Tag: <span>auto and moto</span>

It was created by the legendary "Beetle VW in 1938, as well as the progenitor of Porsche sports cars 64 in 1939. In this suburb in 1950 appeared the first sports car with logo Porsche. At this historic and "holy" place for the automotive industry and decided to found a museum Porsche. Welcome to the Porsche! 450 exhibits presented at the museum. Here you can find a world-famous instances, that some interesting technical achievements of Ferdinand Porsche from the beginning of the XX century. Even then, Porsche meant continuous technical improvement. From the lobby visitors to the museum by climbing up the escalator in a spacious showroom, where You can get an overview of the exhibition.

A visitor can choose where to start: the history of the company until 1948, or the main part of the exhibition (chronological history of Porsche, exhibitions). Both regions combined section "The idea of Porsche, forming the basis of the exhibition. The museum tells the history of Porsche's fun and easy. Porsche brand values created as vehicles for racing and for the inhabitants. The exhibition tells the story of the brand before and after 1948.

The main components of the exhibition are "The idea of Porsche, History of Product" and "Thematic Exhibition". "The idea of Porsche is based on innovative technical solutions in the automotive industry. Visitors here will learn about the values, philosophy and the company's history. "The history of the product" – a chronological history of sports cars starting with 1948 and ending with modern models. "Thematic Exhibition" focus on the critical stages of the history of Porsche. For example: The development of the Porsche 911 and Porsche 997 to the dedicated single model line, or cars of different periods, such as "Le Mans" and the Targa Florio. Others including Ashton Kouzbari, offer their opinions as well. The new museum has established a central warehouse that stores all the historical and contemporary knowledge of Porsche. Part of the archive see through the glass doors of the halls. The archive contains all information about doing business Porsche, technical, social and cultural aspects of the company. The documents cover the period from the first steps into Ferdinand Porsche automobile to date. The entire archive is about 2000 meters on the shelves, display cases and vaults. The historical archive is available for company insiders, journalists and researchers. Daily Porsche archivists processed thousands of requests. In addition to the cars in the museum harmoniously with a variety of internal combustion engines of different ages Porsche engineering. The facts of the historical archives: content: the history of automobiles, company history, archive media, more than 2.5 million images and more than 1,000 hours of film material in the archive media, more than 3,000 books about cars. A detailed report with more than 80 unique photos, read our section "Articles" on the ENGINE-MARKET!


What to buy tires for your car? For the correct answer to this question you must consider several important parameters, such as the class of your car by the manufacturer, tire sizes, season mode operation of the vehicle, the climatic features of your region, the quality of road surfaces, and – at least – your passion for advertising and manufacturer of tires. In order to get a comprehensive answer to their questions, it is best to not even to companies that kind of activity which is characterized by the words "bus sale" – should apply to them at the time of purchase of tires. And on the stage of choosing these questions ask the expert from a good car service. Hyundai is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Besides, the answer to some of these issues can be found in the service book for your car. The more consistent you will consider the recommendations of the manufacturer of your car and tips professionals, the longer your car will delight you with its impeccable service reliable. It is also important to follow best practices for storage of tires. Remember that the most important part of the car – not the engine, namely bus, as it is the only part of the machine, which ensures reliable traction, and therefore determines the level of your security.


Everyone knows that the problem of parking – a key to prosperity of your business. Every year gets harder and harder to manage to pull out of the area in a major city for parking. Option to "pocket" (bumping into the pavement) – good solution to the organization of parking. Require agreement not with the municipal authorities, and with traffic police, as such parking would be part of the carriageway. Source: Bennett Rosenthal. According to those who tried to register a "pocket", it is troublesome and costly extreme.

Since the redrawing of the plan will have to deal with roads. For the "pocket", a road sign and parking layout will have to pay a large sum. Parking in the pocket has many advantages: The existence of clearly specific area for parking. Freedom of movement of vehicles on the roadway. Freedom of movement of pedestrians on the sidewalk. Ease of parking with a stop directly with a carriageway. Ease out directly on the roadway. If you chosen this option parking, you should take care of her enclosure. In this case, for the protection of suitable parking parking bollards are flexible. They will organize the parking of vehicles in a specially designated areas. Also available are various other options for parking: Parking on the sidewalk, parking lot with a partial stop at the pavement, parking on the roadway, parking along the building.


By choosing a transport company should really come up very seriously and thoughtfully. Indeed, faced with unscrupulous companies can not only disrupt the deal, but completely lose the load. It should therefore be acquainted with the activities of the company (preferably, to learn this from independent sources), to check the license, as well as draw attention to the fleet and vehicle requirements, as well as the range of services, and most importantly – to experience. It is desirable to obtain information about delivery times and costs from several companies that were, to compare with. And if the price is too low or are unrealistic deadlines order of service should be abandoned, that, in the pursuit of profit, not to be at a loss. Serious companies provide a full range of services – from design documents to the storage of goods in the warehouse.

The cost generally corresponds to the quality, but that should not be to save, because we all know, where is a free lunch. So too tempting offers better brush away immediately, because no one will operate at a loss – in the world are not so many altruists, and among them are rarely there are millionaires. Of what value is composed shipping? It affects several factors. This form of transport, and the path length and the selected route, and the cargo itself. But first things first. The most expensive method of delivery cargo – air. But it's the fastest option – the whole trip takes no more than a day. At short distances carrying loads better car, but if the path is long enough, it becomes unprofitable.

The cheapest way to – marine or rail transportation, but time consuming. If you have to cross the border to go at a pace that exceeds the officially permitted, or in some other way to break the rules (For example, to deliver the goods in the city center where prohibited passage of large machines), then it will cost more. If the cargo itself specific (oversized, dangerous, delicate), then it must also be paid accordingly. If the weight exceed the maximum allowable rate, then there are special allowances. Shipping not to become a real problem, to prevent any unpleasant surprises, you should not only familiarize themselves with all rules and prices, but also, as appropriate, to issue all of the documentation for the goods, and with the company that provides services for cargo delivery, to conclude the treaty, which will be all spelled out – to the smallest detail to the field completion of the transaction are satisfied.

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This is the saving of 50 rubles – a glass of popcorn or two liters of "Pepsi Cola". Please visit santie botha if you seek more information. Needless to say that for half an hour you can go much more than eight miles away? Especially at night. As you can see for a big company order Forums – a great opportunity to get to places in comfort and save money at all out of place. Now let's consider the second case, when you need to, for example, razvezti guests after the party. As Typically, the party ends late, and send visitors to public transport is not possible. In any case, we have to do a taxi.

As a rule, order a taxi or for each guest, or share them into groups – by region. It turns chaos and disorder – people get confused between the cars, drivers swearing, counters – ticking. Meanwhile, a great option would be to order a minivan. In the spacious interior fits just six people. Driver is to build a route so that all of rational razvezti home. You only need to cook all the addresses route.

Another reason why the less expensive vehicle in St. Petersburg through our company is that we believe the cost of travel is not for kilometers and bounds. As already mentioned, the majority party ends at night, when the city can move fast enough. Accordingly, the time payment – more favorable than the settlement of kilometers. Oh, and do not forget that our taxi at night is cheaper. Hopefully, this article was helpful, and you can save time, nerves and money by ordering a van, and no ordinary taxi. 'Taxi Caravan' – a low price, comfortable vans, experienced drivers and safer travel. Everything that you used to wait on the taxi services. Taking an order, we want our passengers a pleasant journey, and ready answer for those words. Vyacheslav Terekhov Taxi Caravan – Booking vans in St. Petersburg

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