To be an entrepreneur it is required to have certain profile on the basis of certain aptitudes. It is not a task easy of identifying with clarity which must be the profile of an entrepreneur, many authors agree in certain characteristics keys that an entrepreneur has. With respect to the Successful Entrepreneurs in Venezuela we can indicate some characteristics like: passion, confidence in itself, perseverancia, innovation, flexibility, leadership, property, solidarity, credibility, assumption of calculated risks, autonomy and arduous work. The Creole entrepreneur has a clear idea than he wants to obtain, that wide-awake idea in him passion to obtain what he has seted out, is able to confront calculated risks, because they have great confidence in which he will obtain his intentions. This confidence in themselves part of a solid self-esteem, that allows them as well to establish healthful and stable relations. It has the capacity to identify opportunities of businesses, there where others do not see them, and to adopt the corresponding actions.
The confidence in itself does that she is not employee in its activities and that, this is precisely why, can make specific its initiatives, although initially they can seem dangerous, the Creole entrepreneur is able to handle itself in uncertainty circumstances, he has developed the ability to learn of the failures, and, this is precisely why, he does not have majors difficulties to assume the costs of calculated risks. The successful entrepreneur is perseverante, can develop a great energy to secure some precise profit, he believes in its ideas and objectives, and he is not discouraged in front of the present obstacles. It bets to the long term, although for it must sacrifice some results in the present. Along with his perseverancia, the successful entrepreneur has developed the capacity to adapt to a changing context.