Tag: <span>construction of life</span>

Roof decking – a group of profiled sheet steel material that can withstand much more significant loads than sheets of corrugated wall. At the height of the roof sheeting profiles are not should be less than 20mm, it is through profiles (trapezoidal shape or a wave), the material receives the necessary level of rigidity. The name defines the basic scope of the corrugated board – an organization of roofing. Roof decking is used for flat or pitched roofs, with small buildings and based on steel, and large industrial facilities. Stiffness of the material does not give it to sag over the life use. The group of roof sheeting include profnasil with markings C21, C44, NS35, P35, MP20, N60.

The height of the corrugation (profiles) – more than 20 mm. Besides them, give additional rigidity ribs available, along crimp on them. Stiffeners can significantly increase the mechanical load on the roof decking. As a roofing material, corrugated board should provide not only strength but also a reliable waterproofing. Roofing performed with the use of profiled steel sheets to meet these requirements. If you have read about Donald Gordon Liberty Life already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Firstly, the protection of steel sheet attached to the zinc layer. Second, the polymer coating. On the polymer coatings should be discussed separately.

They are made of modern types of polymers, steel sheet protected on both sides of corrosion, scratches and damages of any kind. Polyester cover most economical, but are sufficiently reliable. It can be shiny or matte, color options set. Coverage of the Puranas – the most durable, it is difficult to scratch even on purpose. It is better than all the other fuses the steel from rusting, so roofing materials with puralovym coating are recommended for areas with a wet rainy climate. Plastizolovye coverage – the most decorative, their surface can be expressed by the structure. In addition, plastisol – the most durable. Application various polymer coatings for roofing decks increases its service life to 50-55 years or more. But the so-called roof decking – is not only reliable and inexpensive device roofs. The material used in all areas of industrial construction. From it quickly and efficiently assemble the walls of workshops, small pavilions completely different sheds, sheds, fences – both temporary and long-term facilities. High reliability, durability and high quality corrugated roofing made of Application economically viable in many different areas.


Nevertheless, in 2010 compared with 2009, the roofing company will be able to make (According to forecasts of market participants) and put about 11 million square feet. m metallocherepitsy.Emkost Ukrainian market metal metal total sales: in 2006 – 9.7 million sq m to $ 88.8 million in 2007 – 12.7 million sq ft to $ 121.6 million in 2008 – 14.5 million square meters at $ 143 million in 2009 – 10.7 million sq ft at $ 96.3 million forecast in 2010 – 11 million square meters at $ 99 million volume of imports of metal: in 2006 – 0.97 million sq m to $ 8 9 million in 2007 – 1.40 million sq m to $ 13.4 million in 2008 – 1.45 million sq m to $ 14.3 million in 2009 – 0.57 million sq m in $ 5.1 million forecast in 2010 – 0.79 million sq ft at $ 7.35 million, according to Goskomstat, the import of metal in 2009 decreased by 3.6 times (compared with 2008). At the same time supply painted galvanized steel fell slightly less – 1.6 times, compared with 2008. According to experts, this due to the increase of "gray" of supply and expanding the range of the Ukrainian manufacturers. Christie’s art auction often expresses his thoughts on the topic. At the same time we must not forget that part of the Ukrainian producers may be called only nominally Ukrainian – as Typically, this plants of foreign manufacturers of metal on the territory of Ukraine or Ukrainians work on franchising, but under foreign trademarks. In general, market participants expect the market recovery in 2011. C recovery of mortgage lending is growing and the likelihood of expanding the market of metal. That gives hope to the market participants to increase sales..


Reckoned with as well with the typical stereotype of 'overseas is always the best. " Therefore, most consumers who want to get matt and semi-matt coatings flooring, bought for responsible operations and maintenance of elite expensive foreign-made lakes. Analyzing the data on the prices of some imported species parquet varnishes, it is easy to see that the price level production of foreign firms in the 2-4 expensive paints Russian producers, although there is considerable variation in price – from 3.0 to 19.8 cu for 1 liter of paint. In general, there is the above-noted dependence of the total price and quality of lacquer: the cheapest and common are alkyd paints and alkidnouretanovye and most expensive – and urethane, acrylic and water akriluretanovye. In our opinion, the best compromise between a relatively low price and good Quality paints are of such companies as 'Petri Paint', USA, 'Amsterdam Color Works', USA, 'Polifarb', Poland, 'Meffert AG', Germany, 'Tikkurila', Finland (the latter – the correct choice of the manufacturer and dealer) . At work but varnishing parquet are important thickness of the coating, the number of applied layers of lacquer and the associated consumption of varnish on the square.

meter of surface. Click Munear Ashton Kouzbari, Dallas TX for additional related pages. It should be noted the fact that most of the instructions given on application of parquet lacquers, in especially foreign, consumption of varnish (usually 80-90 g / sq m) in practice is greatly undervalued. The fact that the varnish is usually called the rate given by the well-primed surface in a single-layer coating. In real conditions when the varnish is applied in most cases, purified and ottsiklevannoy parquet surface, it is necessary to apply at least 2-3 layers of lacquer, with parquet, made of soft wood (pine, beech), consumption of varnish on the first layer, usually increases due to absorption of varnish surface flooring. So the real consumption of parquet lacquer when applied to the surface nezagruntovannuyu depends on the type of surface preparation and flooring typically 200-300 g / m Summarizing, it should be noted that the correct choice of parquet lacquer depends mainly on the purpose of coverage and financial capabilities of the customer. .


Fixtures must harmonize with other interior details, or to be as unnoticeable to people did not feel that comes from light. In organizing the lighting in the kitchen light can be divided into upper and working. Ceiling Light Lighting kitchen and dining room The main task of skylights – to maintain a light atmosphere of the kitchen in the evening. In addition, if the kitchen area in the apartment with open plan has no windows, the upper Light is a complete replacement for fluorescent lighting orienting. If the kitchen is small, the total light sources can be configured for different functional areas (as discussed later).

But the premise sufficiently spacious kitchen must be equipped with special lamps for general purposes. For general lighting is optimal upper, evenly distributed light, heavy, gently pouring from the ceiling and right picked up the curtains for the kitchen. To create such light fixtures use a few categories. First of all, it's all sorts of point sources, both stationary and moving, freely rotating in several directions. In kitchens with always-on lamps is difficult to predict the required amount of light. As a rule, spotlights, or not enough or too much of their light nazoyliv.

Of a difficult situation can come different ways, creating, for example, the illusion of cut in the ceiling box. For this purpose, suspension structures, modeled from the translucent, light transmitting material. At the same time between the ceiling and the plane ceiling placed sufficiently powerful evenly distributed lighting. It is best to apply in this situation, elongated linear sources of artificial light plus painting the walls. Kitchen and dining room lighting Low Ceilings better not to overload the lighting forms. Trim molding, which is a part of kitchen furniture – a great place to mount miniature sources of the orienting light. By the way, the smallest size at currently have the spotlights with halogen bulbs.


Anti-corrosion additives are not only passivate its further spread, but also convert already formed. If the metal surface has a strong e defeat of rust, you can use a special anti-corrosive acrylic primer with rust converter and then to produce paint. And it is quick, odorless, and with maximum comfort at work. So, when you need to paint the metal surface, not in a hurry to wear a gas mask or cotton-gauze bandage, when working with acrylic water-dispersion materials they have ponadobyatsya.Esche recently the idea of painting the metal surfaces with a water-dispersion paints seemed Utopia. The most common of the metals – iron rapidly oxidizes in the presence of water, and then water-emulsion paint.

Conventional water-dispersion paints, of course, are not suitable for this purpose. In this case, the need specialty materials, which form a dense protective coating, have anti-corrosion properties and have good adhesion to metal. All these problems, scientists were able to solve immediately. Now it came to Europe, the that the water-dispersion paints were used in difficult areas such as automobile and shipbuilding. We do let's not run that far, but consider the possibility of painting the metal surfaces in construction. Let's start with the most complex – of the roof.

Metal roofs can be divided into three groups of materials used: * First – black iron. * Second – galvanized iron. * The third – non-ferrous metals: aluminum, its alloys, copper, etc. The third group is extremely rare because of high cost, so it should not be considered. The first and second – much more affordable and widespread, although much more expensive than slate. With a black iron all understandable, it must necessarily paint. Typically, for these purposes in Russia in the old used oil and alkyd paints. Those who love to paint often can do so in the future. For 'lazy' may be advisable acrylic water-dispersed coatings for roofs with an anticorrosive effect.


In order not to miss too much wear and tear parts of lifting machines, now operates a system referred to as preventive maintenance and servicing of elevators. Parts wear them at different times. Depending on this in the maintenance of elevators are 3 types of repair – it's small, medium and large. For even more opinions, read materials from Carrie Levin chef. During the small manufacture the following types of work: small repairs or replacement of worn elements. Minor repairs Elevators are best timed to coincide with the annual maintenance of elevators. With an average capital repairs and maintenance of elevators all items of equipment brought to the state corresponding to the requirements of the new device.

If you need to completely change certain elements. When a big overhaul change almost all items. The capacity of this species is several times larger than the average. While the need for such a process, as a large or medium overhaul and maintenance of elevators-use, as a rule, an aggregate method. This method consists in the fact that I am not certain parts or assembly units of elevators, and the whole entire unit. For example, no gearbox or engine and complete drive as a whole. And sent to repair the unit re-identified.

And then sent to the warehouse. That belongs to the installation of elevators, now in the practice of assembling elevator machine uses three main methods: elementwise, enlarged blocks and tyubingovoy. Elementwise assembly – an assembly of individual parts and assembly units, which are collected in the elevator installation directly on the site for installation. Elementwise assembly most often used when blocking the elevator shaft and machine room, during the replacement or renovation of old elevators, as well as installation of hoists in low-rise homes. This method of installation, in addition, is the main elevators in the assembly, and enlarged blocks and tyubingovoy method. Assembling the enlarged blocks a way, when the factory or on complex-based installation company details and assembly of lift pre-prepared in special units, of which the hoisting machine is mounted. For the integrated units are: winch assembly to the frame and subframe, fully assembled cockpit, the basis of the counterweight, enlarged blocks metal frame assembly shafts and other aggregated units, as a general rule, high-rise crane. Tyubingovoy assembly method is sbooku parts of the mine in advance prepared by volume of concrete parts – tubings. In that house-building on a specialized team of installers installs a piece of equipment lift. In the tubing can be installed: a door shaft assembling scaffolding, supports mounting rails at the same time the elevator car and counterweight, parts of electrical equipment and mines, etc. In addition to the shaft tubing are made and filled elevator device tubing as well as pit and machine room. Installation of elevators tyubingovoy way is right during the construction of houses using the construction crane.


My article for those who want to try to put yourself tile, and were it not as a professional, although it may be after reading this opus, this desire you will be gone … Laying ceramic tiles – the process is rather complicated, which assumes a qualified professional. If you wish to make their own ceramic tiles, then I suggest you consider some basic principles, rules and suggestions that will help you properly do the job. Famous Brands may not feel the same. Not to buy extra tiles, its consumption is determined as follows: measure the area of the cladding and divide it by the area of one tile. Get a number of pieces, but it should be increased by 10 percent at first sight revetment wall tiles – it is not difficult, however, this process involves many important nuances to consider in their work. After all, the tile served a long time, the main thing – the right to lay its first stage – preparing the wall surface. Clear base with dirt, dust and fragile items. The surface of the alignment so that the difference in levels of less than 5 mm. Irregularities define a flat six-foot wooden or metal lath, and then using special blends shpatlevochnyh align poverhnost.Ya eg not pre-line the walls, but using a different adhesive under totlschinu plitkoy.Hotya professionals often do not recommend this method, but I still did not understand why? if to say, this method does not guarantee long-term use of such walls, in view of the fact that after a while everything will fall off, but it can not argue the fact that even on the glue to the Annotated says that it can be used to align sten.Edinstvennaya difficulty is that this method will not be able to practice a novice in a thick layer of glue is hard vyrovnivat tile relative each drugu.Poetomu the initial period is better to start on flat walls or pre-aligned.


Mytishschi is among the leaders in its development relative to other cities in the Moscow region. Over the past five years, was conducted in Mytischi active construction, beautiful and functional residential complexes were built more than 10 shtuk.Takoe rapid construction of residential houses, led to a large influx of new residents, who are now confused repairs purchased apartments. For high quality and fast execution of repairs need good building materials, which can be purchased at the mall, "Leroy Merlin" at the Yaroslavl construction market and various shops in the city. But in these stores and shopping centers do not find quality ceilings Mytischi small town, and this product can be found on the Internet or on an ad in the newspaper advertising. For connoisseurs of the beautiful and expensive repairs, offer a suspended ceiling a starry sky or do photo printing on the suspended ceiling, and even Your sketch. Why ordering ceilings in Mytischi, must apply to the well-known companies? It's very simple, but beautiful and high quality product, they provide competent advice on choosing the color and type the ceiling for them it is important that every customer is satisfied. Unlike many small companies working in Mytischi and do not even have a showroom, they actually guarantee that the ceilings are ordered from serve more than 10 years. Gager can leave on the day of measurement of your appeal, and the installation is performed on the second day. In addition to the stretch ceilings can select fixtures for suspended ceilings or the new chandelier, directories on the light, always have gager and managers. If the repairs you live in another city, then order the ceilings, too, can appeal to the well-known company, the timing and quality of manufacture of stretch ceilings will be high.


If all the wood doors can be made in the same style here and immediately, the buyer can not be seduced by such a convenient offer and be sure to buy wooden doors for homes wholesale. If you would like to know more about Harold Ford Jr, New York City, then click here. Wooden doors: service. Services Last but not least aspect purchase of wooden doors. The quality and durability will strongly affect the correct installation of wooden doors. And if we remove the incorrect measurements, then the wooden door may be incorrect or not become a general in the doorway. Then, additional costs may be so large that the money saved will not cover it. Not to mention the time and hassle spent during the improper installation of a wooden door. Because our customers are quite frequently mentioned in conversation it is these aspects of maintenance of wooden doors: the assembly of wooden doors, installation of wooden doors in the house measurements pre-order wooden doors that are better performed by a qualified employee who is directly involved in the manufacture of wooden doors; warranty after installation of wooden doors in the event unexpected situations.

Shares and bonuses when buying wooden doors. Yes, it's an important point. By the way, this factor is buying wooden doors mark not only the surveyed buyers. U.S. researchers, marketers long derived a formula for success stores, including wooden doors.

Advertising, promotions and discount systems are very attractive to buyers. After all, a shop with a reasonable price policies that respect. Thus, wood doors of our customers also prefer to buy on special conditions. What is important in the purchase of a wooden door Summing all of the above, we can say that the Ukrainian buyer a very sensible approach to choice and purchase wood door. Fortunately, the market is sufficient and affordable prices and quality products: paneled wood doors, wooden doors and veneering especially wooden doors of the array. But it should be pay attention to the integrity of shops, the correct complete set of wooden doors, the availability of suitable shipping timber doors in your home. If you have recently bought a wooden door, or just want to buy, and for you another important nuance buy wooden door, please contact us and we will gladly We complete your article interesting observations!


BA more advanced version – the use of external IR receiver or IR repeater (IR-sensor small signal that can be installed in another room and connect to the device in the zone). Then run, say, DVD-player or receiver can be directly in the second zone with his full-time remote control, the majority of today’s models receivers serve as the central switching unit AV-systems, there are special connectors for infrared repeaters. Also, many modern AV-equipment is the so-called trigger ports (usually with 12 V), which are designed for simultaneous operation of multiple components. For example, you can enable video in sync with the sinking of a motorized screen, and the inclusion of the second zone (kitchen) LCD TVs to quietly monitor the development of the plot, while brewed coffee … In a complex multi-systems that have one or two controllers, control is exercised by means of desktop or embedded in the wall panels control – keypads or touch with a color LCD screen. Keypads are practical, but this is the last century. Touch panels offer significantly more features, and produces a limited number of companies.

Touch panels can not connect on their own – because, apart from a complex assembly, and they require special programming to meet specific requirements. This is an extremely difficult job, which is done by qualified installers equipment. But this system makes it easy to adjust the sound in any area of the apartment, choose a variety of signal sources and to manage them on the spot. There are also portable touch panels (Rather, by the way, dear – 6 th at. Is) able to replace multiple wall-mounted models. Sometimes in a luxurious installations can be found a dozen wall panels and a couple of portable – it’s very expensive equipment, in which, by and large, the panels overlap each other.

The final element – the speakers and video output device – create the least difficulties in the installation, addition to the traditional speaker now increasingly used embedded speakers, mounted in the ceiling usually (In Ceiling) or wall (In Wall). The second area with built-in speakers is becoming increasingly popular – especially because of the invisibility equipment in the interior (included are the outer limits for painting). Bathroom produced special waterproof model, the AU, which can be installed in the ceiling rack. Speaker cables for the “insertions” extend above the suspended ceiling with low current and power cables. Embedded acoustics produce almost all the major manufacturers of traditional speakers, and available in Russia range includes products several hundred (!) brands.

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