German looking increasingly attractive investments no matter, whether real estate, investments, stocks and / or equity funds looking for German investments and forms of savings, which are attractive given the euro debt crisis increased in recent months. Discard the conservative, traditional forms of savings due to the low interest rate situation hardly gains while also latent fear of inflation in the idea resonates the citizens, real estate agent recorded a surge of demand in recent years for concrete gold”. Many investors shy away from the lack of flexibility however and last but not least have held in the years 2007/2008 US real estate crisis (sub-prime crisis) in mind. Looking for more flexible investments such as stocks and stock funds. This tendency is also a study published Deutsches aktieninstitut (DAI), which documented a huge increase in the volume of investment in the stock market and fund owners in the past half year, to more than 17 percent, to just under 10.2 million. The FWU AG, to which also the ATLANTICLUX Life insurance S.A. is headquartered in Luxembourg, of course very happy to see such a development. The ATLANTICLUX specialising in unit-linked life and annuity insurance hits the nerve of investors with their investment philosophy.
Customers increasingly seek assets that work through different mechanisms in several places. Our investment strategies include investment funds and be managed constantly. By means of a so-called technical analysis data is collected and monitored, creating the character of an active asset management for each of our clients,”Andreas Wurscher, head of sales coordination Germany / Austria of the FWU explains AG. Unlike as in the direct investment in stocks and mutual funds fear may lack expertise is taken by management to the customer, on the other hand, the diversification it received leads to more security.” Also the fact that mutual funds are tangible assets is the fear of investors against inflation contrary to and leads in the current Mood to the increased demand. As a result, the number of shareholders and stock fund investors almost to the level before the financial crisis is 2007 and this is the proof that investor confidence is growing again. The range of products has been adapted to the wishes of the customer. We as a provider of age pension concepts already had the topic of security in the focus before the Lehman collapse and introduced in August 2008 in some of our investment strategies the dynamic capital and profit assurance”so Andreas Wurscher.
The profit safeguard of the ATLANTICLUX ensures the customer the historically achieved peak of the investment strategy as the redemption price per share purchased at the end of the contract term. The rates after the introduction of profit safeguard 2008 fell in the last quarter, had the effect that our customers had only a cheaper purchase price per share the redemption price was backed up! “, adds Wurscher. That led to the part, that E.g. the current purchase price in an investment strategy in July 2012 at 76,73 lay, the secured peaking at 110. A lush growth of 43,36%!” For more information,