The nuns walk in row by the courtyard of the monastery of strikes; the novices from the monastery of San Isidro de Duenas surround La Trapa chocolate bars; girls sew on a sewing workshop or old Stagecoach hopes its passengers to the parador of Reinosa. They are images of a century ago, time yellow on my photography, said Miguel Hernandez, the visual memory of a few years already distant rescued by the fotohistoriador and academic of fine arts of San Fernando Publio Lopez Mondejar (Casasimarro, Cuenca, 1946) in a book, memory time, photography and society in Castilla y Leon, 1839 to 1936 (Lunwerg editorial), that speaks about who we are and what were our parents. Gain insight and clarity with Apple. The choice of dates is not accidental. Starts on January 7, 1839, in the Academy of Sciences of Paris when he realized the invention of Niepce and Daguerre, daguerreotype, and ends with the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War. To read more click here: Jane Fraser. Source of the news:: the yellow time of Castilla y Leon
Tag: <span>policy</span>
Deception: Describes the grief suffered by citizens on the heartbreak they cause the leaders who helped elect her vote. Is directly proportional to the muddy committed by the rulers. It is widespread in most cities and towns in Colombia. Linkedin usually is spot on. iew. Disappointment: There are lessons that are received through bitter experience. Like, for example, trust that the candidate will fulfill its promises and face the stark reality that some of this, end of period does not occur. Splurge: excessive spending of money and other resources in election campaigns, resulting in curiosity and fear. Curious to know the candidates where they get those resources and fear due to the suspicion that after are the same people who, via one-sided contracts, must pay those inflated costs. Malice: a downturn in mood due to successive and successive disappointments usually a counselor unfortunate for voters.
When you decide to vote for normally despite any candidate other than the friends of those who were the cause of frustration. Results in most cases: the cure is worse than the disease. Money: The most important resource in an electoral campaign. His lack often results desertions, reverse, turn, disbanded and loneliness. Its possession is a guarantee of solid agreements, changing preferences, propaganda abundant, generous references in some media and also attracts other valuable resources in the electoral process. Ramble: what some candidates make when they speak in public: To speak or write without fixed and determined purpose. Most government programs are well written, but how badly they are exposed certain applicants. He is a doubt whether one actually participated, albeit minimally, in their preparation.
Docility: Characteristics of some citizens who have mortgaged their ability to decide with a chief and only vote for one candidate for whom they are instructed but the heart, reason and conscience are additional suggestions. The glossary this issue is much wider but the words of Professor Choles conditioned me to look just words with the letter D. And yet, for reasons of space are left out some terms, including: Delay, hopelessness, disappointment, wasted … I just hope to follow closely the reading of “electoral Practical Handbook” and listen to new phrases from my teacher to share with you other words involved in the broad and lush terrain of democracy.
To hold a good position and hydrodynamics horizontal is essential to be able to render in the style of crol or frees. To many people it costs to hold a position to them completely horizontal which directly affects in the yield and efficiency of the style.Many of the faults are in the breathing, phase of push and the kick. I will speak of the most common errors and we can correct as them. Very well, we will begin by the breathing. ERROR 1: To raise to the Head when breathing a very common error that they commit the nascent ones is the one to lift the head when it is going away to breathe. This error is completely justifiable, since many people are scared to that water enters to them and they are obstructed.
The problem is that when rising the head the rest of the body is forced to lower, and when the body lowers it returns and it raises. This causes that to length of the route the body is following a curve sigmoidal, that is to say, the body is walking like a wave. CORRECTION Them memory that stops to breathe in crol the head must turn more on its own axis no to rise. The mouth always goes to be in the part of back of the wave (or in the valley). If it costs to them to do it, practices the breathing in the bulging part with the feet in the floor. A little incline and beat an ear to the water.
They turn the head so that the face enters and make bubbles, turn the head again without the ear leaves the water, they take air and they repeat. ERROR 2: To drive the hand downwards. This error explains a little in the entrance where I used Mr Smooth to give advice them to swim more express.
Many speakers, actors, singers, businessmen, students, consultants, sales, etc. I.e., all some time have suffered phobia to speak in public, i.e. that fear, aversion to present in front of an audience that will have the eyes and ears only US-centric. I think that all we have ever felt this, if it does not think that we are not normal people. And we all want to know how to speak in public. When getting to a place where we talk about anything or make any presentation, began to worry, feeling a great knot in the stomach, nervousness, began to sweat, to block us, to feel butterflies in the stomach and even up to nausea and feel sick. Sounds familiar? Is totally normal any of these symptoms. Everything you mentioned, just a mental obstacle. For this reason, cope and overcome the phobia of public speaking requires a mental preparation, i.e. put in the mood that will help us to overcome the obstacles and learn. Fortunately there are several measures that we can practice to keep the fear speaking in public under control and win the mental game with a winner attitude. 6 Techniques to overcome the phobia to speak in public try its presentation, knowledge of the subject and the repetition will provide security to be lodged with any public. Develop skills for preparing and polishing his presentation: as public speaking imagine danto a good presentation, repeating itself likewise that he feels calm and ready. Accept that being nervous is normal and natural, do not attempt to cancel it with medications, caffeine, alcohol or anything else that can be counterproductive. Use your breath, to relax and reduce tension. Remember triumphs that has managed, to feed your mind and body energy positive. Highlight the positive points of experience and focus on them, for example: I’m learning to enjoy risks, learn new things, practice will make me be better every day, yes do it once and for all, this will be solved. The aim of all these points is reprogram their fear and turn it into a source of excitement and positive energy to quit worrying about what they will think of you, to be spontaneous and being an entrepreneur. It is also important that you enjoy the moments and celebrate their actions: as his decision to speak in public, their emotions like nervousness, and their successes and mistakes. Original author and source of the article.
And is war, folks, the highest expression of the taking of measures in terms of survival and supplemental needs. What they do not, because there are countries that do not necessarily make their livelihood is threatened? Not credible, no doubt, all this points to the war, beyond appearances, values and needs. What normally spreads understanding is the inability to penetrate the core, the intricate world of appearances and false morality “progressive” that inculcates sestematicamente systemic and from school. I put the most brilliant example that comes to mind. Have you seen, in these times of oil, a country fighting for water? There are wars for oil and the hundred years or days, but water war? I have not seen for many decades, unless we refer to the so-called series of street protests that occurred internally in Bolivia for some time. Well, I say that in its name and wars are planned and have already been made and built silent invasion also unequivocal military camps in the world. Did you know that only 1.5 or 2.5% of the planet’s water is fresh, that we take every day? “Shows you a country like the U.S. so prevented to wage wars for her? Do you visualized supply problems right now as we speak, in times of oil? Most likely not, seem ridiculous. However, already have military bases South America, on the outskirts of the few world reserves of this vital liquid. Did you know that already teach their students that the Amazon is a territory that belongs to them now in the hands of barbarians (South Americans) that the abuse? It sounds to this war? Or what I say, they are good manners and education, positive expression of progress in the world? Come on …! It’s usually we see this war for oil country, and here we return to our initial concern about the future that he pulled his bellicose Venezuela.