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17 Botanic Gardens in the maritime forest: difficult access for the traveller, converge in three small villages all sorts of human and plant wildlife. 11,000 species of trees and various exotic plants, outside these gardens we find ourselves from a Gothic Fountain (s. XIV) until the chapel of Santa Barbara (s. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out christie’s art auction. XII), passing through different coves and beaches. 18.

La Molina Masella: it is one of the most famous and most popular of Catalonia ski resorts. There are 4 cafes/restaurants. 19 Valley and shrine of Nuria: surrounded by mountains that border the three thousand meters of height, the Valley of Nuria, which belongs to the municipality of Queralbs, has become, over the years, one of the most unique tourist destinations in Catalonia. 20 Oix and Beget: area in which these municipalities are located between the Alta Garrotxa and Ripolles, is extremely mountainous, with impressive crags and important vestiges of the Romanesque art.Camprodon Valley: place of great scenic beauty located in the comarca of Ripolles, where the nature coexists with the welcoming face of stone of most of their peoples. 21.

Natural Park of the volcanic area of la Garrotxa: is the best exponent of volcanic landscape of the Iberian Peninsula. It has a quarantine of more than 20 lava flows and volcanic cones. The terrain, soil and climate provide a varied vegetation, often exuberant, with holm oaks, oak and beech forests of exceptional scenic value. 22 Besalu: it is one of the most important and most well preserved of Catalonia medieval ensembles. 23 Santa Pau: a paradise situated in the Natural Park of the volcanic area of la Garrotxa, which with its volcanic nature is the most spectacular of the Peninsula. 24 Gastronomy: typical sausages, bread with tomato, dishes are of sea and mountain or the calcots, among other dishes that can be found throughout the community. 25 Romanesque: in Catalonia this estil oarquitectonico was developed in an extraordinary way. He received much Italian influence and solid foundations for the rich development of Romanesque architecture which would continue the rest of Europe, including Spain original author and source of the article were formed in the catalan territory.


Marrakech is a very popular destination for golfers from around the world. In this city there are several excellent fields of world class golf courses that offer exceptional tours. In addition, climate in Marrakech is ideal for the practice of golf and vacation, and the natural environment is absolutely spectacular, with exotic vegetation and the incomparable backdrop of the snow-capped Atlas mountains. There are three fields of major gulfs in Marrakech: the Royal Golf de Marrakech, Palmeraie Golf Palace and Golf Amelkis, each with different features, stories and services d. Royal Golf in Marrakech is the oldest golf course and one of the continent’s best and most renowned Marrakech. A leading source for info: Hyundai. It is situated on the old road of Ouarzazate and consists of 27 holes with a par 72 and a total of 6.086 meters.

This golf course was built in the 1920s by the Pasha of Marrakech and is one of the oldest in the country. Throughout its history it has hosted numerous celebrities, such as Winston Churchill, David Lloyd Weber or Ike Eisenhower. Its beauty is absolutely Cypress incredible, with a perfect panorama over the snowy peaks of the Atlas mountains and abundant trees, eucalyptus, palms, olives, orange and apricot trees. Royal Golf in Marrakech offers three tours: Menara, 3,072 meters long and with a par 36, was inaugurated in May 2008 and is at the height of the best golf courses in the world; the Koutoubia is 3,014 metres and the Agdal, 2939 meters. The field also offers a club and a bar. The Palmeraie Golf Palace, situated in the gardens of the Palm Grove, consists of 18 holes, a par 72 and a total length of 6,214 meters. This field is a true work of art designed by internationally renowned architect Robert Trent Jones in a spacious and airy, seeding thousands of Palm Valley and enriched with seven lakes.


(IBEX35:san; NYSE:STD) which just received good news by Fitch Ratings, which confirmed the rating AA’s long-term entity and placed it within its stable Outlook for new policies put in place. Frequently Hyundai has said that publicly. Fitch had put the entity in the Group of surveillance (with the possibility of reducing the qualification), for its strategy of international expansion. The changing global landscape made that what was regarded as a risk decision, becomes now an element that can contribute to the growth and expansion of the entity. In the first months of the crisis, while fell several banks around the world, the Spanish chaired by Emilio Booty, decided to go shopping and thus among the most relevant decisions acquired in Britain Alliance & Leicester and the network of offices and deposits retailers of Bradford & Bingley, reaching thus the third in deposits the English banking. In the U.S. he acquired Sovereign, with a strong presence in commercial banking in the northeast of the country through 747 offices. The entity also has operations in several countries in Latin America and in other European countries. The current strength of the Santander was demonstrated this week when she gave to know the ranking of most profitable banks in the world and the Spanish stood in third place with a benefit of 15.825 billion euros, improving seven positions compared to last year.

The importance worldwide of Santander is also reflected for currently being the seventh Bank in capitalization level. Three things that can be questioned to Santander have been the wrong decision to entrust their clients investments to Madoff, his exposure to Lehman Brothers and the suspension of reimbursement of the Banif Santander real estate fund, but knew how to solve them in a good way and in a short time. The latest addition to this entity that is watching the global crisis as an opportunity, has signed a commercial alliance with China Construction Bank which consist of opening 100 offices in rural areas in the Asian country. The key to the performance of the entity is its business model itself, supported by six pillars that are the focus in commercial banking with a wide coverage of branches, its geographical diversification, prudent risk management, cutting-edge technology at the service of trade efficiency, capital discipline and a good management team. In the wake of the global economic recovery, Santander is prepared to win markets and this represents in itself a great competitive advantage given the large number of entities which still struggle to solve the problems of their balance sheets.


EP to stop sending them their contribution in September and October due to lack of liquidity. The Government says they will recover the money before the end of the year. They will not stay without any income, since they also have own funds. The Department of welfare and family of the Generalitat has announced to the homes for the elderly and centers for disabled concerted and collaborators that will send them their monthly contribution corresponding to September and October due to lack of liquidity. As they have explained sources of the Conselleria, this situation has forced Department which directs the Counsellor Josep Lluis Clerie s to suspend payment to these residences, which on Monday were informed personally, and that will recover the money before the end of the year. In particular, concerted residencies will no longer collect all the co-payment that received by plaza for September (which is usually entered at the end of month) and October, each of these two months while collaborating residences will receive 65% of the invoice. These sources have dndido that, in any case, it is concerted and collaborators, centers will not stay without any kind of income in September and October, since in its activity also have own funds. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Activision Blizzard. In addition, have highlighted the Department works to make the term of suspension of payments is less than two months, and have pointed out that, in the absence of liquidity, the Department wanted to prioritize benefits and aid to persons. Source of the news: Catalonia suspended two months payment to the residences for the elderly and disabled


Many speakers, actors, singers, businessmen, students, consultants, sales, etc. I.e., all some time have suffered phobia to speak in public, i.e. that fear, aversion to present in front of an audience that will have the eyes and ears only US-centric. I think that all we have ever felt this, if it does not think that we are not normal people. And we all want to know how to speak in public. When getting to a place where we talk about anything or make any presentation, began to worry, feeling a great knot in the stomach, nervousness, began to sweat, to block us, to feel butterflies in the stomach and even up to nausea and feel sick. Sounds familiar? Is totally normal any of these symptoms. Everything you mentioned, just a mental obstacle. For this reason, cope and overcome the phobia of public speaking requires a mental preparation, i.e. put in the mood that will help us to overcome the obstacles and learn. Fortunately there are several measures that we can practice to keep the fear speaking in public under control and win the mental game with a winner attitude. 6 Techniques to overcome the phobia to speak in public try its presentation, knowledge of the subject and the repetition will provide security to be lodged with any public. Develop skills for preparing and polishing his presentation: as public speaking imagine danto a good presentation, repeating itself likewise that he feels calm and ready. Accept that being nervous is normal and natural, do not attempt to cancel it with medications, caffeine, alcohol or anything else that can be counterproductive. Use your breath, to relax and reduce tension. Remember triumphs that has managed, to feed your mind and body energy positive. Highlight the positive points of experience and focus on them, for example: I’m learning to enjoy risks, learn new things, practice will make me be better every day, yes do it once and for all, this will be solved. The aim of all these points is reprogram their fear and turn it into a source of excitement and positive energy to quit worrying about what they will think of you, to be spontaneous and being an entrepreneur. It is also important that you enjoy the moments and celebrate their actions: as his decision to speak in public, their emotions like nervousness, and their successes and mistakes. Original author and source of the article.


Then I continued researching and I read an interesting book, a marriage of both doctors, who had lost in an accident in his single car daughter, Diamela. Them using methods of Instrumental Trans-communication, began to have communication with her daughter through recordings, and indeed world congresses have been held with groups of people that hold exchanges and communication with beings who have departed to other planes. I have had many personal experiences of pipes through my person, but one of the most interesting was, communication with a great friend and colleague from work that day tended to read a chapter of the book I’ve mentioned I’ve seen the light, one night said me to call the para-medicos that had a strong pain in the heartimmediately by my second line established communication and was transferred to hospital, days later he fell asleep and thus departed, I remember this I produced a sadness deep when on the third day of his departure, while I slept, feel as if they acariciaran me the arm or some insect walk by him, I woke up suddenly, turned the lamp and clock gave the bells, were three in the morning and at that moment I felt his voice in my ears that told me, – do not cry I am in place that I described in the book – from that moment no more wept because a great serenity took hold of my person. Years ago I stopped attending funerals, and really as I am sure that there is another life, I dislike much sad are and little reassuring at times for family members. I believe that the soul, if so can call you the energy that guides us on Earth, part or comes to a speed of light of our physical body, and can even witness what is happening at that moment, to then start to travel to your next destination with beings of equal degree of spiritual evolution.

Clear that this topic is very extensive address to reduce it simply to an article. Here I’m just answering a question, or giving my opinion and personal testimony. I believe in life after life, and we can not live with fears, each one of us on Earth, We bring an agenda that meet, one day arrive and one day start a mission, we have free will and nobody should try to manipulate the life of another human being, to our children and their behaviors are the result of their own agendas, we can educate them, wanting to be good people, but they will choose the plan to follow in the land. I think it is a good hope for all know that bounce is not too long, we will see somewhere else again, that life has resumed, that our beloved beings who have departed are very close to us and that there is communication.


/ The company i4i accused Microsoft of having used a tool whose patent belonged to one of its software in 2007. The fine imposed on the company of Bill Gates is one of the largest ever established in a case of patent infringement. Technology like Google or Apple Giants supported Microsoft. Microsoft has lost in the U.S. Supreme Court battle against a small Canadian company that accused him of violating a patent, in a case that will cost $ 290 million and may splash other technology giants. Judges of the highest U.S.

Court endorsed in a unanimous vote the company i4i, which accused Microsoft of having used in its Word software an authoring tool XML whose patent belongs to him. The sentence imposed on the company founded by Bill Gates the largest monetary fine established ever in a case of patent infringement, and closes a long process opened in 2007 by i4i. Microsoft, backed by other heavyweights such as Apple computer and Google, appealed in the Supreme Court verdicts issued against it in various courts, with the argument that the patent era yours and that, in any case, deleted the tool that contains it in later versions of Word. But the greater goal of the technology giant was the facilitate companies that face similar disputes the possibility of testing your plaintiff’s patent is invalid. According to their argument, the legal current standard to prove the invalidity of a patent is too demanding, and this makes the balance runs tilting in favor of the plaintiffs.

Microsoft based its stance on alleged evidence which, according to it says, the American patent office not taken into account when he decided to grant the licence to the Canadian company. At the hearing, judge Sonia Sotomayor considered that the current standard is clear and convincing and should be used for the verdict rather than a preponderance of the evidence, as expected Microsoft. Despite the fact that the language used in the statement is very technical, the interpretation of your order can unleash disputes by property rights and patents of billions of dollars, according to legal experts quoted by the specialized web Computerworld.


Then Dr. Bienio Octeto told me about paranormal abilities of Sai Baba and the interest that it had elicited for researchers, Germans, Americans and Dutch, especially for Hans Bender, Thelma Moss and Tenhaeff, who wanted to investigate it. I told him that was unaware of who was Sai Baba, he lent me a magazine that talked about him and said me that our common friend, a great musician and Orchestra conductor Millapol Fajardo, had met it during his stay in India, where he was studying flute and tables. It surprised him, who didn’t know him, because I knew my identification with Hindu philosophy, mystical teachings and my knowledge of many of its great avatars. In any case, he told me that he located to Millapol so that I speak about him, his experience, representing for the India. So I did and I went to visit him, indeed, met Sai Baba, with the fortune that the first time he saw them, was selected by Baba for the interviews that the did to people who chose, talking a good time in his interview, tells Me, that is He was very impressed with the powers of Baba, who in his personal case, gave proof of this in two aspects, the first, when Baba told him: as it was the Argentine friend who motivated him to that was going to meet him. Fact that impacted him that knew how Baba that she pointed out as knowing him. The other, interesting phenomenon, when with the classic turn of his hand in Baba gave, some sweet and some packets of Vibuti (sacred ash), what Fajardo preserved, that taught me at that time and gave me one, as also some pictures of Baba that I still keep. Talked to me about his teachings, what in India, of its phenomena, proclaiming some catalogued of miracles, especially in healing and Ubiquity.


EP / Portaltic meeting in his kitchen americium, radio, beryllium and sulfuric acid to 96 per cent. It caused an explosion, after which continued trying to start the reactor. A Swedish man was arrested after trying to build a nuclear reactor in your kitchen by publishing their progress in a blog and its Facebook page, as indicated on Thursday the authorities and arrested. Richard Handl, of angelholm in the South of the country, brought smoke detectors, wrist-watches and wall handles and other materials via the Internet. It was just curious to see if it was possible, it’s only a hobby, said Handl, 31 years and you are now unemployed, but has worked in a factory of ventilation systems.

His work reached the point of mixing some ingredients in a kitchen: americium, radio, beryllium and sulfuric acid to 96 per cent. The explosion was 3 or 4 months ago and the police came two weeks ago, he said. After the incident, which he described as the Fusion in his blog, said the disaster in the kitchen has been cleaned and then I bought something else radio and I continued with the experiment. Radiation safety authority said in a statement that authorities had registered Handl July 20 House after hearing that he was handling nuclear materials in an unsafe way. There was no elevated levels of radiation in the apartment and neighbors were not exposed to radiation, indicated the j of Leif Moberg Research, in a statement.

On their website, Handl briefly published registry, writing project cancelled!. Shortly after his arrest, was released. I’m still suspect for offence against the law of radiation safety, he said. Source of the news: attempts to build a nuclear reactor in your kitchen and publish their progress on Facebook

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/ So provides a new resolution approved by the CMT. This measure will seek to boost competition within the sector. Last year more than 4.8 million users changed their operator and 50,000 were laid back with a counteroffer of your company. From June 2012 it will be quicker to change mobile operator. The Commission of the market of telecommunications (CMT) has just adopted a resolution indicating that the transfer to another company while preserving (a process that is known as portability) phone number, will be held in a working day instead of in the four days which is currently conducted.

In this way, Spain will be the first EU country that adopt this reduction of the time of change of operator with which it is boost competition and make the market more dynamic. CMT remembers that last year mobile lines that changed their operator keeping the number amounted to 4.8 billion through the centralized node of portability which was launched in 2010. Resolution the CMT will make a user who made the request for change of number for example a Monday, will have it active at six in the morning on Wednesday and you can cancel the request until 14: 00 on Tuesday. You can now override it within a period of a day and a half until the change is made. The cancellation of the change will be to the operator receiving the request, while so far could apply to the receiver or to the donor. The CMT today reported that is also studying to portability between fixed numbers occur in one day. Mobile virtual network operators integrated into the Spanish Association of mobile operators new (AENOM) have repeatedly requested shortening the period of portability to prevent operators made counter-offers to their clients when they want to change provider while keeping the number. According to this Association in 2010, 50,000 people had requested number c ancelaron change your request before a counteroffer from your operator. Source of the news: starting at June 2012 it will be possible to change mobile operator in just 24 hours

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