Tag: <span>advertising & pr</span>

Integrated platform to market its own texts and books new Facebook social plugin Berlin, 28 April 2010 Facebook users can “button like the new” use on XinXii and a publication specifically recommend to their friends. The button immediately below each entry, an author on XinXii has created. She can be found at the end of the description text to a publication. Lighter than in the “share” feature, a Facebook member by clicking on the respective page can connect to their Facebook profile and proclaim that he likes the publication. The recommendation will appear both in his news feed on Facebook activity on his Facebook profile. On the relevant site on XinXii in turn “Like” appears next to the button, how many Facebook users have already favors the article. For authors, publishers and authors of texts which market their publications about XinXii, the new Facebook feature brings additional benefits: “our platform users will benefit by the New button by one increased virality and simultaneously get direct feedback on their offer on XinXii,”says Dr.

Andrea Schober, Managing Director of XinXii. “The simplified viral spread its entry on XinXii the authors can increase the number of their fans and potential buyers.” The integration of the “Like” button makes the Web 2.0 platform for the publication of texts, documents and eBooks even more user friendly and efficient. XinXii XinXii is the first Web 2.0 platform in the German-speaking area, which allows for the purchase and sale of texts, documents and eBooks of all kinds. The online marketplace breaks classic publishing hurdles with his concept: XinXii each gives the possibility to publish his works himself, in real time online i.e. on upload, to provide with information and a price and sell – no binding contracts and costs. By a purchaser, the author receives a Commission amounting to Pro download by 70% of the net sale price. None will be the type of the text Limit: released can the instructions, checklists and templates, scientific publications, such as chores, scripts, theses and studies as well as fiction, books, guides, etc.

On XinXii his own shop and every publisher, every author has an additional sales channel without that he must install a hardware, have technical skills or take care of billing. Thanks to the simple user interface, the use of XinXii both provider and buyer is a no-brainer. Since going live in January 2008 over 7,000 files almost 4,000 party to download are available on XinXii, the prices start at 2 euros. XinXii is a service of DG-Verlag in Berlin. Press contact DG-Verlag Gentlemen’s Digest Ltd. & co. KG Dr. Andrea Schober line marketing PR August Street 75 D 10117 Berlin Tel.: + 49 (0) 30 202 15 13 20 E-Mail: andrea.schober at xinxii.com blog.xinxii.com _xinxii pages/XinXii/82098729256 group – 49019 5465eb


Funny action a professional optician makes Otto downtown green Magdeburg, March 25, 2010: eyeball optics will inspire the Magdeburg for the new spring-summer collection with an unusually witty action. The optician shop across the street from the Allee-Center will distribute in four days, a week more than 1,000 crisp Green apples in the Magdeburg city centre. Locations such as parking machines, bus stops, standing bistros and park benches in question are for the action. To support small messages to the Apple label in the environment, as well as a huge Apple tree in front of the branch on the action alert. What is hidden behind the spring messengers, finds only the Finder. If you would like to know more then you should visit Linkedin. The smart idea aims to increase local awareness. We want to connect customers and prospects with our spring mood and more surprises make curiously charming manner”, declares Katja Burkhardt, owner. The campaign was from enter edge.

Agency for brand communication from Magdeburg designed and will start on the coming Monday, March 29, 2010. The promotion will run until April 6th, 2010. There is more information on or on. * Images can be requested free of charge under.


EX POMADE whitepaper helps in the proper communication and marketing strategy at a trade fair participation the participation is a highly complex planning process that is not completed with the selection and the realisation of a suitable stand concept. The best stand design and the most unusual product presentation bring nothing, if no customer or prospect overhears this. The objectives of the visit and whose implementation paths such as events, product presentations or demonstrations must be communicated and disseminated, to bring the customers at the booth. A good idea is alone enough to win rare to prospective customers and business partners. With the white paper by EX POMADE, learn what magic formula for a successful trade show marketing is necessary. While the marketing of own participation begins already often three months before the fair starts.

However, the marketing does not end with the beginning of the exhibition, but reached your peak in the contrary. The targeted communication by addressing the visitors and the intensive consultations make the period Fair to the phase of the communication. The actual goals of participation can be here not only communicate, but also reached and are therefore critical to the success or failure of previous promotional activities. Free whitepaper from EX POMADE, all spells can in six main steps”to be read, to take into account for a successful trade show marketing. Starting about the many sirens that can send a company to customers, prospective customers or business partners at the booth to pick up the fortitude or design of the own stand with events and actions, as well as a vindictive attitude towards every fair contact. A success can be achieved only with a good trade fair follow-up, since only about 7% of visitors come to the fair with a concrete desire to buy. The follow-up and tracking the collected contact forms is the alpha and omega of successful trade show marketing, and indispensable.

Not only the acquisition of new customers, as well as the initiation of business contacts is possible with a clean wrap-up, but also the qualitative evaluation of the visit. The free white paper is the second in the series of EX POMADE. The mobile exhibition system EX POMADE is ideal at exhibitions and facilitates the visitor not only with its easy handling but also with his counselors. “” In addition to the current Advisor 6 tips for a successful trade show marketing “9 tips for a successful trade fair participation can the first whitepaper” downloaded at the same time.


How change Tailors can increase their sales with the help of excerpts from the book “The marketing secret to change cutter”. The holiday shopping season is already in full swing. Many customers are on the streets and also misses the numerous change tailors. How can change Schneider Christmas sales also benefit from and even their sales increase this year? “” There are exactly three ways, how a business can increase its turnover,”Dr. Anne-Katrin Straesser, author of the book know the secret of marketing for change Schneider” are these three ways: customer acquisition, cross – and up-selling, and customer loyalty. ” To win new customers new customers is the classic way to increase sales and profits.

Of course, this is often not so easy. Because it means getting those customers in my tailoring, sewing to leave until now your pants when my competitors. So how do I get these customers in my business? The answers to this question are almost endless. However, the Prerequisite is, first of all, new potential customers to know that there are. Classic advertising are needed such as phone book entries or promotional flyer here. The second condition is that they offer something what makes you interesting for new customers. The occupation of a specific niche can be (E.g. specialisation in Hochzeitsnmoden), a special offer or a particular service.

You should make out this feature in your advertising customers for the first time in your business venture the way. Cross-and up-selling, cross-selling is the second pillar when it comes to sales. It leads to make more sales with existing customers. How’s that? Cross-selling is a kind of cross sales, and means that they offer more products that may be of interest to your customers. Many merchandise proves to be good extra income because without much additional effort more products with a good margin can be introduced into the range. These other products are subject to the alignment and size of your Business. Examples include buttons, fashion accessories, or even finished Collections. Up-selling, however, is to move customers to buy a higher quality product. So, by making him aware, for example, on special products and thus attract the attention of customers. Examples would be higher-order accessories or modifications. Customer loyalty customer loyalty is the third way with which a business can increase its turnover. Why is this so? Many customers ever change the business and buy somewhere else, for any reason whatsoever. So we always have a natural churn”or turnover of customers. Customer loyalty, however, means to counteract this natural fluctuation. It means to make the customers who have already purchased from you, regular customers and to make customers loyal regulars. A first step is to go back to always good quality and a special, friendly service. So clean cutter operation, a smiling salesgirl and of course also a good price / performance ratio contribute to customer loyalty. These aspects are not unfortunately still not everywhere of course. Therefore, you have a good chance to stand out from your competitors alone on an excellent offer. Other possibilities are also special customer loyalty programmes. E.g. loyalty cards can be or bonus booklet, where your customer for repeated purchases from you with a small gift will be rewarded. With these three pillars, change tailors have the opportunity to keep their revenues stable even in tough times, and even increasing. Dr. Anne-Katrin Straesser is management consultant and author of the book the secret of marketing for change cutters.” This book appears in a few weeks on the market, but is available at in advance as an ebook.

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