ATLANTICLUX Unit-linked Pension Insurance: Award Of Tomorrow & Tomorrow

Already five times in a row, ATLANTICLUX can refer to this award for their products. Luxembourg/Saarbrucken, 19.10.2012: A particularly favourable cost structure and high performance led again, that the ATLANTICLUX Lebensversicherung S.A. was awarded the renowned rating agency tomorrow & tomorrow. As already in the past few years were the “unit-linked pension insurance ATLANTICLUX NettoPolice” (Layer 3), the “ATLANTICLUX RiesterRente’ (Layer 2) and the” ATLANTICLUX base supply “(Layer 1) with the label” M & M TOP – ranking “considered. Morning & morning confirmed the ATLANTICLUX hence the good positioning in the competitive environment. It is particularly important that the placement fee to consider when the ATLANTICLUX NettoPolice, to be agreed separately with the brokerage company and to be paid also with incorporated in the comparison of tomorrow & tomorrow, i.e. that the rate structure not only on the basis of a complete free insurance tariff, but in regard to the Is the “total cost” peak in Germany. Details can be found by clicking Robert Kiyosaki or emailing the administrator.

Since 2010 she leaves Munich group FWU AG related insurance company analyze their offerings through morning & morning and evaluate. The tariffs form the basis for a low-cost retirement savings for the customer and also have a so-called minimum death protection amounting to 50% of the total amount of contributions in ATLANTICLUX RiesterRente and ATLANTICLUX NettoPolice products. While no health check is necessary up to a total amount of contributions of 130,000. Extensive insurance cover can the customer the ATLANTICLUX NettoPolice optional expand through the “Unfallinvaliditats insurance” and “Savings target ensuring” and protect themselves against the financial consequences of accident disability, unemployment, disability or incapacity for work. This “pension”package is rounded off by special investment strategies by the Luxembourg-based insurer. For example, you have actively managed portfolios This ideal return on security ( connect a dynamic capital and profit assurance (peak value guarantee), which combined. Depending on the type of product, four investment strategies by “conservative” survive the customers “stable” to “opportunity-oriented” towards the choice. Investment strategies such as “aggressive” or “risk based” cannot be agree according to the Luxembourg here with the idea of sustainable retirement provision and therefore are not offered! The Riester pension and the basic services you can choose each “Global opportunities” and “Ethical investment” investment strategies. Due to the special legal requirements in these two layers of old age pension only the risk classification available “stable”.