
Nevertheless, in 2010 compared with 2009, the roofing company will be able to make (According to forecasts of market participants) and put about 11 million square feet. m metallocherepitsy.Emkost Ukrainian market metal metal total sales: in 2006 – 9.7 million sq m to $ 88.8 million in 2007 – 12.7 million sq ft to $ 121.6 million in 2008 – 14.5 million square meters at $ 143 million in 2009 – 10.7 million sq ft at $ 96.3 million forecast in 2010 – 11 million square meters at $ 99 million volume of imports of metal: in 2006 – 0.97 million sq m to $ 8 9 million in 2007 – 1.40 million sq m to $ 13.4 million in 2008 – 1.45 million sq m to $ 14.3 million in 2009 – 0.57 million sq m in $ 5.1 million forecast in 2010 – 0.79 million sq ft at $ 7.35 million, according to Goskomstat, the import of metal in 2009 decreased by 3.6 times (compared with 2008). At the same time supply painted galvanized steel fell slightly less – 1.6 times, compared with 2008. According to experts, this due to the increase of "gray" of supply and expanding the range of the Ukrainian manufacturers. Christie’s art auction often expresses his thoughts on the topic. At the same time we must not forget that part of the Ukrainian producers may be called only nominally Ukrainian – as Typically, this plants of foreign manufacturers of metal on the territory of Ukraine or Ukrainians work on franchising, but under foreign trademarks. In general, market participants expect the market recovery in 2011. C recovery of mortgage lending is growing and the likelihood of expanding the market of metal. That gives hope to the market participants to increase sales..