Tag: <span>finances</span>

Already five times in a row, ATLANTICLUX can refer to this award for their products. Luxembourg/Saarbrucken, 19.10.2012: A particularly favourable cost structure and high performance led again, that the ATLANTICLUX Lebensversicherung S.A. was awarded the renowned rating agency tomorrow & tomorrow. As already in the past few years were the “unit-linked pension insurance ATLANTICLUX NettoPolice” (Layer 3), the “ATLANTICLUX RiesterRente’ (Layer 2) and the” ATLANTICLUX base supply “(Layer 1) with the label” M & M TOP – ranking “considered. Morning & morning confirmed the ATLANTICLUX hence the good positioning in the competitive environment. It is particularly important that the placement fee to consider when the ATLANTICLUX NettoPolice, to be agreed separately with the brokerage company and to be paid also with incorporated in the comparison of tomorrow & tomorrow, i.e. that the rate structure not only on the basis of a complete free insurance tariff, but in regard to the Is the “total cost” peak in Germany. Details can be found by clicking Robert Kiyosaki or emailing the administrator.

Since 2010 she leaves Munich group FWU AG related insurance company analyze their offerings through morning & morning and evaluate. The tariffs form the basis for a low-cost retirement savings for the customer and also have a so-called minimum death protection amounting to 50% of the total amount of contributions in ATLANTICLUX RiesterRente and ATLANTICLUX NettoPolice products. While no health check is necessary up to a total amount of contributions of 130,000. Extensive insurance cover can the customer the ATLANTICLUX NettoPolice optional expand through the “Unfallinvaliditats insurance” and “Savings target ensuring” and protect themselves against the financial consequences of accident disability, unemployment, disability or incapacity for work. This “pension”package is rounded off by special investment strategies by the Luxembourg-based insurer. For example, you have actively managed portfolios This ideal return on security (www.gewinnsicherung.de) connect a dynamic capital and profit assurance (peak value guarantee), which combined. Depending on the type of product, four investment strategies by “conservative” survive the customers “stable” to “opportunity-oriented” towards the choice. Investment strategies such as “aggressive” or “risk based” cannot be agree according to the Luxembourg here with the idea of sustainable retirement provision and therefore are not offered! The Riester pension and the basic services you can choose each “Global opportunities” and “Ethical investment” investment strategies. Due to the special legal requirements in these two layers of old age pension only the risk classification available “stable”.


Companies thinking about capital boost to Konstanz, September 20, 2012. The Canada gold Trust Fund continue its success story. Already the first, applied end 2011 participation offer has electrified investors and was booked after only a few months with a placement volume raised in the meantime to 15 million euros. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Robert Kiyosaki. Not less enjoyable the successor in the early summer, “Canada gold trust II GmbH & co. KG” is now developing only (CGT II). Just a few weeks, the Konstanz-based underwriter of Canada could place gold trust their new fund 13 out of a total of 15 million euros investment amount. The conditions of the two funds are nearly identical, alone of the mine operator on the spot in the Cariboo region of British Columbia is another. Mary Creek gold mines Inc.

was the experienced local partner at the first offer of participation it is the Beaver pass gold mines Inc., headquartered in Vancouver at the CGT II. It has acquired the mineral rights on a 615-acre area in the Cariboo region. This region is one goldhaltigsten around the world. II invest the investors about the mining company at just 3,5-jahriger run-time of the funds directly into the exploration and production of gold in the CGT. At the CGT II Canada predicts gold trust a yearly dividend of 14 per cent. A hedging protects investors against falling gold prices, it is also a hedge against currency risks. Two significant risks are therefore ruled out.

On the other hand, investors benefit in addition to the predicted distributions by rising prices. The price of gold during the duration of an average about $1,500 per Troy ounce, additional interest at 0.25 is unique them per $ 10 above the start price per cent paid out. If the income from the exploitation of individual claims against all expectations of local experts is not enough, the Beaver pass gold mines Inc. has pledged in addition already a further area for exploration in Canada gold trust GmbH. An additional commitment on the part of the investor does not exist. The minimum contribution to the CGT II. amounts to 10,000 euros plus five per cent premium per investor. The current placement volume amounted to 15 million euro. However, management of Canada considers gold trust to take advantage of the possibility provided for in the social contract to increase the capital up to 35 million euros. According to Managing Director Peter Prasch, initially interesting investment opportunities should be examined for this purpose. For more information see and now also on YouTube user/canadagoldtrust


German looking increasingly attractive investments no matter, whether real estate, investments, stocks and / or equity funds looking for German investments and forms of savings, which are attractive given the euro debt crisis increased in recent months. Discard the conservative, traditional forms of savings due to the low interest rate situation hardly gains while also latent fear of inflation in the idea resonates the citizens, real estate agent recorded a surge of demand in recent years for concrete gold”. Many investors shy away from the lack of flexibility however and last but not least have held in the years 2007/2008 US real estate crisis (sub-prime crisis) in mind. Looking for more flexible investments such as stocks and stock funds. This tendency is also a study published Deutsches aktieninstitut (DAI), which documented a huge increase in the volume of investment in the stock market and fund owners in the past half year, to more than 17 percent, to just under 10.2 million. The FWU AG, to which also the ATLANTICLUX Life insurance S.A. is headquartered in Luxembourg, of course very happy to see such a development. The ATLANTICLUX specialising in unit-linked life and annuity insurance hits the nerve of investors with their investment philosophy.

Customers increasingly seek assets that work through different mechanisms in several places. Our investment strategies include investment funds and be managed constantly. By means of a so-called technical analysis data is collected and monitored, creating the character of an active asset management for each of our clients,”Andreas Wurscher, head of sales coordination Germany / Austria of the FWU explains AG. Unlike as in the direct investment in stocks and mutual funds fear may lack expertise is taken by management to the customer, on the other hand, the diversification it received leads to more security.” Also the fact that mutual funds are tangible assets is the fear of investors against inflation contrary to and leads in the current Mood to the increased demand. As a result, the number of shareholders and stock fund investors almost to the level before the financial crisis is 2007 and this is the proof that investor confidence is growing again. The range of products has been adapted to the wishes of the customer. We as a provider of age pension concepts already had the topic of security in the focus before the Lehman collapse and introduced in August 2008 in some of our investment strategies the dynamic capital and profit assurance”so Andreas Wurscher.

The profit safeguard of the ATLANTICLUX ensures the customer the historically achieved peak of the investment strategy as the redemption price per share purchased at the end of the contract term. The rates after the introduction of profit safeguard 2008 fell in the last quarter, had the effect that our customers had only a cheaper purchase price per share the redemption price was backed up! “, adds Wurscher. That led to the part, that E.g. the current purchase price in an investment strategy in July 2012 at 76,73 lay, the secured peaking at 110. A lush growth of 43,36%!” For more information,


DFK / German financial resources AG: road show with interesting lectures Kaltenkirchen, July 2013. The Roadshow of DFK / German financial resources AG in a total of 12 cities took place in the spring. In addition to lectures by DFK Board Valeri Spady and sales coach Andreas tall in the name of the road show a survey launched, attended 536 persons between 20 and 62 years. The road show of DFK Group took place in the period of the 15 28.04.2013. The DFK stopped in 12 cities: Kiel, Hamburg, Berlin, Bielefeld, Dusseldorf, Koblenz, Bad Hersfeld, casting, Braunschweig, Nuremberg, Ingolstadt and Kempten. Further information will be made available under. The Roadshow was informative lectures on the DFK Roadshow of 2 parts.

First introduced Valeri Spady, founder and CEO of DFK / German financial resources AG, the transparency of the DFK group. The focus of this keynote was the wealth concept of Kaltenkirchener financial experts. Mr Spady turned to solutions Intelligent asset accumulation before and presented in detail all figures, data and facts, the past and present, as well as views on the future direction of the company in the areas of real estate, rights and commodity investments. Then lectured Andreas tall, financial services expert and sales coach of the DFK. The topic of his lecture: “Poverty and wealth in Germany”. His informative report is based on the recent poverty and wealth report of the Federal Government. Both speakers encountered an interested audience and much feedback.

Survey among visitors to the Roadshow at the end of each event started the DFK / German financial resources AG an opinion poll on the subject of “Money and finance”. A total of 536 persons were interviewed, the age range was between 20 and 62 years. A total five questions had to be answered. So the respondents should assess how well they assess their skills in terms of prevention and capacity building. Here, most indicated an average with a tendency towards less knowledge. Well know each other only A few out. Need for clarification here, so the DFK, which places great emphasis on transparent and understandable presented wealth concepts for this reason. All questions, as well as the detailed survey results including graphics can be downloaded here: presentation as PDF the DFK Roadshow 2013 organisation on the part of the operators on site, excellent presentations of the speakers and a great atmosphere thanks to the interested and committed participants made a great success. About the company German financial resources AG / DFK group the DFK group of companies is a dynamically growing financial services provider with a ten-year corporate history. Business purpose of the DFK group is the provision of financial services of all kinds, as well as the provision of services related to the real estate investment. The well-developed sales and service network of DFK / German financial resources AG guarantees a continuation of stable and steady growth. Through the creation of individual wealth building strategy, the company is very an intensive on the personal needs of his clients. Here, the financial situation of the individual plays no significant role. The DFK Group serves over 30,000 families with over 80,000 contracts. Chairman of the Board of German financial resources AG is Valeri Spady. The German financial resources AG has its headquarters in Kaltenkirchen near Hamburg. How to contact with DFK German financial Kontor AG Valeri Samwel Brookweg 48 24568 Kaltenkirchen phone: 04191 910000 fax: 04191 910002 E-Mail: Internet:

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Solid mortgages with fixed cost estimate size over the entire term of the loan Berlin, 14th October 2011 – for the planning of a construction financing the prospective borrower should gather fundamentally about requirements, differences and possibilities of financing deals offered on the market. The acquisition of basic knowledge belongs as well as the concerted comparison of requested services. This is initially easier said than done. The seemingly endless number of providers (E.g. banks, savings banks and insurance companies), as well as a variety of financing options make an objective overview of the market. Construction financing calculator provided on the Internet consider the individual characteristics and ways to optimize (E.g. subsidies). The prospective buyer should pay particular attention to the financial security and predictability.

All too often, mortgage lending have failed, because the financial burdens could no longer be worn. The most common form of financing for private mortgage lending the classic annuity loan – what is still the construction rule here should care? Annuity loans mean good planning by homogeneous rates burden because large sums are needed to finance a real estate generally, is very important to achieve as favourable conditions. Already differences relating to comma E.g. in interest rates can mean many thousand euros on run time overhead. Interest rates and repayments can be flexible also, to better respond to any unforeseen events. For an annuity loan, the interest rate for the agreed interest period (usually between 5 and 15 years of age) is defined.

The monthly burden (installment) consists of each variable interest rate and repayments (these are the so-called annuities), to achieve a consistent monthly load. A good financial planning and therefore safety is enabling over many years. In addition, free special redemptions can and if necessary a flexible customizable set of eradication are agreed. The borrower may react with these “AIDS” on special situations, E.g.

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The fairvesta group of companies, the European market leader in the trade of real estate from forced exploitation, has launched its first loan of Tubingen / 21.10.2010. The Tubingen company response on the smoldering regulatory discussion on closed-end funds as well as on requirements of its European sales and customer demand. Maximus”is a high-interest bond with the security of German quality real estate. It is based on the proven business of trafficking with real estate. Typically applies to bonds, that the interest rate is lower, the lower, the risk is considered a, Maximus will override this rule.

Because due to the successful fairvesta investment strategy it is possible to pass the high profits from sales and rental yields to the bondholders without these demonstrated the risks of exposing the pronounced volatility of the stock market. In addition, an intelligent security concept has implemented fairvesta. Because in addition to the known from the mutual fund business, ongoing independent agents use control all assets are fully secured in favor of the bondholders. This is done through a first-class letter real estate mortgage, which is kept by the using controller of means of and the trustee in the home of the Bank. Acquires real estate since fairvesta only after well-known investment criteria, so significantly below market value, more than one-hundred-and-thirty percent are the bonds thus typically real estate collateral. This safety quality is new on the market and should find great attention”, says real estate expert Knoll. For the first time, fairvesta offers perspectives also investors with a very short investment horizon.

With Maximus Short Flex“, such as the loan with only three years duration and a guaranteed interest rate of 4.75% per annum. The minimum investment is 10,000 plus three per cent premium. With Maximus Short Flex we have complied with the legitimate request from the sales, a short as possible running bond with a top interest rate and highest security standards to be able to offer. It is one of four bonds, we have put up with a volume of EUR 50 million”, so Knoll. A further need Long Flex comes fairvesta with Maximus”, because here there is a complete protection against inflation. For a period of ten years an interest rate is guaranteed of 6.25% per annum, which increased at an assumed inflation rate of 2.5 percent to 7.8%. In addition the withdrawal of invested capital increased adjusted to the inflation rate. Here, too, the minimum investment is 10,000, the related sale available Premium 5 percent. For more information,

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