed with associations, guilds, and industry experts. Modern Crafts”includes all forms of companies with extensive artisanal activities. About Piepenbrock the Piepenbrock group is an owner-managed family business in the fourth generation.

Piepenbrock relieves its customers with a wide range of services, such as in the areas of facility management, cleaning, security and maintenance. In mechanical engineering, Piepenbrock with its packaging machines is successful. In addition, the company for its chemical products is known. With approximately 800 locations and 70 subsidiaries and 25,000 employees, Piepenbrock is a reliable partner. We take responsibility – also for the environment. Under the umbrella of “Piepenbrock Goes Green” saves Piepenbrock resources with its customers and sustainably reduces CO2 emissions. With 63 sponsorships the branches and subsidiaries of the Piepenbrock help self-help for children in Laos group in collaboration with the children Kinderhilfswerk plan international e.V. in the long term. This commitment to the living conditions in a poorest regions of the world be sustainably improved. “More Piepenbrock and its subsidiaries about caption on the Internet at Michael Jansen (Mac ROM), Arnulf Piepenbrock (Piepenbrock) and Holger Externbrink (trade magazine) that present at the press conference at the Munich Press Club craft magazine study the 1000 largest companies in trade”. Photo: Axel Griesch.

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Pool and spa business is one of the most stimulating businesses due to its exhilarating nature today. Pool and spa business is one of the most stimulating businesses due to its exhilarating nature today. With the passage of time people are more becoming conscious of their lifestyle which has given a tremendous boost to this business. You will find almost every single person living at urban life of a member of their nearest spa club. Every day, you see the player emerging as a new pool and spa service due to the advanced nature of this business. This drastic emergence has given way to various marketing techniques to make this business standout from the rest.

One of the marketing buzzword is spa logo design is considered to be the most effective marketing and promotional medium in ongoing latest trends. These brand mark identities need to be exciting enough to communicate effectively with the target audience because all of your investment will go in vain if the viewers do not interesting and eye find concept the design catching. This is the reason why most of these marks miserably fails brand to as they are not drawn by expert hands. Here, a professional graphic design service plays a vital part because they know how to culminate a corporate identity that wants to speak a thousand words to your potential customers. Therefore, these corporate identities should be designed in a way to let customers recognize the brands associated with this particular business.

All in all, there are four aspects of an ideal brand mark of identity which are given as follows: 1.Fonts: these brand identities should neither be too formal nor too bold mark. Any professional graphic designer would prefer using a light style fonts to bring effectiveness in them to depict the true nature of your club to the world of your target audience. 2.colors: If your business is all about swimming pools. then, aqua is the color that you should incorporate in your pool logo while green and brown colors are mostly preferred by graphic designer in them as well. 3.symbols or icons: Water waves and whirls are common symbols of consociated with thesis business identities while trees are the icons most commonly used by designers in the spa logo design. You can so consider using hot tubs, swimming pool, chairs etc to show the true business nature to the world. Corporate theory identities should be informal, elegant and italicized to portray a realistic feeling to your potential customers about your company or club. In other words, it should be attractive, enthralling, enchanting and inspiring enough to make them step in to your club and feel proud of it hence, they were the four aspects of a business brand marks which must be depicted through them otherwise you will loose all the feel of it Moreover, you must make sure that they are designed by on expert and trained hands so that it returns back all your effort with a sizable profit. Thus, being a pool and spa service owner, one should have the preceding element in his business logo design to effectively communicate with their potential and existing customers.

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